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大型超级市场 hypermarket英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-14 23:08:13


大型超级市场 hypermarket英语短句 例句大全



1.Retail business categories such as convenience store, supermarket, andhypermarket, which are new for China, have emerged and spread out rapidly.本研究成果可为上海市大型超级市场的科学布局提供参考。


1.Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets.小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤.

2.Small shop is crowded out by the big supermarket.小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤。

3.Small shop is being crowded out by the big supermarket小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤

4.They built a big supermarket next to his shop and took the bread out of his mouth.他们在他的店铺隔壁建了一家大型超级市场,抢去了他的生意。

5.We prefer the small corner shop to the large supermarket.与大型超级市场相比,我们更喜欢那家拐角小商店。

6.As the incertitude and fuzziness of factors influencing the evaluation, the paper puts forward fuzzy synthetic evaluation based on fuzzy theory and have a test on some super market with a satisfying result.并应用构建的评价模型对大型超级市场的火灾风险进行了评价实验,获得了满意的效果。

7.A very large commercial establishment that is a combination of a department store and a supermarket.巨型超级市场由商店和超级市场组合成的巨大的商业建筑

8.a small shop located within a large department store or supermarket.在大商场或超级市场中的小商店。

9.Supermarkets are large stores featuring low prices, self –service and fast-moving merchandise such as groceries.(超级市场是`以低价、自助与杂货等快速运动商品为特征的大型商店。)

10.Also, Tai Koo Shing has many amenities such as a grand shopping mall. wonderful playground, residents club, four standard tennis courts and a few supermarkets.而且屋村设施齐备:有大型购物商场.儿童游乐场.住客会所.四个标准网球场,超级市场等.

11.That supermarket has a large stock of frozen meat.那家超级市场有庞大的冷冻肉存货。

12.Baked beans are on offer this week at the local supermarket.当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价.

13.Baked bean be on offer this week at the local supermarket当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价

14.Baked bean is on offer this week at the local supermarket.当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价。

15.The small stores were~ d into one large supermarket.这几家小商店合并成一家大超级市场。

16.Small shops are being frozen out by the big supermarkets.小 子都要让大超级市场给挤垮了.

17.Small shop be be freeze out by the big supermarket小子都要让大超级市场给挤垮了

18.The vast majority of Americans do all their food shopping in supermarkets.绝大多数美国人都在超级市场买食品。




1.The Relationship betweenGMS and UrbanTransportation;大型综合超级市场与城市交通关系的处理——以西安市大型综合超级市场为例

2.During thisprocess,GMS gro.本篇论文以大型综合超级市场为研究对象,以西安市大型综合超市为主要调查对象,在收集、分析实例资料的基础上,结合了国内外相关领域研究的理论成果,对人型综合超级市场规划包括选址、功能布局以及交通组织提出了一些建议和对策。


5)minitype supermarket小型超级市场


1.Air Conditionging Systems for Supermarkets;国外制冷空调技术应用系列讲座之三——超级市场空调

2.Humanism andsupermarket s vitality;以人为本与超级市场生命力

3.The Competitiveness Measurement of Supermarket;超级市场竞争力测评研究


英国超级市场、建筑协会银行化英国超级市场、建筑协会银行化【英国超级市场、建筑协会银行化】英国超级市场利用客源广泛、零售网点多的优势,以发行超级市场会员卡为先导,然后在此基础上与银行合作开展以电话银行和信用卡为基础的银行业务。目前sainsbu叮、介se。和Sefeway已分别与苏格兰银行、阿比国民和皇家苏格兰银行合作,发行了自己的银行卡,其做法主要是运用高利率吸存和为消费支出打分,返还一定百分比的消费支出等办法吸引顾客。英国建筑协会向银行转化,由1997年4月份阿利安斯一莱斯特(习lianee%26肠ieester)领先,紧接着6月份哈利法斯(Hlifax)、7.月份乌利治(Wool初eh)、10月份北方岩石(Northem ROek)也转换成银行,7月份爱尔兰银行兼并布里斯托一韦斯特(Bristal%26West),到年底通过一系列的转型和兼并,10大建筑协会中的5家,资产额约26《X)亿英镑的建筑协会转换成银行。这些大型建筑协会在全英拥有分支机构,并在福利基金、保险和消费信贷等业务领域进行大规模的扩张。超级市场办理银行业务、建筑协会向银行转型,进一步加剧个人金融服务领域的竞争,在放松金融管制的情况下,银行与非银行金融机构、非金融机构的界限将进一步模糊。
