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特有种 endemic species英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-05 15:42:31


特有种 endemic species英语短句 例句大全

特有种,endemic species

1)endemic species特有种

1.Theendemic species and distribution in Xinjiang;新疆植物特有种及其分布

2.The present paper deals with the species diversity,the diversity of life forms,the patterns of spatial distribution,ecological and geographical characteristics of the Chineseendemic species of the tracheophyta in Shandong provinceSome pratical counter measures for conservation and sustained development of the biodiversity of theendemic species are presente论述了维管植物特有种的物种组成多样性、生活型多样性和空间分布格局多样性及其生态地理特征和区系特征 ,并对特有种的生物多样性保护与持续发展提出了切实可行的对

3.The results are as follows:(1)There are 42endemic species in 37 genera of 25 families;(2)64% of them are herbs(mostly being Perennial).首次对河南省特有种及其区系地理和生态学特点进行了研究。


1.Such endemics have been termed epibiotics.这样的特有种称为活化残遗种。

2.Biodiversity and Endemism Pattern of Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaf Forest in China;亚热带常绿阔叶林特有种物种多样性和特有性格局

3.human being as an individual with distinct characteristics(有某种个性或特性的)人

4.There is no certain cure for this disease.这种病没有特效药.

5.The medicine has special efficacy in your disease.这种药对你的病有特效。

6.a species peculiar to this area.这个地区所特有的物种

7.What is the distinguishing feature of the bulldozer?这种推土机有什么特点?

8.The wine has a certain race.这个酒有一种特殊风味。

9.a species endemic to Siberia西伯利亚特有的品种

10.The orange has a scent all its own.橘子有一种独特的香味。

11.Being rich is a very external quality.富有是一种外在的特征。

12.He is characterized as a man of hobbies.他的特点是有多种兴趣。

13.There"s a specific tone that will disrupt these devices.有种特殊的音调可以破坏那种装置.

14.Having the characteristics of two different genera.具有两种不同种属特点的

15."Used to indicate possession of a specified power, right, or privilege."表示拥有某种特殊权力、权利或特权.

16.Each virus (and variant) has a unique signature.每个病毒(及变种)有一个独特的特征。

17.Peculiar to or characteristic of a given language.语言独特现象的某种语言所特有的或具有某种语言特点的

18.(chemistry) of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base.(化学)某种碱的、表示某种碱的、具有某种碱的特性或者含有某种碱。


endemic species特有物种

3)endangered and endemic tree species特有树种

4)sub particular species亚特有种

1.The particular species andsub particular species of woody plantsin Hebei province were examined when the authors compiled the work“Sylva Hebeica”.结合编写《河北树木志》作者对省产木本植物的特有种及亚特有种进行了统计与考证,现知特有种10种(包括种下等级),亚特有种6种(包括种下等级);指出了各种与其近缘种间的区别点及分布区域和适生条件。

5)specific types of work特有工种

1.Vocational skills identification ofspecific types of work in fire industry and implementation of vocational qualification certificate system was briefly analysed.简要分析开展消防行业特有工种职业技能鉴定工作,落实职业资格证书制度,对于推行消防工作社会化有着积极和深远的意义。

6)endemic population特有种群


动物特有种仅分布于某一地区的动物种。例如大鲵,即娃娃鱼(Megalobatrachus davidianus)仅分布在中国东部季风地区内,是这一地区的特有种。有些特有种原来就起源于该地区,这些种又称该地区的固有种或土著种,如贝加尔湖特产的贝加尔海豹(Phoca sibirica)。有些则是从其他地区迁来的,如南美的羊驼(Lama guanicoe),据古生物学资料证明,它原发生于北美洲,是北美洲的固有种,后来在原产地绝灭了,现在的羊驼只分布在南美洲,成为该洲的特有种。
