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变水温调节 variable chilled water temperature adjustment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-13 14:13:30


变水温调节 variable chilled water temperature adjustment英语短句 例句大全

水温调节,variable chilled water temperature adjustment

1)variable chilled water temperature adjustment变水温调节


1.Energy Saving Research on Auto Cleaning Device of Central Air Condition System中药厂空调系统变水温调节节能运行分析

2.The temperature of the water can be changed by adjusting the thermostats.通过调节温度控制器,可以改变热水器的水温设置。

3.pneumatic and hydraulic temperature regulator气动及水压温度调节器

4.change the setting of a thermostat改变自动调温器的调节点

5.Further research shows that we can achieve the purpose of energy-saving and the purpose of temperature control by using inverter to the water system of the building air-condition system.结果表明,通过变频技术来控制空调循环水流量可达到节能和调节温度目的。

6.You can change the flow of water so that the temperature is hot or warm as desired.水温可以通过控制水流来随意调节。

7.The body quickly adjusts to changes in temperature.身体迅速调节以适应气温的变化.

8.The pressure changes each time the temperature is adjusted.每当调节温度时压力也随之变化。

9.The body quickly adjusts (itself) to changes in temperature.身体迅速(自行)调节以适应气温的变化。

10.The body adjusts itself to changes in temperature.身体能自行调节以适应气温变化。

11.Such mechanisms allow adjustment to seasonal changes in temperature.这种机制可用于调整温度的季节变化。

12.New technique of FTC self attempering phase transition material which could be used for energy saving and heat preservation in architectureFTC自调温相变建筑节能保温材料新技术

13.A high - temperature thermostat.高温恒温度,高温调节器

14.The water temperature of the Yellow Mountain Hotspring remains a constant 42oC all the year round, which is ideal temperature for bathing water, with no need for readjustment.一年四季,黄山温泉的水温总在42℃左右,随时入浴,无需调节水温。

15.control the temperature with a thermostat.用自动调温器调节温度。

16.Simulation Research on Cascade Control of Temperature and Humidity in VAV System;变风量空调系统温、湿度串级调节仿真研究

17.Operation and Diagnosis of Speed Controlled Supply Water System变频调速供水系统的运行调节与诊断

18.Water can absorb and release a lot of heat without big changes in its temperature, thus creating a stable environment.水在自身温度没有多大变化的情况下可以吸收和释放很多热量,从而起到调节环境的作用.


water-saving and temperature control节水调温

1.Design and manufacture of awater-saving and temperature control system in greenhouse;南方温室节水调温自动控制系统的研制

3)water temperature adjusting水温调节

1.A control system based on fuzzy logic technology is deigned for Shaanxi swimming and diving gymnasiumwater temperature adjusting.本文针对陕西省游泳跳水馆水温调节系统的特性,提出利用模糊控制技术实现温度调节算法,并通过实验设计了实用的模糊控制器。

4)thermostat-water temperature regulator节温器-水温调节器

5)attemperating water control valve减温水调节阀

1.Based on commissioning experience of 300 MW utility boiler, the problem of unefficient attemperating water due to smaller control valve selection for the first stage attemperating water which lead to overtemperature of heating surface tube wall in superheating system was analysed, and the selecting principle ofattemperating water control valve of 300 MW utility boiler superheater was given.根据多台300MW电站锅炉的启动试运服务工作经验,针对在某些锅炉启动试运初期存在的因过热器一级减温水调节阀选用过小造成温水量不足而引发过热器系统受热面管壁超温问题进行了剖析,并给出了300MW电站锅炉过热器系统减温水调节阀的选用原则。

6)cooling water temperature regulation冷却水温度调节


地下水水温观测(见水温观测)地下水水温观测(见水温观测)d jxiashuj shuiwen guanCe地下水水温观测见水温观测。
