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成年居民 Adult residents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-18 15:43:50


成年居民 Adult residents英语短句 例句大全

成年居民,Adult residents

1)Adult residents成年居民

1.Objective To analyze the risk factors of hypertensionamong adult residents (18~69yr) in Hebei province.目的了解河北省成年居民(18~69岁)中高血压患者危险因素状况。

2.OBJECTIVE To get a view of knowledge among the adult residents in Yangling,and to inflect their capacity to prevent AIDS,and to provide evidence for future health education.目的了解杨凌区成年居民对艾滋病知识的掌握情况,反映居民预防艾滋病的能力,为今后开展艾滋病健康教育提供依据。

3.This survey on the sports body-building of the adult residents in Hangzhou was done by questionnaire.运用问卷调查法,通过对杭州地区成年居民体育健身现状的调查,结果表明:增强体质是杭州地区成年居民参与体育健身的主要目的,健身内容简单,但健身价值,项目选择存在性别和年龄的差异;体育健身参与率低,并具有随意性和不稳定性特点;成年男性体育健身状况好于女性;20~39岁年龄段居民体育健身状况较差;健身意识差,闲暇时间不足是影响杭州地区成年居民体育健身的主要因素。


1.Analysis of the Survey on the Sports Body-building of the Adult Residents in Hangzhou;杭州地区成年居民体育健身现状调查分析

2.Developing Trend of the Constitution and Current Condition of Physical Activity of the Citizen in Gansu Province;甘肃省成年居民体质及体育锻炼状况调查研究

3.Prevalence Survey of Diabetes Mellitus in Urban and Rural 3293 Adult Residents in Xinjiang新疆3293例城乡成年居民糖尿病患病率调查

4.Survey of Smoking and Passive Smoking among Adults in Sichuan Province四川省成年居民吸烟与被动吸烟状况调查

5.Body mass index and waist circumferences positively associated with hypertension:a three-year follow-up study in Nanjing南京市成年居民体质指数和腰围与高血压关系

6.Study on prevalence of metabolic syndrome in adults of Jiangxi province江西省成年居民代谢综合征流行病学调查

7.Trend of Distribution of Body Mass Index among Adults in Liaoning Province during 1989 to 1989—辽宁省成年居民体质指数分布及变化趋势

8.Epidemiological Study on Obesity and the Relationship between Obesity and Chronic Disease in Population Aged Eighteen and over in Chengdu成都市成年居民肥胖流行现状及其与慢性病的关系

9.Every adult permanent resident will have the right to vote for the 20 directly-elected seats.届时,所有成年居民都有权投票,选出二十个直选议席。

10.The relationship between exercises volume and some mental problems for Shanghai inhabitants;上海市成年居民体育活动运动量与某些心理因素关系的研究

11.Patterns and influencing factors of physical activity among residents in Guangdong Province广东省成年居民体力活动状况及其影响因素分析

12.Exercise and Walking Intensity and Level of Beijing Adult Residents北京市成年居民运动锻炼与步行的活动强度和水平分析

13.every adult permanent resident will be eligible to vote.所有成年的永久性居民都有资格投票。

14.He went to live in the United States in 1939, and later became an American Citizen.他在1939年到美国定居,后来成为美国公民。

15.Seeing 30 years of China s Achievements from the Perspective of Consumption Structure Changes of Urban Residents;从城镇居民消费结构变化看改革30年的成就

16.Every adult permanent resident is eligible to vote and there are currently some 2.8 million registered voters.所有成年的永久居民,均有资格投票。 目前,已登记的选民约有280万人。

17.The Catenated Formed Interaction of Chinese Economy with the Governments Enterprises and Residents in the Years of 1911-1937;19-1937年中国经济与政府、企业、居民所构成的连环型互动关系

18.Investigation and analysis of body composition and bone mineral density on the city residents in the Yangtse Delta area;长江三角洲地区城市居民成年人身体成分和骨密度的调查分析


senile resident老年居民

1.Objective In order to understand non-infectious disease status ofsenile residents in Anqinglu district and community health service needs and provide basis for community comprehensive control of non-infectious disease.方法对 11个居委会 6 0岁以上老年居民采用调查表进行面对面的调查。

3)middle and old age residents中老年居民

1.Objective To study the knowledge,attitude and behavior about oral health among parts ofmiddle and old age residents in Shanghai.目的调查分析上海市中老年居民口腔健康知识、态度和行为 ,为社区牙病防治工作提供必要的信息。

4)the senile with chronic diseases老年慢性病居民

5)the under-age citizen未成年公民

1.The discussion on the education of self-Preservation tothe under-age citizen;论未成年公民的自我保护教育

6)the aged residents in Urumqi乌鲁木齐市老年居民


金融帐记录居民与非居民之间的金融资产及负债交易 它显示某经济体系如何融资以进行其对外交易。金融帐内的交易可归类为直接投资、有价证券投资、金融衍生工具、其他投资及储备资产。
