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第三方空间 a third space英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-15 17:58:19


第三方空间 a third space英语短句 例句大全

第三<a href="https://www.dyjz.cc/tag/1/5/5558.html" class="keylink">方空间,a third space

1)a third space第三方空间

1.We argue that this encumbering polarization can be allayed by shifting from a dualism of traditional and scientific knowledge to an assemblage of local knowledge,which is constituted by the interaction of both ina third space.我们认为,这一两极分化可以调和转向从传统知识与科学知识的二元论组合成地方知识集群,构成一个互动的第三方空间。

2)third space第三空间

1.Narrative Subversion and the Construction of Chinese American Identity in Third Space;叙事颠覆和华裔美国人的第三空间身份建构

2.Construction of Third Space Identity of Chinese Americans——Postcolonial Reading of Kingston"s Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book华裔美国人的第三空间身份建构——金斯顿《引路人孙行者:他的即兴曲》的后殖民解读

3.The paper surveys the notion ofthird space and its relevance in foreign language teaching and researching.本文简述了“第三空间”与外语科研的关系,讨论对外语学习者、教师和课堂教学等方面的观察与思考,并以本人主持的国家社科项目《跨文化自传与外语教学》为例探讨了外语科研中自主创新的一些可能性。


1.Position of Cyberspace in the "Three Worlds" and "Third Space";赛博空间在“三个世界”和“第三空间”的位置

2.Building the Third Space of Readers in the University Library Through the Experience of Starbucks从“星巴克”看高校图书馆营造“第三空间”

3.The Third Space as Rhetoric--Space in Contemporary China"s Local Novels作为修辞的第三空间——兼论乡土书写中的空间样态

4.Pursuing the Third Space Examining Kingston s Cultural View in the Woman Warrior;寻求第三空间:试论《女勇士》中汤婷婷的文化观

5.Narrative Subversion and the Construction of Chinese American Identity in Third Space;叙事颠覆和华裔美国人的第三空间身份建构

6.The Third Space: Rushdie s Cultural Identity and His Literary Strategy;第三空间:拉什迪的文化身份和文学策略

7.The emergence of a "Third Space" has become a reality in contemporary artistic activities.“第三空间”的出现是当代艺术活动中业已存在的现实。

8.The Construction of "The Third Space"--Enlightenment of the Post-Colonial Theory to Chinese Translation Research;“第三空间”的构建——论后殖民理论对中国翻译研究的启示

9.Creating Their Third Space--Post-Colonial Theory perspective on analysis of figures in Crossings;创建“第三空间”——后殖民理论视野中对《跨越》的人物分析

10.Building the Third Space in Translation--On Application of Homi Bhabha s Hybridity in Translation;建立翻译中的第三空间——论霍米·巴巴之“杂合”概念在翻译中的运用

11.The Third Narrative Space:the Characteristic Art Space of Liaozhai zhiyi;第三叙事空间:《聊斋志异》独特的艺术空间

12.Building "the Third Space" with Magical Realism;在魔幻现实主义中营造“第三度空间”

13.Expanding Space to Quicken the Development of the Tertiary Industry in Luliang City;为加快吕梁市第三产业发展拓展空间

14.This is the“ null zone,” and marks the shift from the third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension.这是“零的地域,”从第三度空间转移到第四度空间的标记。


16.The organic acid evolution and distribution of Eogene in Mangya depression.茫崖坳陷下第三系有机酸形成演化及空间分布

17.You will literally be leaving the Third Dimension and caught up in the Fourth Dimensions, with the Photon Energy mixing in.你将藉由光子能量参与进来而真正地离开第三度空间追上第四度空间。

18.A society consists of government, market( enterprises) and the Third Sector( civil society).当今社会是政府、场(要指市场中的企业)第三部门三个空间的统一体。


third space第三空间

1.Narrative Subversion and the Construction of Chinese American Identity in Third Space;叙事颠覆和华裔美国人的第三空间身份建构

2.Construction of Third Space Identity of Chinese Americans——Postcolonial Reading of Kingston"s Tripmaster Monkey:His Fake Book华裔美国人的第三空间身份建构——金斯顿《引路人孙行者:他的即兴曲》的后殖民解读

3.The paper surveys the notion ofthird space and its relevance in foreign language teaching and researching.本文简述了“第三空间”与外语科研的关系,讨论对外语学习者、教师和课堂教学等方面的观察与思考,并以本人主持的国家社科项目《跨文化自传与外语教学》为例探讨了外语科研中自主创新的一些可能性。

3)The third space第三空间

1.Building the Third Space in Translation——On Application of Homi Bhabha s Hybridity in Translation;建立翻译中的第三空间——论霍米·巴巴之“杂合”概念在翻译中的运用

2.In Introduction, the thesis will introduce Bhabha s theory of the third space and illustrate the relation between his theory and Rushdie s litera.在引言中,论文主要介绍了后殖民理论家霍米·巴巴的“第三空间”理论,并进一步论证了这一理论与拉什迪及其作品之间的关系,从而得出用“第三空间”概括拉什迪文化身份及其文学世界的合理性。

3.I choose terms specific to postcolonial and feminist discourse such as self/other, race, gender, the third space, etc.本文选用了后殖民女性主义话语中的术语如自者、他者、种族、性别、第三空间等来分析珍妮的非殖民化及她的性别文化身份。

4)The Third Party Logistics of Aviation第三方航空物流

5)3-D spatial orientation tree三维空间方向树

6)indirect third party effect间接的第三方影响


