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唯识学理论与意识唯心主义的英语短句和例句大全 这个标题结合了唯识学(consciousnes

时间:2024-07-07 17:23:03




唯识学,theory of consciousness-only

1)theory of consciousness-only唯识学

1.According to Jung s preconscious psyche,the seventh(Manas),the eighth(Alaya),the Seeds,and the prior six consciousnesses in thetheory of consciousness-only(Vijānamātra),all belong to the unconscious.按荣格的意识阈下的心理内容属无意识的定义,唯识学的第七识、第八识和种子,以及处于率尔心、寻求心状态的前六识,都属无意识范畴。


1.A Compared Research of Jung s Personality Psychology and the Theory of Consciousness-only School;荣格人格心理学与唯识学的比较研究

2.Similarities and Differences in Jung s Psychology and Buddhist Vijānamātra;荣格心理学与佛教唯识学思想之异同

3.The Nature of the Thought of Dependent Origination in the Yogacara School of Indian Buddhism;印度瑜伽行派唯识学缘起思想之特质

4.Vijnamatrasiddhisatra s Development and Its Spread in Dunhuang of Tang Dynasty;唐代唯识学发展脉络及其在敦煌地区的流传

5.The first part presents the basic meaning of Buddhistical school of " Consciousness-Only" and its concepts about "Consciousness".在第一部分中首先介绍的是佛教“唯识学”及其“识”的基本含义。

6.Alaya-Vijnana,Bhutatathata-Shunyata and Tathagata-Garbha--Discrimination Between Vidya-Matra-Shastra and Tathagata-Garbha Theory;阿赖耶识、真如空性与如来藏心——大乘唯识学与如来藏思想辨微

7.The Inner Problem of Buddhist s Transmigration Doctrine and the Resolution by Madhyamika and Yogacara;佛教轮回说的内在难题与中观学和唯识学的解决

8.On the Early Tiantai School Absorbing from the Old Consciousness-only Thoughts;早期天台学对唯识古学的吸收与抉择

9.Recognition of Philosophical Idealism from Logical Priority;从“逻辑先在性”角度认识哲学唯心主义

10.DHARMA\|D?NA and VIJAPTI\|M?TRAT?: The Pyramid of the Buddhist Metaphysics;法相唯识:佛教形而上学的概念金字塔

11.Phenomenological Intention Structure Theory from Cittamatra Epistemology;从唯识认识论看现象学的意向性构成理论

12.On the Meaning to Strengthen Knowledge of Natural Science in Teach of Dialectical Materialism;辩证唯物论教学中加强自然科学知识的意义

13.On Eliminative Materialism s Disintegrate of Folk Psychology;论取消式唯物主义对常识心理学的消解

14.Analysis of the cognitive principle of scientistic western Marxism;唯科学的西方马克思主义认识论原则评析

ment and Analysis of the Western Scientific Marxist Cognitive Way;唯科学的西方马克思主义认识方法评析

16.Material View between "Knowledge-Determinism" Schooland Quantum Mechanics School;《成唯识论》的物质观与量子力学的物质观

17.On the Essential Feature of Historical Materialism and the Main Body Consciousness in History Studies唯物史观的本质特征与史学研究的主体意识

18.Difficulties of the 1920s Literature Intelligentsia and the Rise of Historical Materialist Literary Theory;19代末文学知识分子的思想困境与唯物史观文学论的兴起



1.Research into Zhuangzi s Ideas with Cittamatra;唯识学视域的庄子思想新探

3)the Old Consciousness-only Thoughts唯识古学

1.On the Early Tiantai School Absorbing fromthe Old Consciousness-only Thoughts;早期天台学对唯识古学的吸收与抉择

4)Sole knowledge aesthetics唯识美学

5)Consciousness-only school of Law法相唯识学

6)aesthetics in matcrialist epistemology唯物认识论美学



唯识学理论与意识唯心主义的英语短句和例句大全 这个标题结合了唯识学(consciousness-only)理论和意识唯心主义(theory of consciousness-only)的关键概念 同时承诺提供广泛的英语短句和例句集合 有助于深入理解这一哲学领域的重要理念和实际应用。
