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Witness仿真 Witness simulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-08 05:30:38


Witness仿真 Witness simulation英语短句 例句大全

Witness仿真,Witness simulation

1)Witness simulationWitness仿真


1.Research on Application of 6σ Management Based on Witness Simulation Technology;基于Witness仿真技术的6σ管理应用研究

2.Control the Witness Simulation Software with Visual Basic;用Visual Basic实现对Witness仿真软件的控制

3.Witness Simulation Analysis in Manufacturing Planning Evaluation基于Witness仿真的生产线规划评价

4.Simulation Study of the Production Logistics System Based on WITNESS;基于WITNESS的生产物流系统仿真研究

5.Modeling and simulating of service system under WITNESS environment;WITNESS环境下的服务系统仿真建模

6.Coal Production Logistics System Simulation Based on Witness基于WITNESS的煤炭生产物流系统仿真

7.A Simulation for the Witness-based Random Inventory System基于Witness的随机库存系统仿真研究

8.Planning and Simulation of Auto Sales Logistics Distribution Center Based on Witness;基于Witness的汽车销售物流配送中心规划与仿真

9.Modeling and Simulation of Container Terminal Logistics System Based on WITNESS;基于WITNESS的集装箱码头物流系统建模与仿真

10.Simulation Researched of Yard Gate System on Container Terminals Based on WITNESS;基于WITNESS的集装箱码头堆场闸口系统仿真研究

11.Study on the Selective Assembly System Based on WITNESS;基于WITNESS仿真的分组装配拉动生产系统研究

12.Simulation and Optimization of Handling System on Ore Port Based on WITNESS基于WITNESS的矿石码头装卸系统仿真与优化

13.Study on Simulation and Evaluation Method of Coal Wharf Logistics Capability Based on Witness基于Witness的煤炭码头物流能力仿真评价方法研究

14.Simulation Modeling and Optimization of Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Witness基于Witness车辆路径问题的仿真建模与优化

15.Epsilon emulationEpsilon仿真

16.Optimization of Manufacturing Bottleneck Based on Witness基于Witness的制造瓶颈优化

17.Internet-based Simulation of DCS基于Internet的DCS仿真

18.Simulation of SVPWM based on SIMULINK基于SIMULINK的SVPWM仿真


Witness simulation softwareWitness仿真软件

1.To improve operation efficiency of container terminal,the shortest work and delay time strategy of container ships on terminals was proposed based on the entire container terminal simulation by usingWitness simulation software.为提高集装箱码头的运营效率,基于Witness仿真软件模拟整体集装箱物流系统的方法,提出了集装箱(船舶)在港时间最短调度策略。

3)Witness Simulation TechnologyWitness仿真技术

4)System simulion software of WitnessWitness系统仿真


1.Design andSimulation of Servo System for Medium Density Fiberboard in the Process of Applying Glue;中密度纤维板施胶过程伺服系统的设计与仿真

2.Study on ballistic separation of coal and refuse base on kinematic analysis and simulation;基于运动分析和仿真的井下弹道式煤矸分选研究

3.State-of-art inSimulation of Brazing Packaging for Miniaturized Multi-channel Heat Exchanger;微小型多通道换热器钎焊封装仿真研究现状


1.SD Model and Emulation of Sustainable Solid Rubbish Management;可持续的固体废弃物管理SD模型与仿真

2.Digital Measurement Method and LabVIEW Emulation for Machine Spidle Rotary Error;机床主轴回转误差数字测量法及其LabVIEW仿真

3.Study on the Emulation of Injection Parts Formation Process;注塑件成型过程的仿真研究


国际仿真数学与仿真计算机学会各国仿真数学和仿真计算机方面的学者和团体联合组成的国际性学术组织,缩写IAMCS。1955年成立。原名国际模拟计算机学会(IAAC),1976年改用现名。中国自动化学会系统仿真专业委员会代表中国参加这个学会。学会总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔。学会的宗旨是促进计算机仿真方面的专家、制造厂和用户之间交流科学信息。该会接受个人会员和团体会员(包括有关的工厂、机关和研究所),并设有荣誉会员。每三年举行一次国际性大会。它是5个国际学会协调委员会(FIACC)成员之一。其他 4个是国际自动控制联合会(IFAC)、国际信息处理联合会(IFIP)、国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)和国际测量联合会(IMEKO)。学会出版物有:《IAMCS会议录》,《IAMCS会刊(仿真数学与仿真计算机)》和《IAMCS会刊(应用数值数学)》。
