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多媒体时代 multimedia age英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-24 22:10:05


多媒体时代 multimedia age英语短句 例句大全

多媒体时代,multimedia age

1)multimedia age多媒体时代

1.Electronic media become an intermediary to explain the show s sensibility aesthetic world inmultimedia age,and it not only guide students in the manufacture of aesthetic expression of desire and the narrative,but also bring a comprehensive,cumulative,groups aesthetic fatigue.多媒体时代电子媒介以阐释中介的身份呈现了感性化的审美世界,在制造和引导大学生审美欲望化的表达和叙事的同时,也带来了具有综合化、累积化、群体化的审美疲劳。


1.A Study of Broadcasting Communication Strategy in Multimedia Times;多媒体时代的广播传播发展策略研究

2.With the coming of the 21st century, man is entering into an age of data, information and multimedia.随着21世纪的到来,人类进入了数字时代、信息时代和多媒体时代。

3.Information Super Highway: the Information Communication Network of the Multimedia Age信息高速公路:多媒体时代的信息通讯网络

4.The Research on Broadcasting Technology and Development Characteristics of China Broadcasting in Multi-medium Times;多媒体时代广播技术与中国广播发展特征研究

5.The Performance and Characteristics of Students Aesthetic Fatigue in Multimedia Age;多媒体时代大学生的审美疲劳表现及特点

6.Electronic Multimedia Era and Socialized Growth of Youngsters;电子多媒体时代与青少年的社会化成长

7.Thoughts on Strengthening Handwriting Education in Police Colleges and Institutions in Multi-media Era关于多媒体时代公安院校加强书法教育的思考

8.With the coming of the 21st century, man is entering into a brand-new multimedia age.随着21世纪的到来,人类进入了一个全新的多媒体时代。

9.Problems in College English Teaching from the Traditional to the Network Multimedia Model and Their Countermeasures;大学英语教学从传统到网络多媒体时代转型中的问题与对策

10.On the Problem and the Way out of Children Literature in Children Moral Education During the Era of Multi-media;多媒体时代儿童文学在儿童道德教育中面临的问题和出路

11.Great Production of Art and Technology--Multimedia Dramas新媒体时代舞台艺术的奇葩——多媒体戏剧

12.Interference and Countermeasures of Multimedia Teaching;网络时代多媒体教学中的干扰及对策

13.The Pluralistive Development of the Chinese Film on the New Media Age;论新媒体时代中国电影的多元化发展

14.A Brief Analysis on Multi-media Design and Teaching in Informationization Times;浅析信息化时代多媒体设计及其教学

15.Viewpoints towards Multimedia Super Corridor(MSC) Malaysia;资讯时代“多媒体超级走廊”之探讨

16.Multimedia Communications Are Grgantic Technical Feature of the information Era多媒体通信是信息时代的一大技术特征

petition in Merger Era: Comparison of Telecommunication and Multimedia Laws in Different Countries;合并时代的竞争:各国电信、多媒体法之比较

18.Multimedia Approach is an Innovative Teaching Way Conforming t o the Modern Times;多媒体教学是顺应时代的教学创新之路


multimedia times多元媒体时代

1.This paper introduces the diversification of media for reading,analyzes the present reading situation and existing problems based on media diversification,and advances several opinions about the reading in themultimedia times.介绍了阅读媒体的多元化,并分析了基于媒体多元化的阅读现状与问题,对多元媒体时代的阅读前景提出了几点看法。

3)Media Era媒体时代

1.Application of Dialogue Form Exhibition Design in theMedia Era;展示设计在媒体时代对话形式中的运用

2.The relationship between psycho change and technical renewal caused by dialogue form transformation was discussed from the background of theMedia Era through comparison.以媒体时代为背景,通过对传统对话形式与媒体时代的比较分析,探讨了其改变所引起的心理变化和技术更新的关系。

4)new media era新媒体时代

1.This article aims at the modes of Internet Marketing for the Olympic brands and analyzes the disseminative features of spreading Internet advertisement at thenew media era.本文旨在通过对奥运品牌的网络营销方式,分析新媒体时代网络广告传播的特点,探究网络时代广告传播模式的变革,进一步探究如何运用新媒体进行奥运营销的发展问题。

5)Post-media age后媒体时代

6)new media age新媒体时代

1.However, does the model have a improved space? By comparison with the opponents of the happy TV shopping, what is the competitive superiority? On the condition of thenew media age, which way of the manage model can be th然而,这种模式有没有需要改进的地方?与“快乐购”的竞争对手相比,它又有什么决胜市场的竞争优势?未来新媒体时代背景下,什么经营模式的家庭电视购物频道最能成为市场的领导者?一个优秀的家庭电视购物频道该如何筹备、运作、盈利、永续发展?家庭电视购物作为电视购物发展的新课题,它的发展方向、发展战略及未来前景是目前所有电视购物经营者所迫切关心的话题。


