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分块冲突矩阵 blocking conflict matrix英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 14:50:28


分块冲突矩阵 blocking conflict matrix英语短句 例句大全

分块冲突矩阵,blocking conflict matrix

1)blocking conflict matrix分块冲突矩阵

1.Method of TRIZblocking conflict matrix based on modularization ideas基于模块化思想的TRIZ分块冲突矩阵方法


1.Method of TRIZ blocking conflict matrix based on modularization ideas基于模块化思想的TRIZ分块冲突矩阵方法

2.block multiplication of matrices矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵的分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法;矩阵分块乘法

3.Gerschgorin Variations of Partitioned Matrices;分块矩阵的Gerschgorin变分

4.Calculating Inverse Matrix of Partitioned Matrix with Generized Elementary Transformation;用“广义初等变换”求分块矩阵的逆矩阵

5.Conclusions of matrix order by using lump matrix;利用分块矩阵讨论矩阵秩的几个结论

6.The Representations for the Drazin Inverse of the Sum of Two Matrices and the Block Matrix矩阵之和及分块矩阵的Drazin逆表达式

7.Calculate the value of determinant using matrix and the multiplication of dividing matrix;利用矩阵和分块矩阵的乘法计算行列式的值

8.On the Expression of the Block Matrix of the Sum and Product Sequence of Matrix;关于矩阵的和与乘积秩的分块矩阵表示

9.Using Block-Matrix to Prove a Few Matrix Properties;用矩阵分块方法证明矩阵秩的一些性质

10.On Partial Ordering of Pseudo-Schur Complement for Positive Semidefinite Block Matrices半正定分块矩阵的块Pseudo-Schur补的偏序


12.Harmony in Conflict Management:A Dualistic Model of Harmony and Its Applications;和谐二元矩阵模型及其在冲突管理中的应用

13.Integration model of multi-objective bimatrixgames in multiconflict situations多冲突环境下的多目标双矩阵对策集结模型

14.Integration model of bimatrix games in two-person multi-conflict situations两人多冲突环境下的双矩阵对策集结模型

15.On the Symmetric Diagonal A-factor Block Circulant Matrices;关于对称对角A-因子循环分块矩阵

16.The Properties of Generalized Schur Complement for Partitioned Idempotent Matrix分块幂等矩阵广义Schur补的性质

17.Sufficient and Necessary Conditions for the Drazin Inverse and Group Inverse Presentation of Block Matrix分块矩阵Drazin逆和群逆表示的充要条件

18.An Improvement of Oppenheim′s Inequality for Block matrices分块矩阵的Oppenheim型不等式的改进


Contradiction matrix冲突矩阵

1.This method combines subject-field analysis and contradiction matrix,introduces some existing product knowledge from the conceptual stage in the whole design process,and uses TRIZ theory to study the innovative design from product functional analysis and problem solving principles.针对机电产品创新设计过程中原理方案建立困难、实现技术局限性大的缺点,采用基于TRIZ理论的机电产品创新设计技术路线,提出了将物-场分析方法和冲突矩阵相结合的方法应用于机电产品的创新设计之中,从概念阶段就将已有的产品知识引入设计过程中,并在产品功能分析和寻求问题解决原理两个方面运用TRIZ理论对产品创新设计进行探讨,最后以设计实例说明该技术路线的可行性。

2.Using the ANN Toolbox of Matlab as a powerful modeling tool, the traditional contradiction matrix of TRIZ is transformed into a three-layer BP ANN model, which takes engineering parameters and their contradictions as input layer, solving princ.使用MatlabANN工具箱,将传统TRIZ理论的核心———冲突矩阵变换为一个以工程参数及其冲突为输入层,以冲突解决原理为输出层,并包括一个隐含层的三层BP人工神经网络模型。

3)conflict matrix冲突矩阵

1.According to the actual example,by applying TRIZ and by means ofconflict matrix principle,the innovation of the teaching aids has been discussed and explored.结合实例,运用冲突矩阵查找创新原理,完成新产品的设计。

2.By means of integrating conflict analysis and the idea of discernibility matrix, the concept ofconflict matrix is put forward.将冲突分析理论与可分辨矩阵的方法相结合 ,提出了冲突矩阵的概念 ,并根据冲突函数的不同定义和阈值设定 ,提出导致不同紧密程度的联盟以及不同类型联盟的方法 ,在此基础上进行带有阈值的局中人的实力 -策略分析 。

3.In this paper, by means of integrating conflict analysis and the rough set theory, informatinn system is used to describe conflict problem and the concept ofconflict matrix is put forward.通过将冲突分析与粗糙集理论相结合,利用信息系统表示冲突问题,提出了冲突矩阵 的概念。

4)partitioned matrix分块矩阵

1.Some expressions of the generalized inverses of apartitioned matrix;分块矩阵广义逆的几种表达式(英文)

2.Generalized inverses of a 2×2 blockpartitioned matrix;一类2×2分块矩阵的广义逆(英文)

3.The Inverse Problem for the Generalized Inverses of Partitioned Matrix;分块矩阵广义逆的反问题

5)matrix blocking矩阵分块

1.By Newton s method andmatrix blocking technologies,the optimization problem can be resolved and.该方法以曲面三角网格中各网格边的长度为优化变量,以展开前后网格边的长度误差为优化目标,以网格中各内部点均可展为约束条件,并用牛顿法和矩阵分块等方法对该优化问题进行求解,构造出与原始曲面边长误差最小的可展曲面。

6)Block matrix分块矩阵

1.Application and Realization of Block Matrix in NURBS Calculation;分块矩阵在NURBS计算中的应用及实现

2.Tensor product of block matrix and its parallel computing;分块矩阵的张量积及其并行计算

3.On notes of inverse matrix of block matrix;关于某些分块矩阵的逆矩阵的注记


