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考证 Textual research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-03 15:18:33


考证 Textual research英语短句 例句大全

考证,Textual research

1)Textual research考证

1.Studies on botanical origin of Chinese herb gentian and its textual research;中药龙胆原植物的研究及本草考证

2.Textual Research and Supplement to Some Issues of Revised Edition of the History of Chinese Books and Libraries;对《中国图书和图书馆史》(修订本)若干问题的考证与补遗

3.A textual research was made into the scale of all the personnel such as of.以朝代为序,对清代十朝的御药房职官、差役等各类人员规模进行了初步考证,从一个侧面反映了清朝宫廷医药卫生机构发展与变化的状况。


1.The passport and Admission Ticket are two necessary documents on the examination day.身份证件和准考证是考生进入考场时必须同时具备证件。

2.Take your admission ticket and photo ID to the test center.携带准考证和带有照片的身份证明到考场。

3.A Brief Discussion on Gui Wencan s A Textual Criticism of Huang Kan s Notes on Analects;证其所长 考其所短——桂文灿《论语皇疏考证》简论

4.The Supplementary Investigation That Daishijingkao is Dai Zhen s Maoshibuzhuan;《戴氏经考》为戴震《毛诗补传》的补充考证

5.Research on GanQi Dance"s Origin(2)--Marginal Research干戚舞渊源考(二)——边缘性考证

6.Research on GanQi Dance"s Origin (1)干戚舞渊源考(一)——干、戚考证

7.On the test date, please report to test center no later than the time indicated on your admission ticket and make sure to bring your admission ticket and two forms (primary and secondary) of your identification documents.在考试日,请在不晚于准考证规定的时间到达考场并请携带准考证和两种本人有效证件。

8.General Certificate of Secondary Education Examination [GCSEE]综合中等教育证书考试

9.Acceptance Test Procedure and Guarantee验收考核程序和保证

10.Click here to download Scottrade Account Wire-Out Transfer Request Form史考特证券电汇提款表

11.The diploma is proof that I passed the exam.毕业证书是我通过考试的证据。

12.Criminal witness appears in court as a witness the rationale thinking;对刑事证人出庭作证理论基础的思考

13.Thinking about the Construction of Witnesses Rejection to the Rule of Giving Evidence in China;对构建我国证人拒绝作证规则的思考

14.Legal Thoughts on Chinese Witness s Reluctance of Giving Testimony in Court;对我国证人不愿出庭作证的法律思考

15.On the Witness not Giving Evidences in the Philosophy of the Law;关于“证人拒证”现象之法哲学思考

16.Thoughts on HBC Multi-level English Test;关于HBC英语口语等级证书考试的思考

17.Archeological Prove of GaoHeng Lao Zi Disquisition--on the inter-prove between literature review andarcheological discover;高亨《老子》研究的考古新证——兼论文献考察与考古发现的互证问题

18.To cite or refer to for illustration or proof.引证,举例为了阐述或证明而引用或参考…


Research[英][ri"s?:t?][美][r?"s?t?, "ri,s?t?]考证

1.Research on Prescription Name of Sesame Seed;“胡麻仁”处方用名考证

2.Methods Consult the relevant documents and categorize the research findings.方法查阅文献并整理考证。

3.Its geo herbalism,ecological and social environment are investigated and researched.简要介绍了河南省西峡县山茱萸的生态学特性,对其道地性、基地生态与社会环境进行了调查与考证。

3)textual criticism考证

1.Stricttextual criticism Lenienttextual criticism——A concise study on Hu Shih s criticism about Chinese classical novels;严谨的考证 宽容的考证——浅谈胡适的中国古典小说批评观

2.Through makingtextual criticism on historical documents and investigation analysis on ancient Torreya grandis Merrillii trees,results are showed that Torreya grandis Merrillii is a superior cultivar of Torreya grandis,which is selected from superior trees of Torreya grandis and then cultivated by vegetative propagation.从历史文献考证和香榧Torreya grandis‘Merrillii’古树调查资料分析得出香榧是榧树Torreya grandis中的优良类型(单株)经无性繁殖培育而成的榧树优良品种。

3.Such as in characters, phonology, explanations in ancient books,textual criticism as well as other discipline aspect.颜师古的《汉书注》,汇集汉魏以来二十三家注释,纠谬补缺,多所发明,在文字、音韵、训诂、考证以及其他学科方面,都有很高的价值,因之成为《汉书》最详、最好的注本。


1.Theinvestigation of the Mole is not to argument whether the Tang Dynasty has printing art,but to indicate that the phrase Mole couldn t be the proof that the Tang Dynasty already had the printing art,also to explain that from the Liang Dynasty to the late Tang Dynasty,when the printed things appeared,there was a transition period from the art of signet and print to the printing art.考证“模勒”含义,并非为了论证中唐印刷术之有无,而是为了说明“模勒”一词不足以成为证明中唐已有印刷术的证据,也是为了说明从梁代到有印刷实物的晚唐之间,有一个从印章、拓印技术发展到印刷术的过渡期。

2.Based on historical resources,through theinvestigation of Wang Bao s main life experiences,the present paper deduces that Wang Bao died about Ganlu 4th year of Emperor Liu Xun.该文以史料为依据,通过对王褒的主要生平事迹之考证,推断出王褒约卒于汉宣帝甘露四年。

3.On the basis of these materials and by using many ways,the author investigated and explained them from different angles,which made this work had predominant values oninvestigation,emendation and addendum.洪适以这些资料为基础,运用多种方法,从不同角度进行考释,从而使此书考证、校勘、补遗价值十分突出。


1.Byverification we found that the group includes 1 species and 2 varieties.经考证发现 ,它们包括 1个种和 2个变种 ,即杏鲍菇 Pleurotuseryngii (DC,:Fr。

2.Verification of Lü Zuqian’s Anonymous Poems and Essays;本文对六篇吕祖谦诗文佚作略作考证,并指出佚文不仅起到增补遗漏的作用,而且对吕祖谦学术思想研究往往有出人意料的文献学价值,文献辑佚也是整理、出版吕祖谦全集中的一项必不可少的工作。

6)Textual research and textual criticism考证考据学


