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复发性卵巢癌 recurrent ovarian cancer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-02 05:33:38


复发性卵巢癌 recurrent ovarian cancer英语短句 例句大全

复发性卵巢癌,recurrent ovarian cancer

1)recurrent ovarian cancer复发性卵巢癌

1.Objective To meta-analytically compare 2-[fluorine 18]-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (~(18)FDG-PET) and computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for diagnosis ofrecurrent ovarian cancer.目的 用Meta分析(meta—analysis)的方法对国内外资料进行统计学分析,比较~(18)FDG—PET与CT及MRI在诊断复发性卵巢癌中的作用。

2.In platinum-sensitiverecurrent ovarian cancer treatment, GEM and carboplatin treatment are more effectivethan single carboplatin drug treatment, but significantly increased hematologicaltoxicity.目的:评价吉西他滨在复发性卵巢癌治疗过程中的疗效和安全性。

3.Objective This study was performed to clarify the role of secondary cytoreduction in patients withrecurrent ovarian cancer and to establish scoring systems intending to evaluate the survival risk and the resectability for the patients undergoing secondary cytoreduction.目的二次细胞减灭术(Secondary Cytoreduction,SCR)在复发性卵巢癌治疗中的地位尚不明确,如何选择合适的患者进行手术仍是临床工作的难点。


1.A Meta Analysis of Gemcitabine for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer吉西他滨治疗复发性卵巢癌的Meta分析

2.A Systematic Review of Topotecan for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer;托泊替康治疗复发性卵巢癌的系统评价

3.A Comparison of ~(18)FDG-PET and CT or MRI on Diagnosing Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Meta-Analysis;PET与CT、MRI诊断复发性卵巢癌的比较的Meta分析

4.Diagnostic Value of FDG PET/CT in the Detection of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer:a Meta AnalysisFDG PET/CT显像对复发性卵巢癌诊断价值的Meta分析

5.Factors influencing the complications of the secondary cytoreductive surgery in recurrent ovarian carcinoma复发性卵巢癌再次手术后并发症及其相关因素分析

6.Objective To observe the clinical curative effect of X-ray stereotactic radiotherapy.目的观察X线立体定向放射治疗复发性卵巢癌的临床疗效。

7.Chemotherapy for Platinum Sensitive Recurrent Ovarian Cancers: A System Analysis Based on Randomized Controlled Clinical Trails;铂类敏感型复发性卵巢癌再次化疗的循证医学分析

8.Evidence-Based Medicine and Meta-Analysis of Secondary Surgery in Recurrent Ovarian Cancer;复发性卵巢癌二次手术的循证医学研究及Meta—分析

9.Systematic Evaluation of the Secondary Cytoreduction for Recurrent Ovarian Cancer: Establishment of the Risk Models and a Meta-analysis复发性卵巢癌二次细胞减灭术风险模型的建立与Meta分析

10.Gemcitabine plus cisplatin in treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer吉西他滨联合顺铂治疗复发性卵巢癌的临床研究

11.Effect of individual treatment of recarrent epithelial ovarian cancer with ascites复发性卵巢上皮癌腹水的个体化治疗

12.Survival Analysis in Recurrent of Ovarian Epithelial Carcinma: A Review of 56 Cases;56例复发性卵巢上皮癌的生存预后分析

13.The Relative Factors and Treatment of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Cancer;上皮性卵巢癌复发的相关因素分析及处理

14.Pricinple of Diagnosis and Treatment of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma Clinical Report of One Case;复发卵巢上皮性癌诊断及治疗原则(附1例)

15.Clinical Analysis of Salvage Chemotherapy in 71 Cases of Recurrent and Progressing Sequentially Ovarian Carcinoma;复发、持续进展性卵巢癌补救化疗71例临床分析

16.The Efficacy Observation of Irinotecan Therapy of Patients with Recurrent Advanced Ovarian Carcinoma伊立替康治疗复发性晚期卵巢癌的临床观察

17.Ovarian cancer: Malignant tumour of the ovaries.卵巢癌:卵巢的恶性肿瘤。

18.Therapeutic effect of docetaxel combined with oxaliplatin for treatment of recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer多西他赛与奥沙利铂联合治疗复发性上皮性卵巢癌疗效评价


relapse ovarian carcinoma复发卵巢癌

1.Ifosfamine and etoposide in 26 cases withrelapse ovarian carcinoma;异环磷酰胺与依托泊苷联合治疗26例复发卵巢癌

3)recurrent epithelial ovarian carcinoma复发性上皮性卵巢癌

4)recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer复发性卵巢上皮癌

1.Management ofrecurrent epithelial ovarian cancer;复发性卵巢上皮癌的处理

5)recurrent advanced ovarian carcinoma复发性晚期卵巢癌

1.Objective To observe the efficacy and toxicity of irinotecan(CPT-11) therapy of patients withrecurrent advanced ovarian carcinoma.方法24例复发性晚期卵巢癌,采用伊立替康单药化疗方案治疗。

6)Recurrence of ovarian cancer卵巢癌复发灶


