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职业适应能力 Career Adaptability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-15 14:52:37


职业适应能力 Career Adaptability英语短句 例句大全

职业适应能力,Career Adaptability

1)Career Adaptability职业适应能力

1.On the Relations ofCareer Adaptability and Career Success in the Era of Boundaryless Career;无边界职业生涯时代职业适应能力与职业成功关系探析

2.Based on literature review,the effect of career adaptability on career success is studied by using survey.文章针对无边界职业生涯时代员工个体职业发展过程中复杂多变的环境,以软件企业研发人员为研究对象,探究员工个体的职业适应能力与职业成功之间的关系。


1.Study of careers adaptability for tourism professional students高校旅游专业学生职业适应能力研究

2.The training on vocational adaptability of health service management professionals卫生事业管理专业人才职业适应能力培养

3.On the Relations of Career Adaptability and Career Success in the Era of Boundaryless Career;无边界职业生涯时代职业适应能力与职业成功关系探析

4.On the Fostering Students Inter-professional Abilities in Vocational Education;职业教育应注重适应性从业能力培养

5.Present Situation of Students Vocational Adaptation Development and Their Employment Ability Training;论大学生职业适应性发展现状与就业能力培养

6.The vocational ability that higher vocational school students should have includes social adapt ability, operating ability, market competition ability, exploiting and creative ability.高职生应具备的职业能力包括社会适应能力、手能力、场竞争能力、拓创新能力等。

7.The Elemantary Research of Training the Vocational School Students Social Adaptability;职业学校学生社会适应能力培养的初步探索

8.An Empirical Aualysis on the Relation between Blood Group and Occupatonal Aptitude;关于血型与职业能力相关性的实证分析——各种血型人的职业适应性

9.Status Quo of Skill Training and Social Adaptability of Students in Vocational Colleges;职业院校学生就业技能训练及社会适应能力的现状与分析

10.Research on the Relationship among Academic Self-efficacy Sence, Ability of Social Adaptation and Mental Health of Higher Vocational Education Students;高职生学业自我效能感、社会适应能力与心理健康关系的研究

11.The Relationship Between Occupational Adaptation Stress and Occupational Health;企业员工职业适应压力与职业健康的关系研究

12.All three are physicals, but only the warrior has the tools to adjust tactics.这三种职业都是物理职业,但是只有战士能够有能力适应调整的战术。

13.Investigation of vocational tress and psychological adaptation of nurses护士职业压力与心理适应的调查研究

14.Suit the Needs of Educational Reform and Develop Occupational Education Energetically;适应教育改革需要 大力发展职业教育

15.vocational maladjustment职业适应不良 职业适应不良

16.The factors that affect the adaptation in vocation include physical endowment,vocation interest,personality,ability and so on.影响个体职业适宜性的因素包括体质、职业兴趣、人格、能力等。

17.Must Adapt the Development of Education;中专力学课程教学必须适应职业教育的发展

18.The Follow-up Report of High Vocational Graduates Adaptability to the Social Situation高职毕业生社会适应力状况跟踪调查报告


occupational adaptation stress职业适应压力

1.In order to exploreoccupational adaptation stress and its influences on occupational health of employees.为了探讨企业员工的职业适应压力状况及其对职业健康的影响,使用问卷调查方式研究了307名企业员工。

3)dynamics of vocational adjustment职业适应动力学

4)vocational adaptation职业适应

1.The career development of new curriculum of senior high school focuses on the individual adaptation,social adaptation andvocational adaptation which are closel.高中新课程生涯发展聚焦于与个人终身职业、休闲、社会与人际关系密切关联的个人适应、社会适应和职业适应。

2.Basic educational curriculum career development focuses on the individual adaptation,social adaptation andvocational adaptation which are closely .基础教育课程生涯发展聚焦于与个人终身职业、休闲、社会与人际关系密切关联的个人适应、社会适应和职业适应。

3.From a sociological view, this paper analyzed the meanings, influencing factors and pathways of land-lost peasants\"vocational adaptation.文章从社会学的角度分析了失地农民职业适应的内涵、影响因素及其路径。

5)vocational adjustment职业适应

1.Thevocational adjustment condition of the university graduate who just left to work,will profoundly affect their entire professional career development.刚走上工作岗位的大学毕业生的职业适应状况,将深刻影响其整个职业生涯的发展。

6)occupational adaptation职业适应

1.And manyoccupational adaptation problems are plaguing them, for example, the ambiguity of occupational roles, the lack of knowledge skills, the interpersonal barrier and the misidentification of corporate culture, etc.目前我国关于青年员工职业适应性方面的研究还往往停留在社会学、管理学领域,而忽视了从成人教育学的角度解决职业适应问题的认识和研究。


职业适应性职业适应性professional adaptability等方面的适应。(孙俊山撰张交审)职业适应性(professional adaptability)一个人的自身条件在多大程度上符合职业劳动的要求,也就是个体与职业环境的顺应程度。自身条件包括生理条件和心理条件两个方面。一个人的职业适应性只有在他的职业实践中才会成为现实,才能得到发展和印证。职业适应性的发展是多方面的,主要有职业规范、职业技术、工作环境、职业群体中人际关系(包括干群关系)
