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时间:2024-07-09 00:11:33





1.he justification theory of criminal prescription has not been paid attention in criminal law field,which means that it is submerged in the function of criminal law,or sporadically exists in the justification theory of penalty.犯罪规定的正当化理论在刑法学中至今仍无一席之地,犯罪规定的正当化问题或者湮没干刑法的机能之中,或者在刑罚的正当化理论中若隐若现,即使在罪刑法定主义的时代呼唤下,它也仅有微弱的回应。

2.Justice and utility,a pair of category,is necessary to be considered when probing into references for the justification of penalty systems.公正和功利这一对范畴,是探讨刑罚制度正当化的根据时必须考虑的。


1.Due process;The Foundation Stone of Modernization of Constitutional Government System;程序正当化是宪政制度现代化之基石

2.Demonstrating the Reasonability of Compensation for Spiritual Damages under Breach of Contract;违约非财产性损害赔偿的正当化证成

3.A Probe on the Proper Excuse in the System of Limitation of Actions;民事诉讼时效制度的正当化理由探析

4.The Procedure Guarantee and the Justification of Judge s Adjudgement Power Freely;程序保障与法官自由裁量权的正当化

5.Due Process of Constitutional Government:The Basis of Construction of Constitutional Government;宪政程序正当化:宪政建设的制度基础

6.Procedural Authority and Case Authority:the Just Mechanism of Judicial Authority;程序化与判例化:司法权威的正当化机理

7.Illegitimate and Unjust Without Peace:On Japanese Foreign Policy in the Future;非正当化、非正义化、非和平化:日本未来对外政策走向探析

8.Whereas the symbolic universe legitimates the institutional order on the highest level of generality, theorizing about the symbolic universe may be described as, so to speak, legitimation to the second degree.象徵性宇宙在概推的最高层次上正当化制度秩序,而象徵性宇宙的理论化称为次级正当化。

9.The“ correctness” of his life program is thus legitimated on the highest level of generality.每个人生命计画的“正确性”是在普遍性的更高层次上被正当化。

10.Another conception of legitimate seems to focus on legal authority.正当化的另一种理解主要是关于法定权限。

11.On Justfication of Grade Jurisdiction System of Civil Action of Our Country;论我国民事诉讼级别管辖制度的正当化

12.Research on the Basis and Boundary of the Legalization of Sports Competitive Injury Behaviour;体育竞技伤害行为正当化的依据及限界研究

13.At present, profound changes are taking place in the situation of international security:当前,国际安全形势正在发生深刻变化:

14."Today, the international" situation is undergoing profound changes."当今世界,国际形势正在发生深刻变化,

15.Social Justice Issues in Contemporary Chinese Class Division;当代中国阶层分化中的社会公正问题

16.Research on Justifiability and Judicialization of Corporate Social Responsibility;公司社会责任正当性及其司法化研究

17.Making Global Governance Legalization: A Challenge of Justifiability;全球治理法治化:一种对正当性的追问

18.Tightening Liability for the Motor Vehicle Accident and its Warrant;机动车事故责任的严格化及其正当性




1.Origin effect of contract for the benefit of third party stems from contract interest of third party beinglegitimated by law.第三人利益合同之效力根源为法律对第三人合同利益的正当化。


1.But thejustifiability of the system of the third party Infringing Creditor s rights lacked of argumentation w.首先,从理论基础来论证,债权的对世性和不可侵性是该制度得以建立的理论源泉;其次,从价值取向进行论证,第三人侵害债权制度有其特有的制度价值,其秉承了“诚实信用”和“公序良俗”原则的价值取向;再者,从现有的法律制度进行实践论证,第三人侵害债权行为无法纳入反不正当竞争法、不当得利、债法中的代位权和代偿请求权制度进行全面调整,其作为一项独立制度而存在具有不可取代性;最后,从司法实务角度对第三人侵害债权行为进行正当化界定,从而保护债权人利益,维护有序的竞争秩序。


1.At the same time,the perform of mandatory power can be distinguished from other society forces in thecourse of legitimation.法律必须证明它是正当的,强制性权力的行使正是在正当化过程中才与其他暴力区别开来。

6)equivalent normalize当量正态化

1.In the analysis of structural reliability,the random variables are generally transformed into standard normal ones throughequivalent normalize transformations,including linear transformation and non-linear transformation.在结构可靠度分析中,经常要把随机变量通过当量正态化变换为标准正态随机变量。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
