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文学想象 literary imagination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-02 23:43:24


文学想象 literary imagination英语短句 例句大全

文学想象,literary imagination

1)literary imagination文学想象

1."Politics" inliterary imagination and its transcendence文学想象中的“政治”及其超越性——关于“文学政治学”的思考之三

2.The sudden boom of the mass consumer culture in China has ushered our society into a transitional period without adequate preparation in various aspects,which forms the time premise and historic opportunity forliterary imagination in China.大众消费文化的急骤繁荣,使社会各方面在没有充分准备的情况下进入社会转型期,这构成中国文学想象的时代前提与历史契机。

3.Literature in the market-oriented era tends to arouse people s consciousness of reality ratherthan theirliterary imagination; it is improbable for the literature after the "Cultural Revolution"to tran-scend reality.市场化年代的文学常常引发的是人们的现实意识而非文学想象,“伤痕”以后文学超越现实只是一种姿态和假象,实际上急切地反映着现实情绪,文学屈服于现实意识,使文学永远找不到超越现实的出口。


1.Study on Literary Imagination and Narrative of Shandong Cultural Image;山东文化形象的文学想象与叙事研究

2.On Ghost Culture and Literary Imagination by Modern Chinese Writers;论“鬼”文化与中国现代作家的文学想象

3.The Literary Images in the Age of "Intergration"/"Gap";“一体化”/“差距”时代的文学想象

4.Bright Spring Day:the Literary Imagination of the Subjects in History;《艳阳天》:历史“当下”的主体性文学想象

5.Mo Yan"s Literary Imagination for Countryside of 1950-1970s论莫言对50-70年代乡村的文学想象

6.Imagining America-The Image of USA of Chinese-American Literature想象美国:旅美华人文学的美国形象

7.Shallowly discusses the imagination and the association in the language teaching utilization;浅谈想象与联想在语文教学中的运用

8.Abstract Lyricism--On Shen Cong-wen’s Literature Idea;抽象的抒情——论沈从文的文学理想

9.From Complex of Homeland to Myth of Original Land:Imaginations about China in Malaysian Chinese Literature;马来西亚华文文学转型中的中国想象

10.Imagination and Expectation: the Literary Phenomena in Young People s Popular Culture;想象与守望:青年流行文化中的文学脉象

11.Culture Encounter and Alien Imagination:the Image of Indian Monks in Tang Literature文化遭遇与异族想象:唐代文学中的天竺僧形象

12.Shen Congwen s Ideal of Literature;都市想象与乡村经验——沈从文文学理想新探

13.On educating the imagination of the students in the chinese teaching progress;也谈语文教学中培养学生的想象能力

14.Border-Crossing Imagination in Nabokov"s Writings;越界的想象:论纳博科夫文学创作中的越界现象

15.The Variability of lmage in Literature Translation of A Dream of Red Mansions and Creative lmagination;《红楼梦》翻译中的文学形象变异与创造式想象

16.The Group out of the Author"s Imagination--On the Images of those Living at the Bottom of the Society Depicted in "Bottom Literature"被想象的一群——浅谈“底层文学”中的“底层形象”

17.a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact.基于想象而不是基于事实的文学作品。

18.Visualization Teaching Model of Literary Heart and It s Modern Enlightment;《文心》的形象化教学思想及其现代启示


literature imagination文学想象

1.Law andliterature imagination back up and set off each other.法律条例与文学想象互相支持,彼此相得益彰。

2.Literature imagination is just an understanding and explanation of our life.文学想象是对生活的一种解读,十七年农村小说中更多地体现出作家对城市的想象。

3)Brief Discussion on Imaginative Power in Literature文学想象力刍议

4)cultural imagination文化想象

1.Peasant, land and homeland feelings——On local complex andcultural imagination in SunoLi’s novels;农民、土地与家园意识——论孙犁小说中的乡土情结与文化想象

2.This article,enlightened by the theory ofcultural imagination of imagologie of comparative literature,based on the author s personal experience and the interpretation of the love stories in her novels,expounds the deep connotation and cultural relationship implied in the image of Chinese Lover: the author s wandering betwe.论题结合比较文学形象学关于文化想象理论及作家生活经历,从作品"情爱"故事本身的解读出发,阐释"中国情人"形象所寄寓的较为复杂的深层文化内涵及关系:1。

3.An analysis of the elements ofcultural imagination in "European Concept" will be of help to an objective understanding of its nature.文化想象是“欧洲观念”中不容忽视的一个层面,它建立在文化优越论的基础上,在“欧洲观念”的建构中起到了十分重要的作用。

5)literaryartistic imagination文艺想象

6)disciplinary imagination学科想象


