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渔业资源评估 fish stock assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-26 11:52:52


渔业资源评估 fish stock assessment英语短句 例句大全

渔业资源评估,fish stock assessment

1)fish stock assessment渔业资源评估

1.Based on detailed investigation results of fishing vessels information and catches data on every port of Beibu bay in ~,and measure the biological parameters of the main commercial fishes on the commercial catch sample,that collected and processed the data, a database system was built forfish stock assessment.根据至在北部湾各渔港码头对渔船信息及渔获物数据进行详细的调查,同时通过商业性捕捞抽样,对主要经济鱼类样品进行生物学测定,并将数据进行补充和整理,形成渔业资源评估数据库。


1.A Simulation Study of Impacts of Uncertainty on the Assessment of the Crimson Sea Bream (Paragyrops edita) Fishery in Beibu Gulf不确定性对北部湾二长棘鲷渔业资源评估影响的模拟研究

2.Study of Fishery Damage Assessment Caused by Oil Pollution;溢油污染对渔业资源的损害评估研究

3.Assessment of Pelagic Fisheries Stock and Value in Minnan Bank Ground福建闽南浅滩渔场中上层渔业资源存量及价值评估

4.Evaluation of Fishery Status in Hejiang Section of the Upper Yangtze River and Stock Assessment of Rhinogobio Ventralis;长江上游合江江段渔业现状评估及长鳍吻(鱼句)的资源评估

5.Study of Index System on Damage Assessment of Spilling Oil Accident for the Natural Fishery Resources溢油事故对天然渔业资源损害评估指标体系研究

6.Information of sea and fishery conditions is of significant meaning for research, forecast and estimation of the fishery resources.海渔况信息产品对于渔业资源的研究、查、测、估具有重要意义。


8.Assessment of water quantity with different qualities to well salty water resources in Modern Fishery Garden of Xingcheng City兴城市现代渔业园区井盐水资源分质水量评价

9.Exploitation Strategy Evaluation for Yollowfin Tuna in the Indian Ocean印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔业资源开发策略评价

10.The Effects of Fisheries Subsidies on the Sustainability of Fisheries Resources;渔业补贴对渔业资源可持续性的影响

11.Fisheries Resource Management and Sustainable Development Policy for Mindong Fishing Ground;闽东渔场渔业资源管理和渔业可持续发展策略

12.The Fisheries Association,Fishing Community-based Organizations and the Management Functions in Fisheries Resources渔业协会、渔村社区组织及其渔业资源管理功能

13.Research on Evaluation Methods of Human Resource Value in Petroleum Enterprise;石油企业人力资源价值评估方法研究

14.The Research on Risk Assessment Method of Human Resource Management Outsourcing in Corporation;企业人力资源管理外包风险评估研究

15.Evaluating of Human Resources in High-tech Enterprises of China;我国高新技术企业人力资源价值评估

16.A Study on Evaluating System of Commercial Bank Human Resources Management;商业银行人力资源管理评估体系研究

17.The Construction and Evaluation of Corporation Human Resources Training System;企业人力资源培训系统的构建与评估

18.Discussion on a New Model of Evaluating the Value of Human Resource of Enterprise;企业人力资源价值评估新模型的探讨


Fishery resources渔业资源

1.Changes of demersal trawl fishery resources in northern South China Sea as revealed by demersal trawling;南海北部底拖网渔业资源的数量变动

2.Hydrological characteristics and fishery resources status of mid-lower Hanjiang River;汉江中下游水文特点与渔业资源状况

3.On the utilization of fishery resources in Yongzhou;永州渔业资源开发利用途径探讨

3)fisheries resource渔业资源

1.This technology was applied in the minitoring offisheries resources and the track of monitoring ship on the animation layers was converted into region through programming.将此技术运用到渔业资源监测,通过编程技术把显示在活动图层的监测船只航迹转化成区域,准确计算出流置网的拖曳水域面积,更加精确估算出渔业资源量。

2.The paper analyzes the causes for marine fisheries overfishing in our country and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions in the aspects such as strengtheningfisheries resources survey, perfection of direct management ways, development of mariculture and ocean-going fisheries and strengthening of propaganda and education, and severe law enforcement system.本文分析了造成我国海洋过度捕捞的原因 ,并围绕加强渔业资源调查 ,完善直接管制手段 ,发展海水养殖业和远洋渔业 ,以及加强宣传教育和严格执法等方面 ,提出了对策和建

3.It s our target to protect eco-environment, conservatefisheries resources and realize fisheries sustainable development.保护生态环境和渔业资源 ,实现渔业的可持续发展 ,是我们的发展目

4)fishery resource渔业资源

1.Analysis on recent status of the bottom trawlfishery resources in the East China Sea region;东海区底拖网渔业资源变动分析

2.Assessment onfishery resource loss owing to mechanical entanglement and residual chlorine;机械卷载和余氯对渔业资源损失量评估初探

3.Quantitative analysis onfishery resource loss owing to the influence of suspended substance and shock wave;悬浮物和冲击波造成的渔业资源损失量估算

5)fisheries resources渔业资源

1.Study on the application of the systematic assessment of sustainable utilization tofisheries resources;渔业资源可持续利用系统化评价方法的应用研究

2.Assessment of sustainable use offisheries resources based on the methods of grey relative relationship;渔业资源可持续利用的灰色相对关联评价

3.Dynamic analysis onfisheries resources in Zhoushan Fishing Ground;舟山渔场渔业资源动态解析

6)resource evaluation资源评估

1.The key problems in sustainable development of wind power technology were integrated and analyzed, such asresource evaluation of wind energy, development tendency of wind power generator technology, wind power access to power grid, wind power construction on the sea, complementary systems with wind energy and other energy.综合分析了风电技术可持续发展中的重点问题,如风能资源评估、风电机组技术的发展趋势、风电并网关键问题、海上风电场建设、风能与其他能源组成互补系统以及风电直接应用与大规模蓄电相组合等。

2.It is an important work of wind energyresource evaluation wind power plant that inspection, interpolation,prolonging and treatment of anemometric dates in wind power plant,the date treatment way of unreasonable wind speed,that is,unreasonable anemometric tower date be treated through relative analysis and calculation method of wind shear coefficient.风电场测风数据的检验、插补、延长和处理,是风电场风能资源评估的一项重要工作。


渔业资源量的评估渔业资源量的评估estimation of fishery resourcesyuye ziyuanllang de Pinggu渔业资源量的评估(estimation of fish娜resou二e8)资源量是指特定时间内栖息于某一水域中的某类资源或种群的生物量。渔业资源评估是指根据对资源状况(包括其数量和质量)的考查,研究捕捞以及环境、污染等因素对种群数量的影响,来确定对资源的利用程度是否捕捞过度,属于何种类捕捞过度,并提出合理利用渔业资源的科学依据和相应采取的措施,以及对资源本身和渔业发展前景的预测。19有人首先把数学分析方法引人鱼类种群数量变动领域,研究了捕捞对鱼类种群数量的影响。此后不少学者都进行了研究。渔业资源评估的主要方法是在广泛的种群生物学基础上应用数学模型,考虑可控变量对种群数量、产量等的影响,进而预测状态的发展方向,确定可控变量的最佳值。资源量的评估方法主要有以下几种:扫海面积法以一定面积内的捕捞量来推算整个调查水域内,或该种群栖息范围内的群体数量。其主要途径是根据拖网单位面积渔获量来估算资源的绝对数量。其估算公式为 N=AQ/ak,kZ式中:N为调查海区鱼群总量;A为调查海区总面积;a为单位时间扫海面积;口为单位时间平均渔获量;k,为拖网水平捕捞系数;k:为垂直捕捞系数。由于鱼类分布的不均匀性和活动性,以及k,、k:与各种因素有关,故估算出的资源量有一定误差。这种方法主要用于栖息于底层和近底层渔业资源量的估计。除了这个途径之外,利用扫海面积法来评估资源量的途径还有根据单位面积鱼卵、仔鱼数量和根据单位捕捞渔获量(CPUE)来估算资源量。标志放流法将某种形式的标志牌固定于鱼体背部、尾柄或鳃盖上,甚至用“标志枪”把小型标志牌射人鱼体内部,或以染鱼剂注射以及放射性同位素浸润标志,再通过对被标志鱼的重捕来估算群体绝对资源量。用此方法估算种群数量,是基于如下假设:即放流鱼的数量与重捕鱼数量之比等于水域中鱼群数量与捕获鱼数量之比,即T:y二N:Y N”乃7少式中:N为捕捞群体数量;Y为渔获量;T为标志鱼总量;y为标志鱼捕获量。这种方法较为粗劣,误差较大,尤其是人为误差较大。标志鱼在鱼群中分布并不均匀,标志脱落率也很不相同,另外重捕率低,耗费大。声学评估法利用水声学原理和探鱼技术,估算资源绝对数量。即以走航式的调查方式,由回声探鱼仪和回声积分仪观察、记录鱼群的回声资源量指数(回声映像积分读数,简称M值),网具试捕取样确认种类和群体组成等,然后根据资源量换算系数(C值)计算出资源量尸,公式为 尸二〔二飞夕此法较适用于中上层鱼和有缥鱼类,70年代以后在世界渔业资源数量调查中广为采用。其他佑算方法除以上几种常用的评估方法外,估算资源量的方法还有世代分析法(包括有效种群分析和波普的世代分析法)。此法分析结果能提供研究对象历年各年龄组资源量数据表,是评估资源和捕捞现状、确定现存资源量的重要参考资料。饵料摄食率估算法。这种方法只能大致估算出索饵鱼群数量,不能用于估算整个海区的种群数量。 (王刚刘连军)
