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时间:2024-08-10 10:52:32



IPO,initial public offering

1)initial public offeringIPO

1.In the article,the writer gathers the data of thirty companies stocks,uses Eviews and Excel in the principle of econometrics,and proves that there is a phenomenon ofinitial public offering underpricing in Shanghai stock market.IPO抑价现象在发展中股票市场上是十分普遍的现象。

2.The long-term return ratio ofinitial public offerings(IPO) is one of the hot spots in the IPO fields.我国股市上首次公开发行股票(In itial Pub lic O ffering,简称IPO)的长期收益率问题一直是IPO领域研究的热点问题之一。

3.The primary stock market in China is characterized by excessively high initial rate of return for new stocks, low degree of marketization in the pricing ofinitial public offerings and heavy speculation.我国一级市场新股初始报酬率过高 ,IPO定价市场化程度低 ,一级市场投机现象严重 ,这恰是目前无“绿鞋”期权的情况下 ,承销商与一级市场投机者之间博弈的纳什均衡产生的结果。


1.A Review of IPO Underpricing Theories and Its Revelation to Chinese IPOs Study;西方IPO抑价理论及对中国IPO研究的启示

2.The Legal Environments, Audit Quality and Initial Return--Evidence from Chinese SOEs法制环境、审计质量与IPO首日回报——来自国有IPO公司的证据

3.Two years after the IPO, Beachum and his people were gone.在IPO两年后,Beachum和他的手下都离开了。

4.A Research on IPO Price Formation and Short-term Price Adjustment;IPO价格形成及短期价格调整研究

5.A Study on High IPO Underpricing and Bookbuilding Mechanism in China;我国IPO高抑价和询价发行机制研究

6.Study on the Initial Public Offerings Efficiency of the China Stock Market;中国证券市场新股发行(IPO)效率研究

7.The Research of the Correlation between Pre-IPO Earnings Management and Underpricing;IPO前盈余管理与抑价的相关性研究

8.Multi-Agent Simulation Based Research on IPO Initial Day Price Performance;基于Multi-agent仿真的IPO首日价格走势研究

9.An Empirical Analysis of IPO Volumes Fluctuation;IPO数量波动影响因素的实证分析

10.The Research of the SME IPO Pricing Multifactor Model;中小企业IPO定价多因素模型研究

11.Study on the Effect of Corporate Governance on IPO Pricing;公司治理对IPO发行定价的影响研究

12.Empirical Analysis of the IPO Under-pricing Issue Existing in A-Share Stock Market in China;我国现行A股IPO抑价问题的实证分析

13.An Study on the Initial Public Offering Underpricing in China SME Stock Market;我国中小企业板IPO抑价问题研究

14.Study on the Market Relevance of IPO Companies Earnings Forecasts;IPO公司盈利预测信息的市场反应研究

15.An Empirical Study on the Rationality of IPO Pricing of Shanghai Security Market;我国沪市A股IPO价格合理性研究

16.Research on the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises IPO from Enterprises View;基于企业视角的中小企业IPO研究

17.Research on IPO s Pricing and Underpricing in China Stock Market;我国A股市场IPO定价及抑价问题的研究

18.An Empirical Study on Institutional Influence of IPO Underpricing in China s Share Security Market;中国股市IPO抑价制度影响实证分析


Initial Public OfferingsIPO

1.Initial Public Offerings Pricing Research;上市公司IPO定价问题研究

2.IPO(Initial Public Offerings) Underpricing means that the offer price of IPO is lower than the market price, which shows that the first-day closing price is obviously greater than the offer price.IPO抑价是指新股一级市场的发行价低于二级市场的上市价,表现为新股发行上市首日的收盘价明显高于发行价,上市首日能够获得显著的超额收益。

3.This paper provides a comprehensive analysis on the characteristics&methods ofInitial Public Offerings(IPOs), offeringprice,first day s closingprice and listing day stock return etc.其中,上市日指数,发行价格一直是初始收益率的主要指标,发行日景气指数,流动比率及流通股比值也是发行人及承销商所需要共同考虑的因素,行业因素再次之,发行定价政策及制度在新股发行定价中起着重要作用;本文最终选取了发行价格,每股收益、发行数量、上市日指数情况及中签率五个变量构建了IPO首日收盘价格的模型,对最近上市的三只新股进行预测,模型的预测效果尚好。


1.Ownership Structure as a Signal to Reveal the Intrinsic Value ofIPOs;IPO公司股权结构对公司价值的信号显示作用

2.The first step of the article is to conceive of the 3 factors which influenceIPOs: the first factor is firms’demand for capital, i.IPO数量存在很大的波动性。

3.The conclusion is make that the long-term performance of theseIPOs overperforms the index performance, which in a sense indicates the booming of China Concept shares.为研究中国企业海外IPO的长期绩效,本文采用平均累积超额收益率(MCAR)、购买持有期收益率(BHAR)和财富相对数(WR)几个指标对香港、新加坡、纳斯达克和纽约四个交易所上市的中国股票自上市以来至的股价数据进行了分区域和分时段的长期绩效研究,研究发现中国企业海外IPO并没有呈现长期弱势表现,各项长期绩效指标反而略超大盘,只是数值偏小。

4)IPO graphIPO图

1.Analyzes the the directed-graph model based onIPO graph,then brings out the research of the directed-graph model based on activities and directed arcs using the object-oriented method.文中首先分析了基于IPO图的有向图工作流模型,并在其基础上运用面向对象的思想提出了基于活动节点和有向连接弧的有向图模型。

5)IPO underpricingIPO抑价

1.Social Capital,Law Protection of Minority Investors and IPO Underpricing;社会资本、法律对中小投资者的保护和IPO抑价

2.Empirical Analysis on the Relationships between the Reputation of Investment Banks and IPO Underpricing:Based on Chinese Stock Market;投行声誉和IPO抑价:中国股票发行市场的实证分析

3.Empirical research intoIPO underpricing in the entire circulation age;全流通时期IPO抑价实证研究

6)IPO under-pricingIPO抑价

1.Research on Chinese Securities Market Institutions and IPO Under-pricing;我国证券市场制度与IPO抑价研究

2.The problem ofIPO under-pricing exists in global new stock markets universally.IPO抑价问题普遍存在于全球新股发行市场,到目前为止,IPO抑价仍然是困扰金融学界的难题,国内外许多学者从不同的理论和实证角度对这一现象进行了解释。

3.By taking the stock samples of full circulation IPO from both Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market, using the heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent covariances developed by Newey and West, this paper makes an empirical study of theIPO under-pricing after the full circulation in China.文章以实行全流通发行并上市的国内股票为样本,使用Newey—West提出的异方差和自相关一致协方差回归方法,对影响IPO抑价的因素进行实证分析,并提出了降低中国IPO抑价的建议。


IPOIPO就是initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票), 即首次公开上市,英文全称。 首次公开招股是指一家私人企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是"自由交易"的,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。 为什么这么长时间才实行IPO,因为最近一年的主要任务是股改经过一年的股改,这个任务才基本结束,那么股市当然就要恢复它的基本功能了。 除了IPO外,还可通过增发,配股,发行债券等融资手段。 IPO带来的好处那就是给股市带来新的血液,好的投资品种,给股民好的投资回报。

募集资金 流通性好 树立名声 回报个人和风投的投入

费用,(可能高达20%) 公司必须符合SEC规定 管理层压力 华尔街的短视 失去对公司的控制

建立IPO团队 CEO, CFO, CPA (SEC counsel) 律师 挑选承销商 尽职调查 初步申请 路演和定价
