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瑞利分馏 Rayleigh fractionation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-05 12:42:18


瑞利分馏 Rayleigh fractionation英语短句 例句大全

瑞利分馏,Rayleigh fractionation

1)Rayleigh fractionation瑞利分馏

1.The basic concept of isotope fractionation and the mechanism ofRayleigh fractionation model under equilibrium condition are discussed.本文简要介绍了同位素分馏的基本概念,对平衡条件下瑞利分馏机制进行了分析。

2.This paper analyzes the impact factors for fractionation coefficient inRayleigh fractionation, gives the differential equation models of stable isotope composition in precipitation in the open system and closed system,and discloses the variation law of deuterium and oxygen18 in precipitation.大气降水过程中氢氧稳定同位素比值呈现一定的规律,分析了瑞利分馏中分馏系数的影响因子,基于瑞利分馏原理和质量守恒定律,分别推导了开放系统和封闭系统降水过程中的稳定同位素微分方程模型,研究了大气降水过程中氢、氧稳定同位素变化规律,导出了云团水汽和降水氢、氧之间的相互关系,结果表明这一关系并非简单的线性关系。

2)Rayleigh fractional principle瑞利分馏原理

1.Having noticed its drawbacks and made some assumptions and simplifications,the following two models are deduced based on basic law of hydraulics andRayleigh fractional principle:(1)the differential equation model for the stable isotope composition that varies with time in static water body,which discloses the relationship among stable isotope composition in static water body,the fractional.针对其不足,在作了一定的假定和简化的前提下,基于瑞利分馏原理和水力学基本定律分别推导了:①静止水体的氢氧稳定同位素组成随时间变化的微分方程模型,揭示了静止水体的同位素组成与时间、分馏系数和蒸发率之间的关系;②河道中运动水体的同位素组成随时间和空间变化的微分方程模型,导出了河道运动水体中稳定同位素组成与分馏系数、流速、流量、蒸发率之间的定量关系。

3)Rayleigh distillation model瑞利分馏模型

4)rayleigh distillation瑞利蒸馏

5)Rayleigh distribution瑞利分布

parative study of statistical process control to geometrical error based on rayleigh distribution;基于瑞利分布的形位误差统计过程控制比较研究

2.The shortest interval estimates on the parameter ofRayleigh distribution;瑞利分布参数的最短区间估计

3.Time-varying UWA channel withRayleigh distribution瑞利分布时变水声信道仿真与实验


1.On Distributional Properties of Order Statistic with Rayleigh Distribution关于瑞利分布顺序统计量的分布性质

2.Distribution Properties of Order Statisticfrom of Rayleigh Distribution with Two Paremeters关于两参数瑞利分布顺序统计量的分布性质


4.Theory Model for Risk and Return of a Project Investment Based on Reyleigh Distribution基于瑞利分布的项目投资风险收益理论模型

5.Estimation of the parameters in the generalized rayleigh distribution with grouped and right-censored data基于数据分组与右删失情形下一般瑞利分布的参数估计

6.Average trip distance can be calculated by Rayleigh Distribution.根据瑞利分布模型可以推算城市机动车平均出行距离。

7.Study on the System of Quasi Distributed Optical Fiber Temperature Annunciator Based on Rayleigh Backscattering;基于瑞利散射的准分布光纤温度报警系统研究

8.Application of Ralley Probability Density Distribution Function to Telecom Subscriber Prediction;瑞利概率密度分布函数在电信用户预测中的运用

9.Measurement of Double Rayleigh Scatter Noise in Distributed Raman Fiber Amplifier Using the Time-domain Extension Method用时域消光法测量分布式光纤喇曼放大器的双瑞利散射噪声

10.Mr Jones: Henry Brown, Harvey Brown or Humphrey Brown?琼斯先生:亨利布朗、哈维布朗、还是韩福瑞布朗?

11.Study on Brillouin-Rayleigh scattering under Raman pump拉曼抽运下的布里渊-瑞利散射研究

12.BUSHAN-RE: The CLEE-SAN? A frigate class vessel?布申-瑞:克利-桑?那艘护卫舰级的飞船?

13.5 species in South America.Hububalli yielded in Venezuela,Guyana,French Guiana and Surinam.计5种﹐分布于南美﹐主要伐采地在委内瑞拉、盖亚纳、法属主亚那及苏利南。

14.Distribution:Mengle,Ruili,Yingjiang and WenShan ara in Yunnan Province.产地(或分布):云南省勐腊、瑞丽、盈江等地。

15."Emigrants have no rights, Evrémonde," was the stolid reply.“外逃分子没有权利可言,埃佛瑞蒙德。”

16.Algorithm Analysis on Atmosphere Temperature Detected by Rayleigh Laser Lidar瑞利激光雷达探测大气温度算法分析

17.Performance of LDPC Codes on Rayleigh Fading Channels;LDPC码在瑞利衰落信道中的性能分析

parative Analysis of Uncorrected Rayleigh Fading Channels Models非相关瑞利衰落信道模型比较与分析


Rayleigh fractional principle瑞利分馏原理

1.Having noticed its drawbacks and made some assumptions and simplifications,the following two models are deduced based on basic law of hydraulics andRayleigh fractional principle:(1)the differential equation model for the stable isotope composition that varies with time in static water body,which discloses the relationship among stable isotope composition in static water body,the fractional.针对其不足,在作了一定的假定和简化的前提下,基于瑞利分馏原理和水力学基本定律分别推导了:①静止水体的氢氧稳定同位素组成随时间变化的微分方程模型,揭示了静止水体的同位素组成与时间、分馏系数和蒸发率之间的关系;②河道中运动水体的同位素组成随时间和空间变化的微分方程模型,导出了河道运动水体中稳定同位素组成与分馏系数、流速、流量、蒸发率之间的定量关系。

3)Rayleigh distillation model瑞利分馏模型

4)rayleigh distillation瑞利蒸馏

5)Rayleigh distribution瑞利分布

parative study of statistical process control to geometrical error based on rayleigh distribution;基于瑞利分布的形位误差统计过程控制比较研究

2.The shortest interval estimates on the parameter ofRayleigh distribution;瑞利分布参数的最短区间估计

3.Time-varying UWA channel withRayleigh distribution瑞利分布时变水声信道仿真与实验

6)Rayleigh"s Breakdown瑞利分解

1.Rayleigh"s Breakdown of FL Microstructure in TiAl Alloy and It"s Utilization;TiAl合金层片组织的瑞利分解现象及应用


