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词汇表征 lexical representation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 06:47:37


词汇表征 lexical representation英语短句 例句大全

词汇表征,lexical representation

1)lexical representation词汇表征

1.By manipulating the relationships between the priming and target words,we used the cross-language priming lexical decision task to explore how thelexical representation of the proficient Uighur-Chinese Bilinguals second language accesses its conceptual representation.这些结果表明,对于熟练掌握维、汉两种语言的维吾尔族大学生而言,两种语言无论在词汇表征上,还是在概念表征上都建立了很强的联系,两种语言间词汇通达的不对称性已接近消失,支持了Kroll等人提出的整合的层级模型。

2.Previous studies have found evidence that the proficiency of second language influences the relation betweenlexical representation and conceptual representation of bilinguals.总的实验结果表明,在基于内隐记忆的跨语言重复启动的范式下,非熟练中-英双语者的记忆表征支持概念表征共享、词汇表征分离的观点。

3.In order to explore how thelexical representation of Chinese-English bilinguals,second language accesses its concept representation,the priming effect based on different processing level was investigated.这一结果表明,对于中英双语者来说,第二语言的词汇表征既直接通达语义概念表征,又可以借助第一语言的词汇表征为中介再通达语义概念表征。


1.Studies on English Lexical Learning Strategies Based on the Foreign Language"s Internal Lexicon Representation从二语心理词汇表征角度探索大学英语词汇习得策略

2.The Brain Mechanism Underlying Lexical Representation and Processing in Chinese-English Bilinguals;中英双语者词汇表征与加工的脑机制研究

3.The Theory on Lexical Representation and Processing and Its Evidence from Cognitive Neuropsychology;词汇表征和加工理论及其认知神经心理学证据

4.Structural Representation of Mental Lexicon and the Development of L2 Learners Productive Vocabulary Ability;心理词汇结构表征与二语产出性词汇能力发展

5.The Study of Mental Lexicon and the Developmental Representation of L2 Lexical Ability;心理词汇研究与二语词汇能力发展表征

6.An SPITM Research on Semantic Representation of Mental Lexicon in Bilinguals;双语者心理词汇语义表征的SPITM研究

7.A Research on Lexical and Conceptual Representations in Tibetan-Mandarin-English Trilinguals藏-汉-英三语者词汇与语义表征研究

8.Representation of Compound Words in Lexical Access for Speech Production复合词在言语产生的词汇通达中的表征

9.Mental Lexicon Representation and Cross-linguistic Transfer in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition;心理词汇的表征与二语词汇习得中的跨语言影响

10.Lexical Fossilization from the Perspective of Lexical Representation and Development in a Second Language;从二语词汇习得的心理表征与发展看词汇僵化现象的成因

11.vocabulary entry(词典、词汇表中的)词条

12.Internet user"s glossaryInternet用户词汇表

13.The peculiarities of the vocabulary and grammer of English newspaper headlines英语新闻标题句的词汇特征与语法表述

14.The Contribution of Thinking Styles to Middle School Students" Semantic Representation of English Lexical;不同思维风格中学生英语词汇的语义表征研究

15.The Representation of Lexical and Syntactic Information and Its Development in Bilinguals;双语者词汇和句法信息的表征及其发展

16.The Research on Representation of Chinese Words in the Cerebral Hemispheres;汉语词汇在大脑两半球表征问题的研究

17.Cause of Chinglish from Representation and Development of Mental Lexicon;从心理词汇的表征、发展看中式英语的成因

18.The Thinking Styles Effects on English Lexical Representation;思维风格影响英语词汇心理表征的途径和范围


English lexical representation英语词汇表征

3)lexical-semantic representation词汇语义表征

4)bilingual lexicosemantic representation双语词汇表征

1.This study investigates the relation between English proficiency level andbilingual lexicosemantic representation for Chinese EFL learners by means of an experimental design, as well as comparative and descriptive methods.本研究探讨的主要问题是:(1)中国不同英语水平的学习者在词汇习得过程中,他们大脑中的词汇表征结构如何?(2)中国英语学习者的英语熟练程度与双语词汇表征结构之间的关系是怎样的?本研究的假设是:当英语熟练程度不同的两组受试在作词汇判断测试时,如果两组受试受词的具体化影响的程度相当,则实验结果支持双语词汇表征结构为概念调节型的假设;如果两组受试都不受该因素的影响,结果将支持词汇联结型的假设;如果词的具体化对英语水平较低组的影响小于英语水平较高组,则实验结果支持发展型的假设。

5)mental lexicon representation心理词汇表征

6)bilingual mental lexical representation双语心理词汇表征


