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物体高度恢复 Object height restoration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-22 09:38:48


物体高度恢复 Object height restoration英语短句 例句大全

物体高度恢复,Object height restoration

1)Object height restoration物体高度恢复

2)high frequency recovery高频恢复

1.This method was used for thehigh frequency recovery of seismic data,and the result is satisfied.将此稀疏反褶积方法运用到地面地震数据的高频恢复中,取得了较好的效果。

3)resumption of College Entrance Examination恢复高考

1.Deng Xiaoping’s decision to resume College Entrance Examination from the following aspects: theresumption of College Entrance Examination is the heartfelt wishes of whole Party and the country in the ideologic.回顾了在"文革"后邓小平刚恢复工作不久,毅然作出恢复高考的决策的历史背景和作出恢复高考决策的经过。


1.The Historical Significance of Deng Xiaoping’s Decision on Resumption of College Entrance Examination--Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of Resumption of College Entrance Examination;邓小平作出恢复高考决策的历史意义——纪念恢复高考30周年

2.Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination Saved the Whole Nation and the Country--Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination;恢复高考,挽救了我们的民族和国家——纪念恢复高考30周年

3.Return of College Entrance Examination: A New Starting Point for a Country and an Era;恢复高考:一个国家和时代的新起点

4.On the Historic and Realistic Significance of Restoring the National College Entrance Examination in the Year 1977;1977年恢复高考的历史意义与现实意义

5.The Development of Teaching Staff Training System in China’s Higher Institutions;恢复高考后我国高校师资培训体制的演进

6.A Historical Retrospect of Middle School Students" Learning Over the Past 30 Years恢复高考30余年来中学生学习状况的历史回顾

7.Is the National College Entrance Examination really a"Scar"to be Removed?--On the 30th Anniversary of the Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination;高考是一块非要挖去的“疤”吗?——纪念恢复高考30周年

8.Adhering to the System of National College Entrance Examination and Promoting the Diversified Reform--In Memory of the 30th Anniversary of Restoring the National College Entrance Examination;坚持高考制度,推进多元化改革——纪念恢复高考制度30周年

9.On the Influence of Resuming the University Examination Entrance to the Youth Mass Basis of the Chinese Communist Party Consolidating the Rule试析恢复高考对中国共产党巩固执政的青年群众基础之影响

10.Fairness:the Essential Significance of the College Entrance Examination System--On Preliminary Understanding on 30 Years Reconstruction and Reform Innovation of the College Entrance Examination System;公正公平:高考制度的本质意义——对30年高考制度恢复重建与改革创新的初步认识

11.This year, we must make up our minds to restore the direct enrolment of senior middle school graduates through entrance examinations, and to stop the practice of having the masses recommend candidates for admission to colleges and universities.今年就要下决心恢复从高中毕业生中直接招考学生,不要再搞群众推荐。

12.It gratified me to know how soon he would be well again.知道他很快会恢复健康,我很高兴。

13.Brian O"Neill now sought to revive the old high kingship.布里安·奥尼尔想恢复往昔的最高王位。

14.I am happpy in saying that she is quite well again.我高兴地说她的健康恢复了。

15.The soul will recover the noble attitude of simplicity.心灵就会恢复到纯朴的高尚状态。

16.He returned to the fold at his 80"s.他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。

17.Efficient Algorithms for Image Restoration and Parallel Processing;高效的图像恢复算法及并行处理技术

18.Study on Ecological Restoration on Vegetation of Jinfu Expressway Slope;锦阜高速公路边坡植被生态恢复研究


high frequency recovery高频恢复

1.This method was used for thehigh frequency recovery of seismic data,and the result is satisfied.将此稀疏反褶积方法运用到地面地震数据的高频恢复中,取得了较好的效果。

3)resumption of College Entrance Examination恢复高考

1.Deng Xiaoping’s decision to resume College Entrance Examination from the following aspects: theresumption of College Entrance Examination is the heartfelt wishes of whole Party and the country in the ideologic.回顾了在"文革"后邓小平刚恢复工作不久,毅然作出恢复高考的决策的历史背景和作出恢复高考决策的经过。

4)Restoration of the National College Entrance Examination恢复高考

1.Testimony from the HistoryRestoration of the National College Entrance Examination 30 Years ago was very Wise;Achievements of Reforming the National College Entrance Examination in the Past 30 Years have been Noticeable——Speech at the Conference of Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of theRestoration of the National College Entrance Examination;历史证明:30年前恢复高考制度决策英明正确 30年来恢复高考及其改革成就辉煌——在教育部考试中心恢复高考30周年座谈会上的讲话


1.Progression inbioremediation technology of PAHs;多环芳烃生物恢复技术的研究进展

6)height of objects物体高度

1.The results show that the influence of objects on the shielding failure rate related to some factors such as the height of transmission lines, theheight of objects, and the distance between them etc.结果表明,输电线路旁物高对线路绕击跳闸率的影响因素包括线路高度、物体高度、物体与输电线路的水平距离等。


物体1.物的本体;器物的形体。 2.由物质构成的﹑占有一定空间的个体。
