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防毒服 gas protective clothing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-26 05:06:21


防毒服 gas protective clothing英语短句 例句大全

防毒服,gas protective clothing

1)gas protective clothing防毒服

1.Feathery design ofgas protective clothing;防毒服基布的轻薄化设计

2.Developing the structure and studying the properties of newgas protective clothing新型防毒服吸附层的结构开发及其防护性能研究

3.Objective:To study the relationship between rectal temperature and skin temperature (TS) ingas protective clothing( GPC) during working in hot environment,so as to provide experimental data for individual heat stroke alarming device(IHSAD).目的 :探索高温下身着防毒服活动时肛温与皮温的变化关系 ,为个体中暑预警装置提供相应实验数据。


1.gas-protection suit防毒服[一种衣裤连体的气密服装]

fort analysis of the base cloth using in new antitoxic clothing新型防毒服面料用基布的舒适性分析

3.Study on hygroscopicity and permeability of inner layers of poison-proof permeable protective suits透气防毒服内层材料的吸湿透气性能研究

4.Effect of Fabric Texture on Permeatable Antigas Cloth Inner Material Property织物组织对透气防毒服内层材料性能的影响

5.Developing the structure and studying the properties of new gas protective clothing新型防毒服吸附层的结构开发及其防护性能研究

6.Another issue: Existing suits don"t allow the freedom of movement needed to perform such tasks as loading and firing weapons.另一个问题是:现在的防毒服不能满足像投弹和射击这类任务所需的自由运动。

7.Viral Hepatitis Preventive Service [Department of Health]病毒性肝炎预防服务〔卫生署〕


9.On the Web Server in the Management of Virus Protection解析服务器管理中的病毒检测与防护

10.Prevent Virus/hacker attacking to server and PC.防止病毒和黑客软件对服务器和电脑的攻击。

11.Viruses generally infect local area networks through workstations, so antivirus software packages that work only on the server aren"t enough to prevent infection;病毒通常通过工作站感染局域网,因此只在服务器上运行防病毒软件包是不足以防止感染的;

12.Effect of Oral Glutamine on Oxaliplatin-induced Neurotoxicity口服谷氨酰胺预防奥沙利铂神经毒性的疗效观察

13."One-stop-shop"integrated prevention,treatment and care service linkage system targeted to drug users in Hunan湖南省吸毒人群艾滋病防治与关怀的一站式转介服务模式

14.chemical agent protective clothing防化[学作用]服装

15.On the Internet site placed by the enterprise VRIDLO v.d., you receive views on Respirators, Cosmetics as well as on Manufacture.从事防毒面具、呼吸面具,化妆品,轮胎成型、服装批量生产的制造和销售。

16.A Clinic Study of Prophylaxis of Patients Hepatitis B Virus Recurrence after Liver Transplantation Using Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Combined with Oral Lamivudine;乙肝免疫球蛋白联合口服拉米夫定预防肝移植术后患者乙肝病毒复发的临床研究

17.Clinical Research of Mumps Treated by Zijin Ingot and Cactus for External with Anti-Baidu Jing San of Addition and Subtraction for Oral紫金锭仙人掌外用合荆防败毒散加减内服治疗流行性腮腺炎的临床研究

18.proximity clothing隔热服反射性防护服


gas protective clothing防毒气服装

3)porous antitoxic clothing透气防毒服

4)rubber coated fabric suit for protection chemical gases防毒胶布衣服

5)permeable protective clothing透气式防毒服

6)taking poison服毒

1.It helps not only release patients from pain, but also avoid themtaking poison again.探讨服毒病人的原因及应采取的有针对性的护理措施。


