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农村学校体育 rural school sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-21 07:52:17


农村学校体育 rural school sports英语短句 例句大全

农村学校体育,rural school sports

1)rural school sports农村学校体育


1.Current situation and countermeasure of rural schools physical education;我国农村学校体育教育的现状及对策

2.Exploitation and utilization of P.E. resources of rural school sports;农村学校体育教学资源的开发与利用

3.On Hakka Sport and Construction of PE Teaching System in Rural Schools客家体育与构建农村学校体育教学体系的研究

4.The Orientation of Physical Education Goal from Development of Physical Culture in Rural Community;从群众体育发展看农村学校体育教育目标定位

5.The Research on the Rural School Sports Development of the New Rural Sports Services System;我国新农村体育服务体系中的农村学校体育发展

6.Construction of Rural School Sports Development Models in China s New Sports Service System in Rural Areas;构建我国新农村体育服务体系中的农村学校体育发展模式

7.An Investigation into Present P. E. Problems in Northeast Yunnan Rural Schools with Suggested Measures;滇东北农村学校体育现状调查及对策

8.A Brief Study On The Issues Which Influence The Development Of School Physical Education In The Country;对影响农村学校体育发展因素的初探

9.Investigation and Research on the Present Situation of School P.E. in Rural Areas of Gansu Province;甘肃农村学校体育现状的调查与研究

10.Investigation and Analysis on Situation of Rural P.E.at School in Liaoning;辽宁省农村学校体育现状调查与分析

11.Five Pieces of Breakthrough in the Work"of Village School Physical Education;农村学校体育工作应做到“五个突破”

12.The Significance and Necessity of Introducing Folk Sports into Rural Physical Education Class民俗体育引进农村学校体育课堂的意义及必要

13.Situation and Solutions of Physical Education in Rural Schools--Report on Rural Physical Education During Compulsory Education Period in Jiangsu Province;农村学校体育的现状与对策——江苏省农村义务教育阶段学校体育的调查报告

14.Experimental Researches in the Reform of PhysicalTeaching Contents in Countryside School;农村学校体育教学内容改革的实验研究

15.Discussion on School Physical Education Reformation in Underdeveloped Rural Areas with from Analysis of Present Rural Middle School Physical Education in Xintian County of Hunan Province;从湖南省新田县农村中学学校体育现状看贫困地区农村学校体育的改革

16.Research on Physical Education of Countryside schools in Din Xi西北边远贫困地区农村学校体育研究——甘肃定西地区农村学校体育浅析

17.Looking on the Training of PE Teaching Ability of Students of Teachers’College from the Present situation of School PE in Village Schools;从农村学校体育的现状谈师专学生体育教学能力的培养

18.Advice on Sports Development in Chinese Countryside Vocational Schools;我国农村职业学校体育发展对策研究


Rural school education农村学校教育

3)rural P.E.teaching农村体育教学

4)physical education in rural primary and middle schools农村中小学体育

5)rural schools农村学校

1.Based on an investigation to the 54rural schools in the Hexi District of Jingchang,Wuwei,Zhangye,Jiuquan,Jiayuguang,this paper comes up with the following result by means of statistics and logic methods:the ratio of P.通过对甘肃省河西地区金昌、武威、张掖、酒泉、嘉峪关五地市54所农村学校的调查,应用统计法、逻辑法进行分析处理得出:河西农村学校体育课开课率低于全国平均水平;学校体育管理工作薄弱;天天做早操的学校占88。

2.Abstract: This report makes a descriptive analysis of substitute teachersabout their basic characteristics,professional development and payment using the data surveyed byrural schools.本调查报告运用农村学校调查数据,从教师基本特征、专业发展、工作待遇等方面对农村代课教师发展现状进行描述分析,研究发现,农村代课教师年纪轻、教龄短,主要在本村从事教学工作,女性居多;代课教师的专业素质相对偏低,但教学工作尽职尽责,以期能被长期聘用;农村代课教师进修培训机会少,很少参与教学研究;代课教师的工资待遇比公办教师低,而且大多数代课教师工资不能按时发放。

6)schools in rural areas农村学校

1.Investigation shows that current situation of the sports resources concerningschools in rural areas in southeast Chongqing is that insufficient teacher resources,being short of site equipment resources,blocked information resources,yet rich in natural resources and folk gym resources.调查表明,渝东南地区农村学校体育资源的现状是:教师资源不足,场地器材资源短缺,信息资源闭塞,但自然资源和民族民间体育资源丰富。

2.Based on the thorough analysis of existing problems, this paper puts forwards some strategies to implement curriculum of comprehensive practical activities atschools in rural areas from the aspects of investment, teacher training, resource development, evaluation improvement and smooth implementation.通过对农村学校综合实践活动课程实施中存在问题的分析 ,提出了农村学校实施综合实践活动要加大投入、培训教师、开发资源、改革评价、稳妥推进等五项策略。


