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阶级意识 class consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-15 15:27:21


阶级意识 class consciousness英语短句 例句大全

class="keylink">阶级意识,class consciousness

1)class consciousness阶级意识

1.Explore this phenomenon using the historical,cultural and regional character,these folk tales refract the moral concept andclass consciousness of peasantry in northeast China in the old days.这些故事折射出的是旧东北农民的道德观念和阶级意识,对统治阶级的贬损和对下层民众的认同构成了这些民间故事的品格。

2.They had clearclass consciousness,described significant historical events,and presented lives of workers and peasants.清醒的阶级意识、叙写重大历史事件、表现工农生活是其突出特征。


1.Aware of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class.阶级意识的意识到属于某一社会经济阶级的

2.At times this kind of generation consciousness is even sharper than class consciousness.有时,这种年辈意识比阶级意识更鲜明。

3.Reconstruction of our working class s consciousness under the marketing economic condition;市场经济条件下我国工人阶级阶级意识的重塑

4.It will breed a class consciousness.这将会培养出一种阶级意识。

5.Historic Dialectics:the Theme of History and Class Consciousness历史辩证法:《历史和阶级意识》的主题

6.A Research on the Formation of Class Consciousness and the End-result of the Peasant Workers;农民工阶级意识的形成及其归宿研究

7.On Ideological Color of Middle Class in Network Literature;论网络文学的中产阶级意识形态色彩

8.The Origin of "the Proletariat Ideology" in Theory and Practice;“无产阶级意识形态”之理论与实践源探

9.On the Class Awareness of H. G. Wells as Reflected in The Food of the Gods从《神食》看赫·乔·威尔斯的阶级意识

10.Vera Drake: Realism, Class Consciousness and Contemporary Reference现实主义·阶级意识·当代指涉:《维拉·德雷克》

11.On the Historical Background of the Formation of Georglukacs? Theory of Class Consciousness论卢卡奇阶级意识理论形成的历史背景

12.Class Consciousness Theory of Young Georg Lukacs and Its Current Value青年卢卡奇阶级意识理论及其当代价值探微

13.The Research on Lukcas Human Theory Based on History and Class Consciousness;卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》的人学思想研究

14.Workers Collective Identity and Class Consciousness in State-owned Enterprises in the Times of Market Transformation;市场转型时期国企工人的群体认同与阶级意识

15.On the general category of Lukach s History and Class Consciousness;论卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》的总体性范畴

16.Discussion of Chinese Industrial Workers class Consciousness of the Present Age;当代中国产业工人的阶级意识问题研究

17.An Approach of Philosophy;一种哲学探索——读卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》

18.On the Dialectical Characteristics in Lukas" History and Class Consciousness论卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》中的辩证法特点


class-conscious adj.阶级意识的

3)proletarian class consciousness无产阶级阶级意识

1.This paper explains Lukacs\" History and Class Consciousness from a new perspective with the aim to find the inner consistency among reified consciousness,historical overall dialectics andproletarian class consciousness,and it ultimately forms the basic opinion that the historical overall dialectics is consistent withproletarian class consciousness in the social historical level.以一个全新视角对卢卡奇的《历史与阶级意识》一书进行解读,旨在挖掘物化意识、历史总体性辩证法和无产阶级阶级意识三者的内在一致性,最终形成了"历史总体性辩证法与无产阶级的阶级意识在社会历史层面上具有鲜明一致性"的基本观点。

4)history and class consciousness历史与阶级意识

5)class-consciousness theory阶级意识理论

6)Proletarian consciousness无产阶级意识


