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不完备目标信息系统 Incomplete objective information system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-31 08:20:22


不完备目标信息系统 Incomplete objective information system英语短句 例句大全

不完备目标信息系统,Incomplete objective information system

1)Incomplete objective information system不完备目标信息系统

1.Variable precision rough set model in incomplete objective information system不完备目标信息系统中的可变精度粗糙集模型

2.In this paper, the incomplete objective information system in which all unknown values are considered as lost is deeply investigated.以具有遗漏型未知属性值的不完备目标信息系统为研究对象,根据优势关系,提出升序和降序最优可信规则。


1.Variable precision rough set model in incomplete objective information system不完备目标信息系统中的可变精度粗糙集模型

2.Research on Rule Rule Acquisition in Incomplete and Fuzzy Objective Information Systems;不完备模糊目标信息系统的规则提取研究

3.The reduction algorithm of discerniblity matrix in incomplete and fuzzy objective information systems;一种不完备模糊目标信息系统的精度属性约简算法

4.Rule Acquisition in Incomplete and Fuzzy Objective Information Systems Based on Maximal Compatible Classes;基于最大相容类的不完备模糊目标信息系统规则提取

5.Researches on Rough Set Extension Models in IISs;不完备信息系统粗糙集拓展模型研究

6.Grey Incidence Decision-Making with Incomplete Information;不完备信息系统的灰色关联决策方法

7.New Methods of Knowledge Discovering in Incomplete Information Systems;不完备信息系统中知识发现的新方法

8.Rough Set Theory in Incomplete Interval-valued Information System不完备区间值信息系统中的粗集理论

9.Variable Precision Rough Set Model In Incomplete Information System不完备信息系统中可变精度Rough集模型

10.A System Clustering Method with Incomplete Attribute Information;特征指标信息不完全的系统聚类方法

11.Rough set model based on general similarity relation in incomplete information systems广义相似关系下的不完备信息系统粗糙集模型

12.Improvement of nonsymmetrical similarity relation under incomplete information system不完备信息系统下非对称相似关系的改进

13.Uncertain Knowledge Expression to the Decision Rule of Incomplete Information System不完备信息系统中决策规则的不确定性表示

14.Research on Scheduling System of Agile Manufacture in the Imperfect Information Condition;信息不完备条件下的敏捷制造调度系统研究

15.Research to Data Mining of Incomplete Information System Based on Rough Set;基于粗集的不完备信息系统数据挖掘方法研究

16.Study of Data Mining in Incomplete Information Systems Based on Rough Set Theory;不完备信息系统数据挖掘的粗糙集方法研究

17.The Research about Attribute Reduction in the Incomplete Information Systems Based on Roughsets;基于粗糙集的不完备信息系统的属性约简研究

18.Rough Set Extended Model and Attributes Reduction in Incomplete Information Systems;不完备信息系统的粗集扩展模型及属性约简


incomplete information system不完备信息系统

1.Lower_approximation distribution reduct and rules inincomplete information system;不完备信息系统的下近似分布约简与规则

2.Extension of rough set model based on variable precision underincomplete information systems and attribute reduction;基于可变精度的不完备信息系统粗集扩展模型及属性约简

3.On extension model of rough set ofincomplete information systems under symmetric similarity relation;基于对称相似关系的不完备信息系统粗糙集拓展模型

3)incomplete information systems不完备信息系统

1.Research on mining rules fromincomplete information systems based on multivariable decision tree;基于多变量决策树的不完备信息系统规则提取研究

2.Analysis of abnormal reduction based on VPRSM inincomplete information systems;在不完备信息系统中基于VPRSM的约简异常分析

3.Extension of rough set model underincomplete information systems;不完备信息系统的Rough模型扩充

4)Inconsistent incomplete information system不一致不完备信息系统

5)Incomplete and Inconsistent Information System不完备不协调信息系统

6)incomplete decision information systems不完备决策信息系统

1.After analyzing the limitation of the rough set and extended rough set approaches forincomplete decision information systems,a new extended rough set approach based on variable-precision tolerance relation is presented.针对不完备决策信息系统问题,在分析已有粗糙集及其扩展方法局限性的基础上,提出了一种基于变精度容差关系的扩展粗糙集方法。

2.The classical rough set theory based on complete decision information systems is greatly restricted inincomplete decision information systems.本文针对几种已有在不完备决策信息系统下拓展模型的局限性,结合确定性理论和集对联系分析方法,得到更广泛的拓展模型-基于集对联系度相似关系的拓展模型。


