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下肢功能障碍 Lower limb dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-19 17:45:36


下肢功能障碍 Lower limb dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

下肢功能障碍,Lower limb dysfunction

1)Lower limb dysfunction下肢功能障碍


1.Effects of Different Point Weizhong Needling Methods on Lower Limb Dysfunction in Stroke Patients委中穴不同刺法对中风患者下肢功能障碍的影响

2.The Effect of Early Rehabilitation of Functional Disorders of Articular Genu Caused by Lower Limb Fractrure on BMD;早期康复对下肢骨折致膝关节功能障碍患者骨密度影响的研究

3.Curative effect observation of the effect of hydro-acupuncture after muscle function localization on cerebral palsy with lower limb dysmyotonia肌肉功能定位水针注射治疗脑性瘫痪下肢肌张力障碍疗效观察

4.Rough handling and prolonged or strenuous retraction of the nerve may cause distressing symptoms after surgery or possibly a permanent disability in the leg.粗暴的操作、长时间地或用力地牵拉神经,可能导致术后出现神经症状或下肢永久性功能障碍。

5.Their complaints were nerve root pain and dysfunctions of motion, sense and excretion.主要表现为神经根痛和肢体运动、感觉及大小便功能障碍。

6.The Study on Scalp Acupuncture with Quick Twirling, Lifting and Thrusting Treating Upper Limbs Paralyses Caused by Cerebral Infarction;头针快速提插捻转法为主治疗脑梗死上肢功能障碍的研究

7.The Clinical Study of Staged Acpuncture Treatment with Rehabilitative Exercises on Stroke Survivors;分期针刺配合康复训练治疗中风肢体功能障碍的临床研究

8.Evaluation And Research on the Clinical Efficacy of Treating Upper Extremety"s Dysfunctions after Stroke by Applying Scalp and Body Acupuncture and Abdominal Acupuncture Alternatively头体针与腹针交替应用治疗中风后上肢功能障碍疗效评定与研究

9.Analysis on the Therapy of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Training to Patients of Limb Fractures with Joint Dysfunctions Caused by the Earthquake早期综合康复治疗126例地震伤四肢骨折后功能障碍的疗效分析

10.Effect of Alternative Administration of Scalp-acupuncture,Body-acupuncture and Abdominal-acupuncture on the Upper-limb Dyscinesia in Patients with Stroke头体针与腹针交替应用治疗中风后上肢功能障碍疗效

11.functional disorders of platelet血小板功能障碍性疾病

12.neurogenic bladder神经性膀胱功能障碍

13.On the Obstacle and Optimization of Information Services Function under Network Environment;论网络环境下信息服务功能的障碍与优化

14.A Clinical Study on the Effect of Prescription of ShangZhiSunShangXunXi in Treatment of Primary Dysfunction of Intra-articular Colles s Fracture;上肢损伤洗方治疗Colles关节内骨折临床愈合后早期功能障碍的临床研究

15.Influence of "Liqitongxia Decoction" on Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction of Acute Pancreatitis理气通下合剂对急性胰腺炎患者肠屏障功能障碍的影响

16.The lung function damage is limitation ventilation dysfunction and diffusion dysfunction.肺功能损害表现为限制性通气功能障碍及弥散功能障碍。

17.The balance function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with/without learning disabilities注意缺陷多动障碍共患学习障碍平衡功能研究

18.Impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction.计算障碍数学计算能力低下,常由脑部功能损伤而引起


Limb dysfunction肢体功能障碍

1.objective:To investigate the recovery effect of strengthened comprehensive nursing care on theLimb dysfunction in patients after cerebrovascular accident.目的:观察强化综合护理对脑血管意外患者肢体功能障碍的康复作用。

3)Upper Limb Disorder上肢功能障碍

4)Dysfunction of articular genu caused by fracture of lower limb下肢骨折膝关节功能障碍

5)Lower urinary tract dysfunction下尿路功能障碍

1.Objective To study the prevalence of lower urinary tract dysfunction of patients with basal ganglia hemorrhage and the relationship between the syndrome and the muscle tone.目的探讨基底节出血患者下尿路功能障碍的发生情况及与肌张力的关系。

6)upper extremity motor function disorder上肢运动功能障碍

1.A study on soft brush therapy to treat cerebral infarction patients withupper extremity motor function disorder;软刷疗法治疗脑梗死上肢运动功能障碍的研究


