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脑室感染 Ventricular infection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-18 10:02:24


脑室感染 Ventricular infection英语短句 例句大全

脑室感染,Ventricular infection

1)Ventricular infection脑室感染

2)ventricles system infection脑室系统感染

3)Cerebral infection脑内感染


1.An Investigation and Analysis of In-patient Cerebral Infectious Disease on MRI;脑内感染性病变:住院病例MRI调查与分析

2.Conclusion: Hypoproteinemia is closely related to the onset of EH.继发于重症脑病及颅内感染者预后差。

3.To Observed Expression of C-fos and ACTH in Brain of Mice Infected with Toxoplasma Gondii;弓形虫感染对小鼠脑内c-fos及ACTH表达的影响

4.The Expression and the Relationships among TLR4, MBP, GFAP, and PDGFR-α in the Brain of the Premature Rats with Intrauterine Infection;宫内感染早产大鼠脑TLR4、GFAP、MBP、PDGFR-α表达及意义

5.A Study on Treatment Effect of Artificial Cerebrospinal Fluid Replacement Combined with the Moderate Hypothermia for Intracranial Infection;亚低温配合人工脑脊液置换治疗颅内感染

6.Risk factors of intra-cranial infection after craniotomy颅脑手术后颅内感染危险因素分析研究

7.Dynamic change of parasites in the brains of BALB/c mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensisBALB/c小鼠感染广州管圆线虫后脑内的动态变化

8.Treatment of severe intracranial infection by puncture bilateral anterion horn of di-lateral ventricle continuing flushing and drainage双侧侧脑室持续冲洗引流治疗颅内感染

9.Clinical study on continuous drainage of cerebrospinal fluid to treat intracranial Infection脑脊液持续引流治疗颅内感染的临床研究

10.An analysis on the risk factors related to the infection after opertion of V-Ps脑室-腹腔分流术后颅内感染的相关因素及对策

11.Clinical Analysis of Curing Intracranial Infetion by Injecting Vancomycin into Cerebral Ventricle and Canalis Spinalis联合脑室内及鞘内注射万古霉素治疗颅内感染的临床分析

12.Analysis and Treatment on Hospitalited Patients with Acute Phase of Cerebrovascular Diseases Complicated by Intrapulmonary Infection of Bacteria Strains in Different Seasons;急性期脑血管病院内肺内感染不同季节菌株分析与治疗

13.The Associated Effect of Intrauterine Infection and Interuterine Asphyxia to Premature Rat s Brain Damage;宫内感染和宫内窒息对早产鼠脑损伤的联合作用

14.acute postinfection encephalom yelitis急性感染后脑脊髓炎

15.My computer was infected by a virus.我的电脑受病毒感染了,

16.Within a few minutes all the computer"s power was being used to make copies of the virus.在很短的时间内遭感染的电脑把所有的能量都用以复制病原体。

17.The blindness was secondary to embolic infarction of both occipital lobes developing as a sequela of IE.眼盲次发于两侧脑枕叶血栓性梗塞,为感染性心内膜炎的并发症。

18.Larva Migrans: Distribution of Toxocara canis larva in Brain and Alteration of Behavior in Experimental Mice幼虫移行症:感染犬弓首线虫鼠的行为改变与脑内幼虫分布研究


ventricles system infection脑室系统感染

3)Cerebral infection脑内感染

4)Brain infection颅脑感染

5)Postinfectious encephalitis感染后脑炎

1.Objective Analyze the clinical characteristics ofPostinfectious encephalitis according to cases.目的根据临床病例分析并总结感染后脑炎的临床特征。

6)Laboratory infection实验室感染


