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时间:2024-07-27 13:52:58



泵房,pump room

1)pump room泵房

1.3D numerical simulation of freezing method forpump room of tunnel through the bottom of the Huangpu River;越江隧道泵房冻结施工三维数值模拟

2.This treatise analyzes the problems existing in the power supply system forpump room #1 in the Ironworks,putting forward a reform plan,which prevented overloading-turned heating and realized the goal of two-circuit power supply.分析了炼铁厂1~#泵房供电系统存在的问题,提出了改造方案,防止了过载发热现象的发生,并实现了两路供电。

3.The test and research on anti-floating anchors are carried out based on thepump room engineering.针对某泵房工程,对工程抗浮锚杆进行试验研究,通过锚杆的破坏性试验,得出抗浮锚杆的抗拔力,为抗浮工程的设计提供了依据。


1.Tsiu Keng Shaft Raw Water Irrigation Pump House蕉径竖井原水灌溉泵房

2.Tsuen Wan West Ultra High Level Fresh Water Pump House荃湾西超高食水泵房

3.Ma Pui and Che Teng Fresh Water Pump House马背及輋顶食水泵房

4.Hydraulics Riser: A room containing pipework for water supply and drainage水力泵房: 装有供水和排水管线的房间

5.Improvement on cooling-air duct of sluicing pump motor in ash pumphouse灰渣泵房冲洗水泵电动机冷却风路的改进

6.Analysis and Research on Dynamic Response of Pumping Station with Block Pump Room;具有块基型泵房的大型泵站动力特性分析研究

7.Inside wall of pump chamber is adhibited with sound absorption material, equipped with double layer sound isolation door.水泵房等房间内壁贴吸声材料。采用双层隔音门。

8.Study on Optimize Dispatcher of Secondary Water Supply System in Multi-Pumping Stations;多泵房二次供水优化调度系统的研究

9.Slope Stability Analysis and Appraise of Dong-Gang Combined Pumphouse;东岗联合泵房边坡稳定性分析与评价

10.Unmanned Operation System Technical Proposals for Pump House at Underground 290 metters Of Bei Su Coal Mine-290m泵房无人值守系统技术方案

11.Main Points on the Construction of Circulating Pump Room in Large Thermal Power Plant大型火力发电厂循泵房沉井施工要点

12.Analysis on large-scale automatic drainage pump with PLC controlPLC控制大型自动化排水泵房简析

13.Waters of the central substation,pumping chamber design optimization海域中央变电所、水泵房硐室设计优化

14.Control System of Domestic Water Pump House in the Community by Frequency Converter and Programmable Logic Controller变频器和PLC在小区生活水泵房的应用

15.Discussion on Increasing Coefficient Z Value of Designed Capacity of Rainwater Pumping House雨水泵房设计容量增大系数Z值探讨

16.Alternative Integrated Design of Pump House Chambers in Deep Soft Rocks深部软岩泵房硐室群集约化设计技术

17.A Design of Auto-control System of Underground Pumping Station一种井下泵房自动化控制系统的设计

18.Research and Analysis of Pump House Ledger Wall of the Vertical Axial Flow Pumping Station with Elbow Type Inlet Passage by FEM;立式轴流泵站肘形进水流道泵房底板有限元分析研究


Pump house泵房

1.Problems in pump house designing;泵房设计中应注意的问题

2.Construction scheme design of the reservation engineering interval section pass by the pump house;某站预留工程区间过泵房段施工方案设计

3.On controlling of cracks on pump house wall浅谈泵房池壁的裂缝控制

3)pump station泵房

1.Establishment for remote control system of secondary boosterpump station;二次供水泵房远程监控系统的构建

2.This paper introduces noise situation and its harm to the workers of oil transferpump station in oil recovery plant.介绍了采油厂原油外输泵房的噪声现状及噪声对职工造成的危害,分析了噪声的主要来源为电磁噪声、机械噪声、空气动力性噪声以及阀门噪声、摩擦噪声和管路噪声等,其声压级在90~104dB之间,频率主要集中在200~3000Hz范围,并制定了噪声治理方案。

4)pumping house泵房

1.The technical feasibility of using circulating cooling water for fire water supply in small and medium_sized plants as well as the necessary measures to be taken in engineering design are studied and discussed,while layouts of circulating waterpumping house and fire waterpumping house are given for different cases in using circulating cooling water for fire water source.针对循环冷却水作中小型工厂消防水源的技术可行性及在工程设计中需要采取的技术措施等方面的问题进行了探讨和分析 ,并给出循环冷却水作为消防水源不同情况下循环水泵房与消防泵房的平面布置方

2.The outletpumping house of Shanghai Zhuyuang No.上海市竹园第一污水处理厂出口泵房为特大型沉井,该文针对此沉井的具体特性,着重研究特大型沉井下沉分析及相关的施工技术。

5)pump room泵房;泵舱

6)vacuum pump in the pump room泵房真空泵


泵房泵房pump housebengfang泵房(pump house)安装水泵、动力机及其辅助设备的建筑物,是泵站的主体工程,通常包括主机室、配电间、修配间等。泵房的结构类型可分为固定式和移动式两大类。固定式泵房按其基础型式特点,又可分为分基型、干室型、湿室型及块基型4种。移动式泵房则有泵船及泵车两种,多用于水源水位变幅较大,泵站流量较小的场合。影响泵房结构类型的因素很多,如水泵类型、水源水位变幅、地基条件及建筑物布置方案等。分基型泵房主要特点是泵房基础与机组基础分开建筑(图l)。它适于安装卧式水泵,且水源水位变幅小于水泵有效吸程(He)的泵站。这种泵房一般为砖木结构,施工简便,造价较低,通风、采光和防潮条件较好守最高水位叮最低水位斜式进水喇叭图1分墓型泵房干室型泵房是当水源水位变幅大于水泵有竹吸程时,为了防止高水位时水从泵房四周和底部渗入,往往用钢筋混凝土将机组势础与泵房底板和侧墙浇筑成整体,使泵房下部形成一个无水的地下室,故称干室型(图进水怜水泵泵裱础图2干室型泵房出水长┌─────┐│…田┬─┐│││ │ ││├┴─┴─┴┤│蓦蒸舅│└─────┘2)。这种泵房型式比分基型结构复杂、造价较高。它的平面形状有矩形、圆形及椭圆形三种,在立面上可以是一层或多层。湿室型泵房其结构特点是泵房的一下部有一个与前池相通并能蓄水的地下室,称为湿室(图:3)。它一起重设备变压器立式轴流泵┌─┐│篱│└─┘图3湿室型泵居方面起着进水池的作用,另一方面,湿室中的水重平衡了一部分地下水的浮托力,增强了泵房的稳定性。湿室型泵房分为两层,下层是湿室,水泵的吸水管或泵体淹没于湿室水面以下,直接从室中取水,而动力机和配电设备等则安装在上层。湿室内具有自由水面者称为无压湿室;用顶板封闭湿室,室内为压力水流者称为有压湿室。通常水泵口径在1000毫米以下的立式或卧式轴流泵、立式离心泵及导叶式混流泵都可以选用湿室型泵房。
