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第一句子网 > 分组丢失率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

分组丢失率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-26 10:06:51


分组丢失率 packet loss rate英语短句 例句大全

分组丢失率,packet loss rate

1)packet loss rate分组丢失率

1.Based on the analyses of hierarchical mobile ipv6 mechanism,it is known that this scheme has been improved in micro handover,but has no change in macro handover in handover delay andpacket loss rate.通过对分层移动IPv6机制的分析,发现在切换时延和分组丢失率性能方面:当发生微观移动时得到了很大的改善;当发生宏观移动时,性能并没有改变。

2)packet loss probability分组丢失率

1.Further,the call blocking probability and thepacket loss probability were ob-tained.对提供多速率实时VBR业务的系统中呼叫级和分组级的主要性能指标的分析计算进行了深入研究,从多维Markov链的全局平衡条件出发,提出了一种计算在部分共享策略下各业务在线连接数的联合概率分布的方法,在此基础上可算出呼叫损失概率和分组丢失率,仿真结果表明了其准确性。

3)the average packet loss rate平均分组丢失率

4)packet loss ratio(PLR)分组丢失率(PLR)

5)Cell/Packet loss ratio信元/分组丢失率

6)packet loss分组丢失

1.Apacket loss avoidance handoff scheme;避免分组丢失切换方法(英文)

2.This paper numerically analyzes the characterization of handoff for Mobile IP: the probability distribution aboutpacket loss and packet disorder.从理论上分析了移动IP的切换特征??分组丢失和分组乱序的概率分布。

3.In packet-based real-time network,packet loss can not be avoided,which may greatly damage the speech quality.在基于分组传输的实时网络语音通信中,分组丢失不可避免,这也造成了语音质量的恶化。


1.Research on Packet Loss Resilience for MPEG-4 Video Conferencing;MPEG-4视频会议中的抗分组丢失研究

2.Anti-packeting Loss Algorithm Used in GPRS Wireless Transmission用于GPRS无线传输的抗分组丢失算法

3.Study of Packet-loss Resilience Algorithms for Video Communication Based H.264/AVC;基于H.264/AVC视频通信抗分组丢失算法的研究

4.Study for Packet Loss Resilience of H.264 Video Communication;基于H.264视频通信抗分组丢失技术的研究

5.A Packet Loss Resilient Intra Refresh Algorithm Based on H.264基于H.264具有抗分组丢失能力的帧内刷新算法

6.Packet loss over IP network can degrade the quality of video data.IP网络中,分组丢失是影响视频数据恢复质量的重要因素。

7.Fractions of the phosphor are easily lost.部分磷光体容易丢失。

8.She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase.她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。

9.Miinie Baby Tracker consists of the parent"s unit( a receiver) and the child"s unit( a transmitter).依可儿”宝宝防丢失提醒器由母机(收机)子机(射机)部分组成。

10.Evaluation of the Criterion of Partial Loss of Heterozygous in Tumor Tissues肿瘤组织中部分杂合性丢失判定标准的适用性评估

11.Bad or missing storage media engine component %1.媒体引擎组件 %1 不对或已丢失。

12.abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones; common in postmenopausal women.骨组织异常丢失导致脆弱或多孔。

13.To delete or miss out;for example, drop bits, drop significant digits.删除或丢失。例如,丢失位,丢失有效数字。

14.Losing your wallet is a real bummer.丢失了钱包一定使你十分沮丧吧!

15.Saving to an old file format; data may be lost.用旧文件格式保存,可能丢失部分数据。

16.She is all in a stew over her lost trunk.她因丢失衣箱而十分烦恼。

17.The Countermeasure to and Analysis on the Book Missing form the University Library;高校图书馆丢失图书情况分析及对策

18.An Analysis of Social Cultural Factors about the Lossof Hezhe Nationality s Language;赫哲族语言丢失的社会文化因素分析


packet loss probability分组丢失率

1.Further,the call blocking probability and thepacket loss probability were ob-tained.对提供多速率实时VBR业务的系统中呼叫级和分组级的主要性能指标的分析计算进行了深入研究,从多维Markov链的全局平衡条件出发,提出了一种计算在部分共享策略下各业务在线连接数的联合概率分布的方法,在此基础上可算出呼叫损失概率和分组丢失率,仿真结果表明了其准确性。

3)the average packet loss rate平均分组丢失率

4)packet loss ratio(PLR)分组丢失率(PLR)

5)Cell/Packet loss ratio信元/分组丢失率

6)packet loss分组丢失

1.Apacket loss avoidance handoff scheme;避免分组丢失切换方法(英文)

2.This paper numerically analyzes the characterization of handoff for Mobile IP: the probability distribution aboutpacket loss and packet disorder.从理论上分析了移动IP的切换特征??分组丢失和分组乱序的概率分布。

3.In packet-based real-time network,packet loss can not be avoided,which may greatly damage the speech quality.在基于分组传输的实时网络语音通信中,分组丢失不可避免,这也造成了语音质量的恶化。


