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破壁释放 cell-disruption release英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-26 23:55:00


破壁释放 cell-disruption release英语短句 例句大全

破壁释放,cell-disruption release

1)cell-disruption release破壁释放

1.The size of the maximum viscosity of primary polysaccharide gum was 200?meshes,and that of polysaccharide gum aftercell-disruption release was 150?meshes.该文研究了野皂荚种子胚乳微观结构和细胞多糖胶的破壁释放过程。


1.Process of polysaccharide gum release from Gleditsia microphylla seed endosperm by cell disruption.野皂荚胚乳细胞多糖胶破壁释放过程研究

2.In ultrasonic wave extraction beer waste yeast cell ribonucleic acid reserch超声波破壁释放啤酒废酵母细胞中核糖核酸的实验研究

3.a bomb deriving its destructive power from the release of nuclear energy.由原子能的释放而产生破坏力的炸弹。

4.lysis of erythrocytes with the release of hemoglobin.红血球的破坏或溶解,释放出血红蛋白。

5.Similarly, the smooth aperture walls produced by electroforming also enhance paste release.同理,电铸产生的光滑孔壁也有助于锡膏释放。

6.Property of flavor microcapsule wall material and its mechanism of control release香精微囊化壁材特性及其控制释放机理

7.Intercultural Interpretation of Breaking Disciplinary Barriers--Comments on Papers of the Second Annual Meeting of Chinese Literary Anthropology Association;破学科壁垒 跨文化阐释——“中国文学人类学第二届学术年会”论文述评

8.Sonic disruption over intervals up to ten minutes resulted in increasing amounts being liberated.超声破碎作用超过10分钟,可增加酶的释放量。

9.the shattering or crushing effect of a sudden release of energy as in an explosion.在爆炸中能量的突然释放所引起的破坏性后果。

10.Release and Residual Mass and Content Distribution of CFC-11 during Shredding of Rigid Polyurethane Foam破碎聚氨酯硬泡时CFC-11的释放量和残留量

11.Top coal cracking and migration law of fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in steep inclined and thick seam strike大倾角厚煤层走向长壁综放面顶煤破碎及移动规律

12.From inside the right ventricle, the patch is pushed forward again, releasing the second disc, which covers the rupture on the right side of the heart.在右心室内部,补片被再次推出释放第二片,覆盖右心室壁的缺口。

13.Effect of Lipoteichoic Acid on Phagocytosis of Peritoneal Macrophages and NO Production in vitro双歧杆菌脂磷壁酸对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞体外吞噬和NO释放的影响

14.The release of the orbital septum fat combining with reinforcing orbital septum for lower lid blepharoplaty眶隔脂肪选择性释放结合前壁组织加强的下睑袋整复术

15.Effect of phosphorus release from iron pipe wall on biostability in water distribution system供水管壁的磷释放对管网水质生物稳定性的影响

16.Various influent factors to extended release property were studied through spectrophotometry.研究了芯壁比、燥温度、燥时间和环境释放温度对微胶囊缓释性能的影响。

17.A niche for a statue.壁龛放置雕像的壁龛

18.He is let out on parole and immediately burgles a house.他在被有条件释放后很快就破门盗窃了一家住宅。


broken wall破壁

1.Meanwhile, the process of producing bee pollen with thebroken wall technology was also discussed in this paper.用酒糟酒、野刺梨果汁、蜂花粉、香精为原料,通过正交试验,探索含酒营养果汁饮料的生产工艺,并对蜂花粉的破壁工艺进行了探讨。


1.With basic liquor,wild thorn pear juice,bee pollen and flavouring as the materials,the processing technology for nutritional juice containing alcohol was explored through orthogonal experiments,and thewall-breaking of bee pollen was studied.用基础酒、野刺梨果汁、蜂花粉、香精为原料,通过正交实验,探索含酒营养果汁饮料的生产工艺;并对蜂媒花粉的破壁工艺进行了探讨,实验可知花粉用曲霉培养,在pH5。

2.Objective: To determine flavonoids content in rape bee pollen by HPLC and analyze the effects of six cellwall-breaking techniques on flavonoids extraction from rape bee pollen.目的:六种破壁方法处理油菜蜂花粉,运用HPLC测定花粉中的黄酮含量,研究不同破壁方法对黄酮提取的影响。

3.by synthesizing three idealwall-breaking effects including the mechanic way, the temperature difference way and the enzyme way.)为原料,采用复合破壁法即采用机械破壁、冷冻破壁和酶法破壁三种方法进行分花粉破壁,以此达到较为理想的破壁效果。

4)cell disruption破壁

1.The different methods on thecell disruption rate and astaxanthin extraction rate were studied.对雨生红球藻厚壁孢子细胞的几种常用机械破壁方法的工艺条件分别进行研究,得到高压均质法,超声波法和冻融法的较优工艺条件。

2.The process included thecell disruption of Haematococcus pluvialis, the extraction of crude astaxanthin, the hydrolysis of astaxanthin esters and the purification of free astaxanthin.该工艺包括雨生红球藻细胞破壁,虾青素的提取,虾青素酯的水解和游离虾青素的纯化分离。


1.Study onwall-broken technology of lucidum spores;灵芝孢子破壁技术的研究

2.Effect ofwall-broken pollen on amino acid contents in pollen mead花粉破壁法对花粉蜂蜜酒中氨基酸含量的影响

parative analysis of differentwall-broken methods for Ginkgo pollen银杏花粉不同破壁方法的比较分析

6)cell-wall breaking破壁

1.Study on optimum enzymatic conditions of brewer yeast incell-wall breaking;用酶法对啤酒酵母细胞破壁优化条件的研究


破壁1.破损颓坏的墙壁。 2.唐张彦远《历代名画记.张僧繇》:"金陵安乐寺四白龙,不点眼睛。每云"点睛即飞去"。人以为妄诞,固请点之。须臾,雷电破壁,两龙乘云腾去上天,二龙未点睛者见在。"后遂以"破壁"为龙或画龙的典故。 3.以喻人飞黄腾达或打破现状,有所作为。
