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Adhoc Ad hoc英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-02 08:39:11


Adhoc Ad hoc英语短句 例句大全

Adhoc,Ad hoc

1)Ad hocAdhoc

1.Multi-path QoS Routing Protocol Based on Power-Aware and Bandwidth in Ad Hoc Network;AdHoc网络中一种基于能量及带宽的多路径QoS路由协议

2.A Location-Based Route Selection in Multi-rate Ad Hoc Wireless Networks;基于位置信息的AdHoc网路由选择算法

3.Analysis of the Several Routing Algorithms in Ad Hoc;AdHoc中的常用路由算法分析


1.A Research on Ad hoc Network MAC Protocol;Adhoc网络中MAC层协议研究

2.The Research on Bluetooth Based Ad Hoc Network Topology Formation Protocols;基于蓝牙的Adhoc网络拓扑形成协议研究

3.The Research and Improvement of Secure Routing Protocol in Adhoc NetworkAdhoc安全路由协议的研究与改进

4.Routing Algorithm Analysis and Simulation Based on W-Adhoc Network基于W-Adhoc网络的路由算法分析及仿真

5.Research and Improvement on MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Network;AdHoc网络中MAC层协议的研究与改进

6.The Research of Ad-Hoc Network Protocols and the Improvement of Backoff Algorithms;AdHoc网络MAC协议研究及退避算法改进

7.Research on Intrusion Detection in Ad Hoc Network;基于AdHoc网络的入侵检测技术研究

8.The On-Demand Strip-Shape Routing Protocol s Design and Implementation in ADHOC Network;ADHOC按需带状路由协议的设计与实现

9.Simulation Analysis of Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Network;AdHoc网络路由协议的仿真分析

10.Analysis of Routing Protocol in Two Generation ADHOC Networks;二代移动ADHOC网络中的路由分析

11.The Research on Ant Colony Based Routing Protocol Algorithm for AdHoc Networks基于蚁群算法的AdHoc网络路由协议研究

12.Cluster-based Key Management Scheme for Ad Hoc Networks基于簇结构的AdHoc网络密钥管理方案

13.Simulation Research on Resource Allocation of Wireless Ad Hoc Network Based on Price无线ADHOC网络基于价格的资源分配仿真研究

14.Improvement on Communication of Position-based Nodes in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Network分层结构AdHoc网络中基于节点位置的通信改进

15.A Contention-Based Forwarding Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Scenarios一种基于竞争转发的城市场景车载AdHoc网络路由算法

16.A Multicast Routing Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks Based on Residual Energy and Drain Ratio of the Nodes一种考虑节点剩余能量及其消耗率的AdHoc组播路由算法


Ad hoc networkAdhoc

1.Simulation Analysis of Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Network;AdHoc网络路由协议的仿真分析

3)Ad Hoc networkAdHoc网

1.As a new type of wireless mobile network, ad hoc network enjoys cooperative and trustful domain nodes without centralized control unit.adhoc网是一种新型无线移动网络,内部节点相互合作信任,但是没有中心控制节点,且节点的计算资源非常受限。

2.Current researches on polling schemes of Bluetooth Ad hoc network were briefly discussed.在分析现有蓝牙Adhoc网轮询方案的基础上,分别提出一种基于传统轮询方案中的DRR(Deficit Round Robin)算法的改进方案——WDRR(Weighted Deficit Round Robin)算法和一种基于自适应轮询方案中的LWRR(Limitedand Weighted Round Robin)策略的改进方案,并对WDRR算法进行了仿真。

3.Clusterhead node of layered structure inAd Hoc network takes on function of data transmitted similar to router.AdHoc网络分层结构中的簇头节点,因担负类似于路由器的数据转发功能,其具有的队列调度机制决定了数据包的传输能力、延迟和网络的QoS。

4)Ad HocAdHoc网

1.InAd Hoc network,routing has been the most focused area for its nodes’ mobility and topology variability.在AdHoc网络中,由于网络节点的移动性及拓扑结构的易变性,路由成为最受关注的问题。


6)Ad Hoc networkAdHoc网络

1.Application and improvement design of power control protocol inAd Hoc network;AdHoc网络功率控制协议应用与设计改进

2.Performance evaluation of Bluetooth Ad hoc network formation algorithms;蓝牙Adhoc网络形成算法的性能评价

3.Survey on the Security for Mobile Ad hoc Networks;移动Adhoc网络安全技术研究进展


城域网(见计算机网络)城域网(见计算机网络)metropolitan area network, MANehengyuwQng城域网(metropolitan area netwo次,MAN)分布范围可覆盖几个街区到整个城市的计算机网络。见计算机网络。
