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进水阀 Inlet valve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-23 20:22:42


进水阀 Inlet valve英语短句 例句大全

进水阀,Inlet valve

1)Inlet valve进水阀


1.Close the cold water inlet valve and open a nearby hot water faucet.关闭冷水进水阀,打开附近的热水水龙头。

2.Open the inlet water valve and press the top discharge valve to discharge the air in the filter at the same time.打开进水阀门,同时按下顶上排气阀,使滤器内空气排出即可。

3.Fundamental technical requirements for large and medium inlet valves of hydraulic turbineGB/T14478-1993大中型水轮机进水阀门基本技术条件

4.Simulation Study on Inlet Valve and Electro-Hydraulic Control System of 50MN Hydraulic Foring Press;50MN锻造水压机进水阀及电液控制系统仿真研究

5.Flow Channel Analysis and Its Improvment of Pure Water Hydraulic Proportional Relief Valve一种纯水比例溢流阀的阀口流道分析及改进

6.Install a shut-off valve in the cold water inlet line.在冷水进水管处安装一个关闭阀。

7.discharging valve排出阀排气阀排水阀

8."Shut off the electric power supply to heater, close cold water inlet, open a hot water faucet to allow air to enter the system and open the drain valve, which is threaded to receive a standard hose coupling."首先关闭电源开关,关闭冷水进口阀门,打开热水水龙头让空气进入管道系统,并且打开排水阀。

9.Vibration analyze and structure improve and design to High pressure water valve in the water isolation pump水隔泵高压清水阀的振动分析与结构改进设计

10.air admission valve进气阀,真空破坏阀

11.pneumatic cylinder cock valve风动汽缸排水阀阀门

12.From making the valve core receive the angle with rational strength, improve the design of the ordinary water outlet.从使阀芯受力合理的角度,设计并改进普通水嘴。

13.Innovative Design of Infall Solenoid Valve Leak Characteristic Test System进水电磁阀泄漏特性测试系统的创新设计

14.Improvement of Leakage Detection in Valve Cooling System for HVDC Transmission Systems高压直流阀冷系统漏水检测功能的改进

15.Dynamic Property and Parameter Determination of Water Solenoid Valve进水电磁阀的动态特性分析和参数确定

16.Operating Status and Improvement of Valve Inner Cooling Water System in TianGuang HVDC天广直流阀冷却内冷水系统运行情况及改进

17.Install a shutoff valve in the cold water inlet. Install a listed temperature-pressure relief valve in the remaining fitting.在冷水进水管上安装一个关断阀。在剩下的螺纹接头上安装额定温度/水压的安全阀。

18.Separation of water and gas is reliable (water vapor enters from bottom of valve by the U general type), remain the state of water sealing in the valve, effectively prevent leakage of steam.汽水分离可靠(水汽经U型普通从阀底部进入),阀内始终处于水封状态,有效阻止蒸汽泄漏。


inlet ball valve进水球阀

1.The design and principle of a new type ofinlet ball valves for water turbo;新型水轮机进水球阀的结构和原理

2.Construction design of turbineinlet ball valve水轮机进水球阀的结构设计

3)input valve进水阀门

1.The waterproof ofinput valve in closestool is a very importance index.洁具进水阀门的水密封性是衡量洁具性能的一项重要指标,而检测进水阀门是否密封要靠充压和保压过程的水压是否符合要求来判断的。

4)filling valve,inlet valve进油(水)阀

5)inlet valve进水阀;进口阀门



