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良友画报 The Young Companion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-20 17:32:15


良友画报 The Young Companion英语短句 例句大全

《良友》画报,The Young Companion

1)The Young Companion《良友》画报

1.He clutched at the opportunity of media development observantly and set upThe Young Companion in this macro-env.20世纪代,上海城市化进程的加速、城市文化娱乐需求的增长和西方先进的印刷及摄影技术的鉴用,为《良友》画报的问世和发展提供了得天独厚的经济和文化空间。

2.It is generally considered thatThe Young Companion is the Chinese earliest large comprehensive pictorial, which is a combination of information, entertainment and knowledge, with rich pictures and articles as well as the varied content.《良友》画报作为中国最早的大型综合性画报,图文并茂、内容丰富,集新闻性、娱乐性和知识性于一身,是一份十分珍贵的形象化历史资料,对于研究上个世纪前期的上海都市文化和中国社会文化具有重要意义和参考价值。

3.As a big, long-term and synthetical publication in 1920 -1930 in China, <The Young Companion> in Sha.作为中国20世纪二、三十年代一部大型且历时较长的综合性刊物,上海的《良友》画报在20世纪前期中国乃至海外华人地区的社会文化中产生了重要影响,但学界对其研究甚少。


1.Wu Liande s Ideas of Running Good Friends;《良友》画报创始人伍联德的办报思想

2."Companion" pictorial magazine brand management strategy analysis《良友》画报的品牌化经营策略探析

3.The Effect of the Ads in the Companion Pictorial on the Consumption Culture of Shanghai;民国时期《良友》画报广告与上海消费文化的想象性建构

4.Effects of the Companion Pictorial s Advertisements on the Shanghai s Consumption Culture in the period of the Republic of China;从《良友》画报广告看其对上海消费文化空间的意义生产

5.The Cover of The Companion Pictoria and the Construction of the Female Body Space Modernity民国《良友》画报封面与女性身体空间的现代性建构

6.Pictorial "The Young Companion" and Literary Fashion of the 1920s新旧共存 雅俗易位——从《良友》画报看民国二十年代文学时尚

7.The Metropolitan Female Image Towards Modern World--The Magazine "The Young Companion" Analysis on the Metropolitan Female Image in Shanghai in 1930 s;走向现代的都市女性形象——从《良友》画报看20世纪30年代的上海都市女性

8.The Modernity Inspection of Feminine Image Narrative: Take “The Young Companion” Pictorial During the 1920s and 1930s as the Main Source;女性图像叙事中的现代性考察——以20世纪二三十年代《良友》画报为蓝本

9.Video in picture--on movie program in "Liang You Hua Bao";大众文化认同与消费主义策略——论《良友画报》的电影栏目叙述

10.My friend is good at drawing.我的朋友擅长画画。

11.These prison newspapers, which are interesting and full of information, are praised by the prisoners as "good teachers and helpful friends on the road to reform".这些富有知识性、趣味性的监内报,被罪犯称为"改造路上的良师益友"。

12."Pine, Bamboo, Plum and Birds"三友百禽图(绘画)

13.An illustrated periodical.画报,画刊有插图的杂志

14.Put black tape over the eyes of the people in your roommate"s pictures. Complain that they were staring at you.将室友的人物画报上所有人的眼睛都遮起来。理由是你觉得他们在盯着你看。

15.On the billboards, too, he saw a pretty poster, showing her as the Quaker Maid, demure and dainty.他还在布告牌上看到一张漂亮的海报,画着她演的教友会小教徒的角色。

16.A good book is a best friend who never turn his back upon us.好书如良友,永远不相负。

17.He is my good teacher and helpful friend.他是我的良师益友。

18.Beijing people are so nice and friendly.北京人那么善良和友好,


The Young Companion《良友画报》

1.The Young Companion and Its Cultural Influence;《良友画报》及其文化效用

2.The Young Companion, the Visual Annals of the Times;作为时代图像志的《良友画报》

3)The Research of "the Young Companion" Pictorial《良友》画报研究

4)the Companion Pictoria良友

1.Takingthe Companion Pictoria as case studies,the paper approaches the mutual relations between the metropolis culture in Shanghai and the picforia.文章在中国新闻史现有研究视角的基础上,提出以社会文化史研究中国新闻史的新视野,并以《良友》画报为个案,探讨它与上海都市文化的互动关系。

5)Young Companion《良友》

1.Pictorial "TheYoung Companion" and Literary Fashion of the 1920s新旧共存 雅俗易位——从《良友》画报看民国二十年代文学时尚

6)Good teacher and friend良师益友


良友1.品行端正的朋友。 2.情谊深厚的朋友。
