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数密度 number density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-23 18:48:47


数密度 number density英语短句 例句大全

密度,number density

1)number density数密度

1.in this paper, the bouncing movementof the blocks in the debris flow is assumed, a singleblock s movement in the stable flow field is analyzed,the relation of thenumber density with the heightand the relation of the mean diameter of the blockswith the height are obtained with some hypothe-ses and numerical computation, and the abnormaldistribution in the debris flow is explained quanti-tatively.假设泥石流中的粗颗粒(如石块等)以跳跃的方式前进,通过分析单个颗粒在定常充分发展的流场中的运动,给出了单一起跳速度下以及具有一定分布的起跳速度下,颗粒数密度随高度的分布,并给出了起跳粒径有分布时颗粒的平均粒径随高度的分布,定性地解释了泥石流中的反粒径分布现象。

2.Thenumber density and energy density of particles with weak interaction in early universe were discussed.讨论了早期宇宙中具有弱相互作用的粒子的数密度和能量密度的问题,从中看出,化学势是讨论早期宇宙热力学问题所不可缺少的一个重要参量。

3.We studied thenumber density and quality of airborne particulate during two dense fog times in the eastern Chengdu,using automatic particle laser counter and Anderson sampler.利用自动型尘埃颗粒激光计数器和Anderson采样器,对成都市城东区两次浓雾天前后颗粒物的总数密度和质量分别进行了分析,得到颗粒物的物理变化特征,结果表明,浓雾的存在可以改变颗粒物的物理特征:颗粒物总数密度保持在270 000~310 000/100 cm3之间,粒径0。


1.bivariate exponential desity functions二变量指数密度函数

2.diffusion coefficient for neutron number density中子数密度扩散系数

3.high-density digital recorder高密度数字磁记录机

4.-squared probability density functionχ方概率密度函数 χ

5.bivariate normal probability density function二元正态概率密度函数

6.double frequency spectral density functio双重频率谱密度函数

7.multi-variate probability density functio多变量概率密度函数

8.a joint proBaBility density function一个连合概率密度函数

9.diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density中子通量密度扩散系数

10.threshold population inversion density临界粒子数反转密度

11.a posteriori conditional probability density后验条件概率密度函数

12.Bayesian type prior density function贝叶斯型先验密度函数

13.Dimensions and Measures of Some Fractal Sets and the Density of Measure;某些分形集的维数、测度及测度的密度

14.Effects of hot-pressing parameters on vertical density profile of MDF工艺参数对中密度纤维板断面密度分布的影响

15.Study on coefficient of variation of bone mineral density by Prodigy-DXA measurementProdigy型骨密度仪测量骨密度的变异系数研究

16.Total bytes is greater than the disk density总共的字节数数目大于软盘的密度

17.The strain energy density function equals the Helmholtz.应变能密度函数等于亥姆霍兹函数。

18.The density goes down exponentially with height.分子密度随着高度的上升而指数衰减。


number concentration数密度

1.Atmospheric aerosolnumber concentration, atmospheric visibility and particulate mass concentrations, such as PM10, PM2.2001年夏季和冬季,在北京市大兴区榆垡镇,利用光学粒子计数器、能见度仪和颗粒物质量监测器对近地面大气气溶胶粒子数密度、大气能见度、颗粒物质量浓度(PM10、PM2。

2.Atmospheric aerosol particulate size distribution,number concentration of aerosol, atmospheric visibility and particulate mass concentrations, such as PM10, PM25 and PM10 were detected by an optical particle counter (OPC), a visibility meter and ambient particulate monitors respectively at the same time in Beijing during the winter of 2001.2001年冬季,用光学粒子计数器、能见度仪和颗粒物质量监测器对北京市大兴区北藏乡近地面大气气溶胶粒子数密度、数密度谱、大气能见度、颗粒物质量浓度(PM_(10),PM_(2。

3)density function密度函数

1.Study on forcedensity function and stress field analysis of the waved-edge milling insert;波形刃铣刀片受力密度函数的研究及其应力场分析

2.Solving a kind of integral problem by using the normalization of the probabilitydensity function;用概率密度函数的归一性解决一类积分问题

3.Formula ofdensity function of sum of independent random variable of uniform distribution;服从均匀分布的多个独立随机变量和的密度函数公式

4)number concentration distribution数密度谱

5)density of human number人数密度

6)density index密度指数

1.On the basis of the Study of stand increment model on Japanese larch, the naural sparse model ofJapanere Larch everr-aged stand was simulatal by means of Reinekedensity index in this paper.在日本落叶松林分生长模型研究的基础上,用Reineke定义的密度指数模拟了日本落叶松同龄林的自然稀疏模型和日本落叶松不同初植密度的自然生长过程表,这为日本落叶松人工林的密度管理提供了有力工具。

2.To calculate thedensity index,the population related index(PRI) and the killing rate of mosquito larvae to evaluate the efficacy of the larvicides against mosquito larvae.方法选择水体,随机分为试验组和对照组,于试验前后一定间隔分别测定幼虫密度,并计算出密度指数、相关密度指数(PR I)和杀灭率。


