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拨盘 dial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-26 12:49:40


拨盘 dial英语短句 例句大全



1.New method of cut three-jaw chuck in place ofdial in lathe work三爪卡盘代替拨盘的车工新方法


1.Design of Geneva Mechanism for Intermittent Dosing Movement实现分装运动的拨盘槽轮机构的设计

2.Turn stitch length adjustment dial 1 to bring the desired value at the top so that the desired value meets the pin.转动送布调节拨盘1,调整到希望的数字。

3.Google in effect controls a dial that, as it sells ever more services to you, could move in two directionsGoogle实际上控制了一个拨盘,当它卖给你更多的服务,可以有两种选择。

4.Release the button and the Up/Down action shifts to 1/2-stop increment aperture adjustment.释放曝光补偿键调节主控拨盘以1/2级调整光圈。

5.d- flicker mechanism碟盘拨杆式排肥装置

6.winch drum clutch shift fork绞盘鼓筒离合器拨叉

7.He manipulated the frequency dial of the radio.他开始调拨频率键盘。

8.a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called.有一个可寄存欲拨电话号码的拨号盘的电话。

9.The keypad is a vestige of the rotary dial, which itself is an artefact of the switch from human operators to direct-dialling in the1920 s.数字键盘演变自转盘拨号器,而转盘拨号器则是19代人工接线员向直接拨号转变的产物。

10.It contained a sequence of engaging dials.它包括一系列啮合的拨号盘。

11.Please clean the telephone set including the dial.请将电话机清理一下,包括拨号盘。

12.reset a dial, gauge, control, etc at zero把刻度盘、 仪表、 控制器指针拨回至零位.

13.a plucked instrument having a pear-shaped body, a usually bent neck, and a fretted fingerboard.带有梨状身体和弯颈和格状键盘的手拨乐器。

14.The Design of Keyboard in Application System ofSingle Chip Computer by Pulse Dial Chip;脉冲拨号芯片实现单片机应用系统键盘的设计

15.A rotatable disk on a telephone with numbers and letters, used to signal the number to which a call is made.拨号盘电话上带有数字和字母的转盘,用来发送号码给呼叫的电话

16.The end of this service means investors will be unable to take advantage of rising gold prices to make profits by buying and selling quickly.中信局取消的这项服务,让不少想趁金价涨跌赚取差价的人,算盘得重新拨一拨了。

17."You have some too," she said, manoeuvring on to his plate some food, which he promptly wolfed down.“你也吃呀,”她帮助他把菜拨到小盘子里,然后望着他狼吞虎咽地吃着。

18.asked Chueh-hsin, worried. Again he bent over his abacus.觉新现出了为难的样子,但是他仍旧埋下头去拨算盘珠子。



3)wire driving plate拨线盘

4)driver plate拨盘装置

5)input of dial panel拨盘输入

6)BCD code wheelBCD拨码盘

1.This paper mainly tells of a simple & effective insulation method and the corresponding software that many aBCD code wheels connect with MCS-51 .本文主要讲述多片BCD拨码盘在与MCS-51单片机接口时的一种简单而有效的隔离方法及相应的软件设计。


