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河涌 river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-01 00:51:59


河涌 river英语短句 例句大全



1.Donghaoyong River is an integratedriver for sewage and rainfall discharging, and flood prevention and drainage in the urban center.东濠涌为城区中集污水、雨水排放和防洪排涝功能于一体的合流河涌,东濠涌流域地处建筑物密集的旧城区。

2., Through the landscape repair and design of Liangtian River,Baiyun Area of Guangzhou, the thesis presents a way in harmony and ecology forriver landscape design and repair.以广州市白云区良田坑景观整治设计为例,阐述如何从和谐、生态的角度和方法对河涌进行景观整治设计。

3.The comprehensive regulation ofrivers is a hot topic in recent environmental scientific studies.河涌综合整治是当前环境科学研究的热点问题,但在工程的推进过程中,经常遇到非技术领域因素的制约,从而影响治河的进程和效率。


1.Studies on the Present Situation and Remediation Planning of Wastewater of Dongguan City Machong Town"s Inner River东莞市麻涌镇内河涌污染现状及其整治规划研究

2.In-situ Microbe Remediation Techniques of Polluted Urban River in Guangzhou;广州市污染河涌的原地微生物治理技术研究

3.Strategic Research of System Control for the Heavy Polluted Urban Rivers城市重污染河涌流域系统控制战略研究

4.Characterization of Volatile Compounds from Black-odor River"s Sediment in Guangzhou广州某黑臭河涌沉积物中的挥发物质组分

5.Urban Canal Water Treatment with Suspended Biofilm悬浮式生物膜法处理城市河涌水技术研究

6.The Appliation of Bioremediation in Baihaimian River生物修复技术在白海面黑臭河涌治理中的应用

7.The Tidal Bore on the North Branch of Changjiang Estuary and Its Effects on the Estuary长江口北支的涌潮及其对河口的影响

8.Foundation treatment for flood protection works in bore stretch of Qiantang River钱塘江涌潮河段防洪堤工程地基处理

9.Construction Technology for Large Double Wall Steel Cofferdam in Strong Bore Section强涌潮河段大型双壁钢围堰施工技术

10.They have imprisoned the turbulent water of the river Between granite walls他们把汹涌的河水堵挡在花岗岩筑成的河堤间。

11.That was your first train trip ever, the first time you had ever thrown yourself into a raging river.那是你第一次坐火车,第一次投进一条汹涌的河。

12."His hand made the rock open, and the waters came streaming out; they went down through the dry places like a river."他打开磐石,水就涌出。在干旱之处,水流成河。

13.He opened the rock, and the waters gushed out; they ran in the dry places like a river.他打开磐石,水就涌出。在乾旱之处,水流成河。

14.Her full nature . . . spent itself in channels which had no great name on the earth.她完整的天性...在世上不知名的河里涌流。

15.Grasping his pen firmly, he felt the great waves Of the long rivers surging in his breast.他握紧了笔,觉得胸膛里的长河大浪汹涌而至。

16.Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly, but flooding the river.让你的爱像迷蒙的雨,润物无声,却使江河汹涌。

17.WWF staff investigating pollution in the Tung Chung River on Lantau.本会职员调查大屿山东涌河的污染情况。

18.Application of numerical model of tidal bore to bridge works in the Qiantang Estuary涌潮数学模型在钱塘江河口桥梁工程中的应用



1.We have researched the relationship between TOC and COD_(cr) of Guangzhoucreek water,which showes the value of the COD_(cr) and the TOC has good relevance,according to the results of effluent monitoring and organic pollution situation further analysis.对广州市区主要河涌TOC值与CODcr值进行了相关性研究,结果表明河涌水中TOC值与CODcr值之间有着良好的相关性。

2.The design for the large-scale water transmission pipeline running across thecreeks is involved.南洲水厂2-DN2200原水输水管工程管线途经珠江三角洲地区,涉及到大型输水管道过河涌设计问题,以新光快速路A3标段2-DN2200原水管道通过大山涌为例,详细介绍了施工方案的选择及过河涌的设计要点。

3.The negative influence caused bycreek environmental pollution in the Pearl River Delta region is elaborated and the reasons why the rivers have current problems are analyzed: First,river pollution is serious;Second,the river water used for ecological environment is short;Third,river ecosystem is destructed seriously.阐述了珠江三角洲地区河涌水环境污染带来的负面影响,分析了造成河流当前问题的原因:一是河流污染严重;二是河流生态环境用水短缺;三是河流生态系统破坏严重。


1.Research on start-up of suspended bio-film process forstream treatment;悬浮式生物膜法处理河涌水挂膜实验

4)contaminant rivers污染河涌


1.Research on the Characteristic and the Source of Ammonia Nitrogen inInner-river;内河涌氨氮污染的特征及其来源的研究

6)The natural ecosystem of rivers河涌生态


