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主控监控系统(MCS) main control system(MCS)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-21 21:09:16


主控监控系统(MCS) main control system(MCS)英语短句 例句大全

主控监控系统(MCS),main control system(MCS)

1)main control system(MCS)主控监控系统(MCS)

1.The new intelligent integrated monitoring system has a variety of models including integrated automation system(IAS),main control system(MCS) and so on,which can realize the sharing of resources,sharing of management,conservation investments and improve the capacity of subway comprehensive management,integrated anti-disaster and operation security.综合监控系统有多种实现模式(综合自动化系统(IAS)、主控监控系统(MCS)等),可实现资源共享、管理共享、节约投资,提高地铁综合管理和综合防灾能力,更好地保障地铁运营安全。

2)MCS control systemMCS控制系统

1.After researching the automatic technique of thermal power stations at home and abroad and analyzing the thermal power generating unitsMCS control system in our country.在研究国内外火电厂自动化技术发展的基础上 ,分析了我国火电机组MCS控制系统的现状 ,提出了MCS控制系统的开发思想 ,并结合工程应用经验 ,描绘了其在火电机组控制系统中的应用前景。

3)host detection system主机监控系统

1.It was a complementarily to real-time analysis of thehost detection system.提出了一种基于Drools离线分析的方法,是对主机监控系统实时分析无法深入的一种补充。


1.Marine Multi Main Engine Supervision and Control System Based on DSP;基于DSP的多主机舰船主机监控系统

2.Research of the Master Controller of Distributed Power Quality Monitoring System分布式电能质量监测系统主控机研究

3.Monitoring system of coalmine main ventilator based on MCGS基于MCGS的矿井主通风机监控系统

4.The Application of LM PLC in the Mine Main Fan on-line Monitoring SystemLM系列PLC在矿井主风机在线监控系统中的应用

5.microcomputer remote control system for mainengine微机控制主机遥控系统

6.Research in Classified Host Information Inspecting and Control System Based on Java;基于Java的主机涉密信息监测控制系统的研究

7.The Design of Automatic Monitoring and Control System for Main Ventilators of the Colliery;主扇风机无人值守自动化监控系统设计

8.Design and Implement of Information Monitoring System of Virtual Host Based on Linux;基于Linux的虚拟主机信息监控系统的设计与实现

9.Research Status and Outlook of On-Line Monitoring and Control System for Mine Main Ventilator煤矿主要通风机在线监控系统研究现状及展望

10.Monitoring System of Dilute-oil Station in Coal Mine Fan Based on S7- 300 and WINCC基于S7-300和WINCC的矿井主风机稀油站监控系统

11.Mineral fanner monitoring and control system based on configuration software MCGS基于MCGS的矿用主通风机在线监测与控制系统

12.Application on Monitoring and Controlling System of Colliery Primary Ventilators with S7-300S7-300在煤矿主通风机监控系统中的应用研究

13.Design,Development and Implement of Server Monitor System基于主机环境监控系统的设计、开发与实现

14.Design of the monitoring system for main fan in coal mines based on intelligent modules基于智能模块的主通风机性能监控系统设计

15.supervisory computer control systems计算机监督控制系统

16.Boosting the Body"s Guardians刺激机体的监控系统

17.main diesel engine condition monitoring system主柴油机工况监测系统

18.Research on Mainframe Monitor and Network Malfunction of Embedded Temperature and Humidity Control System;温湿度控制系统的主机监控实现及网络故障研究


MCS control systemMCS控制系统

1.After researching the automatic technique of thermal power stations at home and abroad and analyzing the thermal power generating unitsMCS control system in our country.在研究国内外火电厂自动化技术发展的基础上 ,分析了我国火电机组MCS控制系统的现状 ,提出了MCS控制系统的开发思想 ,并结合工程应用经验 ,描绘了其在火电机组控制系统中的应用前景。

3)host detection system主机监控系统

1.It was a complementarily to real-time analysis of thehost detection system.提出了一种基于Drools离线分析的方法,是对主机监控系统实时分析无法深入的一种补充。

4)modulating control system(MCS)模拟量控制系统(MCS)

5)Monitoring system监控系统

1.Design of the real-time monitoring system for the safety production coal mines;煤矿安全生产实时监控系统设计方案

2.Application of DF1-protocol-based communication in off-gas cleaning monitoring system of aluminum plant;基于DF1协议的通讯在铝厂烟气净化监控系统中的应用实践

3.The monitoring system in mine for methane based on PIC;基于PIC单片机控制的井下瓦斯监控系统

6)monitoring and control system监控系统

1.Design on coal mine underground water drainagemonitoring and control system base on LabVIEW;基于LabVIEW的煤矿井下排水监控系统的设计

2.Discussion on several issues of mine safetymonitoring and control system;煤矿安全监测监控系统有关问题的探讨

3.Establishment and development of key equipmentmonitoring and control system in the No.1 Steel-making Plant;第一炼钢厂关键设备监控系统的建立与开发


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
