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洁净实验室 clean room英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-20 13:34:46


洁净实验室 clean room英语短句 例句大全

洁净实验室,clean room

1)clean room洁净实验室

1.Based on the especial requirements needed for tissue and cell nurturance during teaching process, this article has demonstrated a set of design parameters involving the temperature, humidity, cleanliness and gas pressure closely related toclean rooms main function index, which provides a basic quality guarantee system for the construction of such kind of laboratory.根据生命科学实验教学环节对其生命细胞培养及其相关实验操作过程所需洁净实验室的特殊要求,探讨了满足洁净室温度、湿度、洁净度、压力等主要功能指标的设计参数,确立工程质量管理体系是建好实验室的基本保障。

2.This paper introduces the codes about air-conditioning design forclean room,practical project is put to prove the calculation of air volume balance and selection of air-conditioning equipments.介绍洁净实验室的空调设计原则,结合工程实例介绍风量平衡计算和系统设备选型设计,并探讨空气处理机组变风量运行、减少风机温升负荷、限制新风量和设计风机压头等多项节能措施。


1.Discussion on Air-conditioning Design for Clean Room and Energy-saving Methods洁净实验室空调设计及节能措施探讨

2.Room pressurization test. This test is to verify that there is a proper amount of positive/negative room air pressure.洁净室压力测试。该项试验用于检验洁净室正/负气压的合适性。

3.An experimental study on the air cleanliness inside the compartment of surgical operating vehicles手术车舱室内空气洁净性能的试验研究

4.Design and Implementation of Air Conditioning Control System in Cleaned Operation Room洁净手术室空调控制系统的设计与实现

5.This test is performed to check the uniformity of the clean air and to verify that there is enough air supply to provide the proper room pressures.该项试验用于检验洁净室、人员和工艺设备是否达到规定的洁净水平。

6.Study on Cleaning Methods in Clean Operating Room洁净手术室物体表面清洁方法的研究

7.Investigation on Clean Combustion Characteristics of Medical Solid Waste in CFB with Experiment;医疗垃圾循环流化床洁净燃烧特性实验研究

8.Numerical Simulation and Testing Study of Air Distribution in the Non-unidirectional Clean Room;非单向流洁净室气流组织的数值模拟与试验研究

9.The Factorial Experiment analysis on purifying PM_(10) in Air-Washer喷水室净化PM_(10)的析因实验分析

10.Discussion of Energy Saving in Cleaning Air Conditioning System for SPF Animal LabSPF动物实验室净化空调节能探讨


12.Exploration of cleaner production check of laboratory management and experiment teaching in colleges and universities高校实验室管理与教学的清洁生产审核探索

13.Reinforcing laboratory Pollution Control Guided by Clean Production Theory运用清洁生产理念 加强实验室污染控制

14.Status of Air Purification in Different Situations of Clean Operating Room洁净手术室不同状态下空气净化状况测量

15.However, this article only addresses the cleanroom and its related systems.但本文仅限于洁净室及相关系统。

16.Design and Study on Application of Bio-cleanrooms of Quasi-unidirectional Flow;准单向流生物洁净室设计与应用研究

17.Study on Intelligent Control System in Clean Room Air Conditioning System;智能控制在洁净室环境控制中的应用

18.Numerical Research on the SPF Chicken Cleaning Room;SPF鸡场生物洁净室流场数值模拟研究


purified negative pressure laboratory洁净负压实验室

3)clean room洁净室

1.Influence factor for airborne ofclean room;洁净室内尘埃粒子数的影响因素

2.Study of using fresh air for coolingclean rooms in winter;洁净室冬季使用新风作为冷源的研究


1.Energy Consumption Analysis of the Air Handling Process in Cleanroom Air-conditioning Systems;洁净室空调系统热湿处理能耗分析

2.Discussion of definition ofcleanroom occupation status:part 2 of the series of research practice of the national standard task group for the Code forcleanroom construction and acceptance test;关于洁净室占用状态定义的探讨——国标《洁净室施工及验收规范》编制组研讨系列课题之二

3.Air tightness measuring method forcleanrooms:part 8 of the series of research practice of the national standard task group for the Code forcleanroom construction and acceptance test;洁净室气密性检测方法研究——国标《洁净室施工及验收规范》编制组研讨系列课题之八

5)clean room garment洁净室工

6)clean room garment洁净室工


保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)保险商实验室安全标准(见保险商实验室)safety standards of UL: see Underwriters Laboratories; ULBaoxianshang Sh啊nshi anquan bicozhun保险商实验室安全标准(saJ七ty stand助dsofUL)见保险商实脸室。
