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[2024年]确立 establishment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 14:44:02


[2024年]确立 establishment英语短句 例句大全



1.On the Establishment of Cen Shen as Poet of the "Border Area";试论岑参“边塞”诗人地位的确立

2.The Establishment of the Content of the Course of Chinese and Its Implementation;论语文教学内容的确立和实施

3.Talk about theestablishment that police s administration enforces the law a modern principle;论警察行政执法现代理念之确立


1.The Establishment and Reestablishment of MAO Ze dong Thought:Their Significance;毛泽东思想的确立与再确立及其意义

2.not having position or goal definitely set or ascertained.没有明确确立或确定的位置或目标的。

3.established firmly and securely.稳固地或牢固地确立的。

4.It would be very difficult indeed to "establish" it "firmly"!要“确立”是很难的哩!

5.Not established or verified.未被确立的或证实的

6.sanctioned by established authority.由确立的权威认可的。

7.Missing Lot Procedure确立失图据地段程序

8.systematic investigation to establish facts.系统的调研以确立事实。

9.estaBlish a new strategy, attain a new height确立新战略,跨上新台阶

10.and establish a common long-term purpose.和确立长远的奋斗目标。

11.legitimated person获确立婚生地位人士

12.The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe.必须确立欧洲的均势。

13.establishing permanent residence确立永久性居民身分

14.reinvented the concept of neighborliness.重新确立睦邻的概念

15.He has established his theory.他确立了他的学说。

16.petitory action要求确立产权的诉讼

17.Make Clear the Thought of the Cost Control and Set up the Target of the Cost Control明确成本控制思想确立成本控制目标

18.How to Help College Students to Establish Right Motive of Joining the Communist Party;怎样帮助大学生确立正确的入党动机



1.On the System of Right to Silence and the Establishment and Guarantee thereof in China;论沉默权制度及其在我国的确立与保障

2.The necessity ofestablishing the right to silence in our country;论我国沉默权制度确立的必要性

3.Probing Studies on Establishing a Chinese Style Procedure of Plea Bargaining;确立中国式辩诉交易程序之研讨

3)legislative confirmation立法确认

4)Establish self-confidence确立自信

5)establishing model确立模型

6)establishing self-identity确立自我

1.Chinese culture s going to the world depends onestablishing self-identity, which requires replacing "old self" (traditional image) with "new self" (modern image), transforming "the other" (alien culture) into "myself" (local culture), liberating self from the shadow of the long dominant "other" and making it a real subject.中国文明走向世界的关键在于确立自我,这既是要将"旧我"(传统理念)改造成"新我"(现代理念),亦是要将"他者"(外来文明)转换为"己身"(本土文明),更需注意将长期以来掩抑于"他者"阴影下的新芽状态的"我"显扬出来,使之成长为真正的主体。


