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风筒壳后盖 casing cover of hair dryer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-25 00:05:46


风筒壳后盖 casing cover of hair dryer英语短句 例句大全

风筒后盖,casing cover of hair dryer

1)casing cover of hair dryer风筒壳后盖

1.CAE-based design of injection mould forcasing cover of hair dryer基于CAE分析的风筒壳后盖注射模设计


1.CAE-based design of injection mould for casing cover of hair dryer基于CAE分析的风筒壳后盖注射模设计

2.case back with spanner-hole有扳手眼的表壳后盖

3.The Wind-induced Vibration Analysis of the Long-span Single Layer Space Groined Latticed Vaults;复杂体型的大跨度单层叉筒网壳风振分析

4.Study on Stability and Numerical Simulation of Wind-Loading of Arch-supported Latticed Groined Barrel Vault;拱支叉筒网壳稳定性分析与风压数值模拟

5.full steel cover over the extruder barrel with air venting grid on top.挤出机机筒盖板为带有通风开口的全钢材质。

6.Research on the Three-dimensional Computing Method of Earth Pressure for Large-diameter Cylinder;大直径薄壳圆筒结构筒后土压力的空间计算方法

7.Study on Wind-induced Dynamic Response and Wind Vibration Coefficient for Double-layer Latticed Shell Roof Structures;双层网壳屋盖的风振响应和风振系数研究

8.Put the lid on the garbage can.把盖子盖在垃圾筒上。

9.Application study of wind vibration control for a large cantilevered roof structure with circular tube viscoelastic dampers大悬挑屋盖结构采用筒式粘弹性阻尼器的风振控制应用研究

10.having a hard shell or shell-like covering.有硬壳或壳状遮盖物。

11.Tumble dryer, with 100 mm space at rear for ventilation.滚筒烘衣机,后部有 100 毫米的空间用于通风。

12.Then a gust of rain blotted them out.后来被一阵暴风雨遮盖了踪影。

13.grind a coffee-mill, barrel-organ摇咖啡磨、 筒风琴.

14.Trim or remove excess sealant film in the rear main cap oil pan gasket groovDO NOT remove the sealant inside the rear main cap slots.修整或清除后主盖机油底壳垫圈凹槽中过多的密封剂薄膜。切勿清除在后主盖槽中的密封剂。

15.Slip the fan shroud rearwarRemove the fan shroud and viscous drive/fan blade together as one assembly from the engine compartment.向后滑动风扇护壳。把风扇护壳和粘性驱动/风扇叶片作为一个组合体从引擎室中拆下。

16.Drain well, put them in a heavy-based saucepan over high heat. Cover with lid and shake the pan until the clams have opened.沥乾后置于高身平底锅上以猛火煮。将锅盖盖好,并轻轻执起摇煮,直至蚬壳全部打开。

17.Girth Welding of Large Reel Structure Pieces of Shell and Tube Plate大型卷筒结构筒壳与幅板环焊缝的焊接

18.vacuum flask in metallic casing with aluminium shoulder and cap铝肩铝盖铁壳热水瓶


cover,rear axle case后桥壳盖

3)case rear cover表壳后盖

4)ventilator cover通风筒盖

5)rear cover of fan风扇后盖

1.Based on the analysis of technical characteristic ofrear cover of fan, the design project and working principle of the injection mould were introduced.分析了风扇后盖的工艺特点,介绍了模具设计方案、工作原理,阐述了成型部件、浇注系统凝料双层结构、顶出机构的设计特点,详细说明了冷却系统的设计过程。

6)mobile phone back shell手机后盖壳

1.The function and general process of Moldflow are expressed in detail by the instance ofmobile phone back shell,and how to use the results of CAE analysis to optimize molding process and injection mould design are introduced.以一款手机后盖壳为例,详细阐述了Moldflow流动模拟分析软件的功能和一般流程,并分析了如何利用CAE的分析结果解决注塑模设计及成型加工中出现的问题,显示了CAE技术在注塑模设计及注塑件开发过程中的突出作用。


