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财政分权度 Degree of Fiscal Decentralization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-16 18:26:45


财政分权度 Degree of Fiscal Decentralization英语短句 例句大全

财政分权度,Degree of Fiscal Decentralization

1)Degree of Fiscal Decentralization财政分权度

1.Research on China"sDegree of Fiscal Decentralization对中国财政分权度的研究

2)optimal fiscal decentralization degree最优财政分权度

1.There is a theoreticaloptimal fiscal decentralization degree which benefits the economic growth.过度集权或者过度分权都不利于经济增长,因此理论上可能存在一个最优财政分权度,并与最优经济增长水平相适应。

3)New System Financial Federalism新制度财政分权

4)fiscal decentralization财政分权

1.Excessivefiscal decentralization of extra-budgetary and its adverse effect on China s economic growth;“预算外”财政分权过度及其对我国经济增长的不良影响

2.Fiscal Decentralization and Economic growth in China:A New Hypothesis and Time Series Test;建国后中国财政分权对经济增长的影响:一个假说及检验

3.Mechanism of impacts offiscal decentralization on economic growth: Theoretical exploration and empirical analysis;财政分权对经济增长的作用机制:理论探讨与实证分析


1.The Correlation Analysis between Fiscal Decentralization and County-rural Financial Difficulty;财政分权与县乡财政困难的相关分析

2.Efficiency of local fiscal expenditure in China;财政分权体制下的地方财政支出效率

3.Fiscal Decentralization and Growth:Second Generation Theory of Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权与经济增长:第二代财政分权理论

4.Money,Taxes,and Federal Transfer in an Endogenous Growth Model with Multiple Levels of Government;财政分权框架下的财政政策和货币政策

5.Did Fiscal Decentralization Reform Improve Local Fiscal Incentives?;财政分权改革提高了地方财政激励强度吗?

6.A Research on Financial Decentralization and Financial Administrative System of Compulsory Education;财政分权与义务教育财政管理体制问题探析

7.The Expansion of Informal Fiscal Revenue and Consequences in Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权中非正式财政收入的膨胀及后果

8.The Research on the Local Fiscal Expenditure Structure Characteristics Based on the Chinese Style Decentralization中国式财政分权下地方财政支出偏好特征研究

9.The Public Finance Reform in China from the Perspective of Fiscal Decentralization财政分权视角下的我国公共财政体制改革

10.Fiscal Decentralization and the Cyclical Behavior of Local Fiscal Expenditure:1979-财政分权和地方财政支出的周期性行为:1979—

11.The Fenshuizhi Reform,Fiscal Decentralization,and Economic Growth in China;分税制改革、财政分权与中国经济增长

12.The Problem of Fiscal Decentralization in Economic Transition in China;我国经济转型中的财政分权问题研究

13.Financial Deepenning, Capital Deepening and Fiscal Decentralization;金融深化、资本深化与地方财政分权

parative Study on Institutional Patterns of Division of Fiscal Powers and the Choice of China;财政分权制度模式比较与中国的选择

15.Fiscal Decentralization, Public Goods Supply, and Income Difference between Urban and Rural Areas;财政分权、公共品供给与城乡收入差距

16.Research on the Fiscal Decentralization in Russian System Transformation;俄罗斯制度转型中财政分权问题研究

17.A Research on the Financial Sub-right of China: The Summary from a Data;中国财政分权问题研究:一个文献综述

18.The Relationship Between China s Decentralized System in Finance and her Regional Economic Growth;中国的财政分权制度与地区经济增长


optimal fiscal decentralization degree最优财政分权度

1.There is a theoreticaloptimal fiscal decentralization degree which benefits the economic growth.过度集权或者过度分权都不利于经济增长,因此理论上可能存在一个最优财政分权度,并与最优经济增长水平相适应。

3)New System Financial Federalism新制度财政分权

4)fiscal decentralization财政分权

1.Excessivefiscal decentralization of extra-budgetary and its adverse effect on China s economic growth;“预算外”财政分权过度及其对我国经济增长的不良影响

2.Fiscal Decentralization and Economic growth in China:A New Hypothesis and Time Series Test;建国后中国财政分权对经济增长的影响:一个假说及检验

3.Mechanism of impacts offiscal decentralization on economic growth: Theoretical exploration and empirical analysis;财政分权对经济增长的作用机制:理论探讨与实证分析

5)financial decentralization财政分权化

6)optimal fiscal decentralization最优财政分权

1.By developing anoptimal fiscal decentralization model and processing a comparative static analysis,we found that there is no linear relationship between fiscal decentralizati.基于最优财政分权模型对财政分权与经济增长关系的比较静态分析发现,财政分权与经济增长之间不是简单的线性关系,存在着使经济增长最大化的最优财政分权水平;最优财政分权水平与地方政府支出的生产效率正相关,与中央政府支出的生产效率负相关。


