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电磁不稳定性 Electromagnetic instability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-07 19:21:39


电磁不稳定性 Electromagnetic instability英语短句 例句大全

电磁不稳定性,Electromagnetic instability

1)Electromagnetic instability电磁不稳定性

1.The electromagnetic instability of the system was analyzed, and compared with other electron cyclotron masers.论证和分析了该系统电磁不稳定性的存在及其特征,并与其它电子回旋脉塞进行了比较。

2)magnetic instability磁不稳定性

1.The effect of dissipation onmagnetic instability of accretion disks耗散过程对吸积盘磁不稳定性的影响


1.The effect of dissipation on magnetic instability of accretion disks耗散过程对吸积盘磁不稳定性的影响

2.When the disk rotation speed increases, the stability of magnetic head is slightly worsened.高转速的磁盘对磁头稳定性不利,但影响不大。

3.This hard and brittle magnet has the features of powerful magnetism, good temperature stability, good resistance to demagnetization, good corrosion resistance.其材质特点是硬而脆,磁性较强,温度稳定性好,不易退磁,耐腐蚀性好。

4.A Simplified Model of the Magnetopause and the Lower-hybrid-drift Instability磁层顶的简化模型和低杂漂移不稳定性

5.Axisymmetric Pulsational Instabilities in Weakly Magnetized and Isothermal Accretion Disks弱磁化等温薄吸积盘的轴对称脉动不稳定性

6.The Axisymmetric Pulsational Instability in Weakly Magnetized Accretion Disks with Viscosity含粘滞的弱磁化吸积盘的轴对称脉动不稳定性

7.Study on Stability of Waves in Magnetized Dusty Plasmas;磁化尘埃等离子体中波的不稳定性研究

8.Tearing Mode Instability and Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Boundary Perturbations;撕裂模不稳定性与边界扰动驱动磁场重联

9.Theoretical Research on Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability in Magnetized Plasmas磁化等离子体中Richtmyer-Meshkov不稳定性的理论研究

10.Influence of Dispersive Magnetic Permeability on Spatiotemporal Instability in Metamaterials超常介质中色散磁导率对时空不稳定性的影响

11.Technology of removing deformation magnetic property of metastable austenite stainless steel wire消除亚稳定奥氏体不锈钢丝形变磁性的技术

12.Effects of Magnetic Fields, Viscosity, and Nonaxisymmetry on Gravitational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks磁场、粘性和非轴对称性对原行星盘引力不稳定性的影响

13.We also perform stability analysis of Ω type magnetic head.以Ω型磁头为例,分析了在不同气膜厚度和磁盘转速下的磁头稳定性。

14.Magnetic Softness, Dynamic Magnetic Properties, and Thermal Stability of FeCoAIN FilmsFeCoAIN薄膜的软磁性、动态磁性及热稳定性的研究

15.an allotrope of iron that is the same as alpha iron except that it is nonmagnetic; stable between 768 and 906 degrees centigrade.铁的同素异形体,除不具磁性外与α铁相同,在摄氏度之间保持稳定。

16.In this paper, the propagation of electromagnetic waves along an arbitrary direction is discussed. The rigorous instability criterion is obtained.本文则讨论沿任意方向的波,得出电磁波不稳定性的严格判据。

17.Study of Cherenkov instability for a plasma immersed waveguide in a finite magnetic field有限磁场作用下等离子体背景中的切伦可夫不稳定性研究

18.Research on the Dispersion Law in the Relativistic Plasmas and the Instability of Anomalous Magnetic Viscosity;相对论等离子体色散关系与反常磁黏滞不稳定性的研究


magnetic instability磁不稳定性

1.The effect of dissipation onmagnetic instability of accretion disks耗散过程对吸积盘磁不稳定性的影响

3)electrical instability电不稳定性


1.In the experiments of HT-7 superconducting tokamak, the instability of the magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD ) is an important factor influencing HT-7 long pulse discharge.磁流体不稳定性(MHD)是影响HT-7长脉冲放电的一个重要因素,通常可以通过调制低杂波电流驱动的方法来抑制MHD。

2.The studies ofMHD instabilities are considered to play an important role in plasma confinement.电阻性撕裂模是诱发破裂不稳定性的重要因素,是托卡马克装置上广泛研究的一类磁流体不稳定性,它对托卡马克这种具有大放电电流的位形的约束有重要的影响。

5)MHD instability磁流体不稳定性

1.In typical discharges withMHD instability detected by the method are the independent modes m=2,3,4,the coupling mode of m=2,3,the coexistent independent mode of m=5 and coupling mode of m=4,5.在具有磁流体不稳定性的典型放电中,探测到独立模m=2、3、4,耦合模m=2、3,以及同时出现的耦合模m=4、5和独立模m=5,给出了用扰动幅度的极向截面图分析磁扰动模式的结果,讨论了相关分析法在实验分析中的优点和局限性。

6)mirror instability磁镜不稳定性


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
