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镇咳作用 the antitussive effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-23 15:08:30


镇咳作用 the antitussive effect英语短句 例句大全

镇咳作用,the antitussive effect

1)the antitussive effect镇咳作用

1.Sequential study onthe antitussive effect of diammonium glycyrrhizinate on mice序贯法研究甘草酸二铵对小鼠镇咳作用


1.Studies on Antitussive Effect and the Pharmacodyamic Material Basis from Verbena Officinalis L.马鞭草镇咳作用及药效物质基础研究

2.Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.安嗽灵的镇咳作用相当于或强于可待因。

3.Sequential study on the antitussive effect of diammonium glycyrrhizinate on mice序贯法研究甘草酸二铵对小鼠镇咳作用

4.Experimental study of Kechuanan capsule on relieving cough and expelling phlegm and the possible mechanism咳喘安胶囊的镇咳祛痰作用及机理研究

5.Studies on antitussive, expectorant and antiasthmatic effects of different menstruum extracts of raphanus seed;莱菔子提取物镇咳祛痰平喘作用研究

6.Phamacodynamic Studies of FuXuan Capsule虎玄咽喉胶囊的镇咳、祛痰及抗炎镇痛作用

7.Studies on Effects of Anti-inflammation,Antitussis,Expectoration and Antiasthma in Taurine;牛磺酸的抗炎及其镇咳祛痰平喘作用研究

8.Effects of compound pinellia water extract in treating cough, asthma and expectoration复方半夏水提取物的镇咳、祛痰、平喘作用研究

9.Study on the Antitussive,Anti-inflammatory and Bacteriostatic Effects of Semen Lepidii Sativi,an Uyghur Traditional Herbal Medicine of Xinjiang维药家独行菜子镇咳、抗炎及抑菌作用初探

10.Experiment study on the antitussive,eliminating phlegm and antiasthmatic action of Souning oral liquid嗽宁口服液的镇咳、祛痰及平喘作用的实验研究

11.Experimental Study on the Expectorant,Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Effects of Radix Millettiae Speciosae牛大力祛痰、镇咳和平喘作用的实验研究

12.Studies of Gypenosides on Antitussive-expectorant and Immunoenhancement Effects绞股蓝总苷镇咳祛痰及免疫增强作用研究

13.Pharmacodynamical study on effects of antifungi,anti-inflammation,relieving cough and expelling phlegm of BY-1BY-1抗真菌、抗炎及镇咳祛痰作用的药效学研究

14.The Pharmacodynamic Research of Cassia on Preventing Cough,Eliminating Phlegm and Relieving Asthma肉桂镇咳祛痰及平喘作用的药效学研究

15.Experimental Study on Effect of Relieving Cough and Resolving Phlegm of New Xuanbaichengqi Capsule新宣白承气胶囊镇咳化痰作用的实验研究

16.Pharmacodynamic Study of Compound Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide on Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antitussive and Anti-inflammatory Effects in Animals;复方美沙芬解热镇痛镇咳抗炎作用的药效学研究

17.Uniform Experimental Design of Rhubarb, Magnoliaecortex, Immature Orange Fruit on Purgation, Relieving Cough, Eliminating Phlegm;大黄、厚朴、枳实配伍对泻下、镇咳和祛痰作用的均匀设计实验研究

18.Studies on Extraction of Chenodeoxycholic Acid and Its Effects of Immunity、Antitusis、Expectoration and Antiasthma;鹅去氧胆酸的提纯及其免疫、镇咳、化痰、平喘作用研究


antitussive and expectant effects镇咳祛痰作用

1.Conclusion:Gypenosides had significantantitussive and expectant effects,and could greatly enhance immunological function.目的:观察绞股蓝总苷镇咳祛痰作用及对免疫功能的影响。

3)Antitussive effect止咳作用


1.Experimental study onantitussive and expectorant effects of ethyl acetate extract from bergamot;佛手乙酸乙酯提取液镇咳祛痰作用的实验研究

2.Studies on Anttfebrile,Antitussive and Antiasthmatic Effects of Gankangling Spray;感康灵喷雾剂解热镇咳平喘作用的研究

3.The Effects of Succus Bambusae from Phyllostachys Pubescens and Phyllostachys Viridis on the Antitussive and Expectorant;毛竹沥、刚竹沥的镇咳祛痰作用研究

5)Antitussive action镇咳

1.Experimental study on apophlegmatic and antitussive actions of the bamboo vinegar produced in Fujian;福建产竹醋液祛痰镇咳作用的实验研究

2.Objective:To compare the antitussive action of pinellia temata(Thunb.目的:比较不同产地半夏的镇咳效果。


1.RESULTS: Bufferin Cold had significantantibechic effects in mice given 250 mg·kg -1 , the time around cough prolonged 50% than normal saline group, the maximum effect was achieved at 3 h after administration and lasted for 5 h.目的 :观察美扑伪麻的镇咳、镇痛及抑制气管平滑肌收缩的作用。

2.paniculata to observe the effect ofantibechic and expectorant.以紫沙参的乙醇提取物、乙酸乙酯提取物作为受试物,观察其连续多次经口给药的镇咳、祛痰作用,结果显示紫沙参镇咳、祛痰作用显


胞饮作用和胞吞作用胞饮作用和胞吞作用pinocy tosis and endocytosis吸收膜外吸附的溶液或物质.例如大分子或分子的聚集体(moleeular aggregates),如图所示。一般胞饮作用是指以这种方式吸收液体徽滴的过程,胞吞作用是指吸收大分子或分子聚集体的过程,但有时也用胞饮作用或胞吞作用泛指通过质膜内陷吸收膜外所吸附的物质的过程。通常这种过程在矿质养分吸附中的作用不大,但胞饮作用或胞吞作用为大分子的吸收提供了一种可能的机理。(饶立华)胞饮作用和胞吞作用(pinocy‘0515 and“n-docytosis)细胞外的液体徽滴或物质吸附在质腆上,通过质膜内陷形成小囊泡而被消化吸收的过程。电镜观察的资料证明植物根可以通过质膜内陷的方式脆饮作用及胞吞作用示意图(a)质膜外吸附大分子及液滴,(b)质膜在吸附大分子及液滴的部位内陷.(c)质膜内陷部位形成的小t泡进入细胞质,(d)小续泡膜溶解。其内含物转移到细胞质中
