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[2024年]BOD5 BOD 5英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-12 14:49:56


[2024年]BOD5 BOD 5英语短句 例句大全



1.According to the relation ofBOD 5 and TOC in refinery effluent,the dilution multiple ofBOD 5 can be estimated and then used for measurement in the computation model.对于特定的水质 ,BOD5与 TOC之间具有相关关系。

2.Having made the research ofBOD 5 measuring method by OxiTop measurement system.研究了以OxiTop测量系统测定BOD5的方法。

3.pH, COD Cr ,BOD 5 and PSB quantity during the treatment has been illustrated.应用光合细菌对 3种不同来源的有机污水进行了生物处理研究 ,对处理过程中的CODCr、BOD5、pH及光合菌量的变化进行了分析和测定 。


1.The result ofBOD_5 of the wastewater is high than the normal after aquatic pretreatment in pollution micro-source of,because there is lot of nitrifying bacteria in the biological pond and wastewater.在微污染源水生物预处理中,由于生物池内和处理后的出水中含有大量硝化细菌,使BOD5测定结果偏大。

2.COD_B value was transformed with the biological oxygen demand(BOD_5) measured value from same samples and the mean values were analyzed by variance analysis.经与同批样品实测BOD5值进行换算,对其平均值结果进行方差分析。

3.BOD_5 can reflect more truly the pollution of the Yellow River, however,.黄河水泥沙含量高 ,现行的BOD5、COD和高锰酸盐指数测定方法所测结果常不能真实反映其污染状况 。

3)BOD5/CODCr ratioBOD5/CODcr


5)BOD_5 measurementBOD5测定


1.This paper review the determination each method of BOD5, point out each kind of influence factor of dilution inocula method.评述了BOD5测定的各种方法,指出了稀释接种法的各种影响因素。

2.Water quality--Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after 5 days(BOD5)--Dilution and seeding methodGB/T7488-1987水质五日生化需氧量(BOD5)的测定稀释与接种法

3.cone plate measuring system锥板式测定法(粘度测定)

4.from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.从测定海深到测定鱼群,

5.measured feedback测定反馈,实测反馈(信号)

6.detemination of ammonium (potentiometric method)磷的测定法-电位测量法

7.multipoint CO2 meter多测点二氧化碳测定仪

8.FP(flame photometry)火焰光度[测定]法

9.IFA (immunofluorescence assay)免疫荧光测定(法)

10.bioluminescence assay生物发光测定(法)

11.automatic potentiometric titrator自动电位测定滴定器

12.hyperbolic positioning双曲线定位,测距差定位

13.determination of stability in hard water在硬水中稳定性的测定

14.To determine or measure the quantity of.确定或测定…的数量

15.biological assay生物测定,生物学鉴定(法)

16.Evaluation of Determination Uncertainty of Titration Method for Manganese in Manganese Ore滴定法测定锰矿中锰的测量不确定度评定

17.high shear measuring system高剪切测定法(印花糊料测定)

18.concentric cylinder measuring system同心圆筒测定法(粘度测定)



1.The result ofBOD_5 of the wastewater is high than the normal after aquatic pretreatment in pollution micro-source of,because there is lot of nitrifying bacteria in the biological pond and wastewater.在微污染源水生物预处理中,由于生物池内和处理后的出水中含有大量硝化细菌,使BOD5测定结果偏大。

2.COD_B value was transformed with the biological oxygen demand(BOD_5) measured value from same samples and the mean values were analyzed by variance analysis.经与同批样品实测BOD5值进行换算,对其平均值结果进行方差分析。

3.BOD_5 can reflect more truly the pollution of the Yellow River, however,.黄河水泥沙含量高 ,现行的BOD5、COD和高锰酸盐指数测定方法所测结果常不能真实反映其污染状况 。

3)BOD5/CODCr ratioBOD5/CODcr


5)BOD_5 measurementBOD5测定

6)lower BOD5低值BOD5

1.There is a large deviation to measurelower BOD5 of wastewater treatment plant using standard method and respirometry method.活性污泥经过洗涤去除吸附的有机物后,将其制成浓度为200 mg/L左右的接种溶液用于低值BOD5测定,测量结果介于采用稀释法测定和差压计直接测定结果之间。


BOD sensor分子式:CAS号:性质:一种能测定生物耗氧量(BOD)的微生物传感器。BOD传感器氧电极和生物膜两部分组成。生物膜为表面已固定化微生物(如细菌等)的纤维素膜。测定原理基于微生物对有机物的耗氧代谢,导致氧电极输出电流的变化。
