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知识可得性 knowledge accessibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-04 20:45:44


知识可得性 knowledge accessibility英语短句 例句大全

知识可得性,knowledge accessibility

1)knowledge accessibility知识可得性

1.In order to analyze the exchange mechanism of tacit knowledge transfer and spillover,this article proposes a conceptual model with theknowledge accessibility and distinguishes the knowledge spillover and knowledge transfer based on the knowledge holder\"s intentional or unintentional knowledge exchange.为了研究隐性知识转移和溢出的交流机制,基于知识可得性的视角提出了一个知识转化传播机制的概念性模型,并在知识所有者意愿性或非意愿性交流知识的基础上,区分了知识转移和知识溢出模式,提出了人际之间、业际之间和国际之间3个层面的知识转移和溢出,指出组织应该充分利用知识的可得属性实现其应用价值。


1.Study on the Mechanism of Tacit Knowledge Transfer and Spillover Based on the Knowledge Accessibility隐性知识的转移及溢出:基于知识可得性的分析

2.Research of Knowledge s Access and Utility in Distance Education Institution;远程教育机构中知识有用性和可获得性的研究

3.Knowledge may be obtained through study.知识可从学习中获得。

4.His knowledge of geography is negligible.他的地理知识少得可怜。

5.It is the peculiarity of knowledge that those who really thirst for it always get it.凡真正渴求知识者,每能得之,这是知识的特性。

6.The Evolvement of Philosophical Cognition on the Sound Knowledge;可靠性知识及其基础的哲学认识演变

7.But their knowledge of history and geography was very poor.但她们的历史、地理知识却少得可怜。

8.It"s just terrific when the intellectuals stick up their tails.知识分子翘起尾巴来可不得了呀!

9.It is by keen observation that man acquires knowledge.通过敏锐观察,人类就可以获得知识。

10.Whatever knowledge is attainable, must be attained by scientific methods;任何可能获得的知识必须通过科学方法获得;

11.It gives you access to society, ease of mobility and, above all, status among your peers.知识可以使你步入社会,赋予你更大的灵活性,最重要是它可以让你获得社会地位。”

12.The Study on the Possibility to Arbitrate and the Propriety for Arbitration about the Dispute of the Intellectual Property Right;知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性与适仲裁性

13.Study on the Arbitrability of Disputes about Intellectual Property Validity;知识产权有效性争议的可仲裁性研究

14.The old intellectuals will be obliged to make the change because new intellectuals are coming on the scene.那些老知识分子会要逼得非变不可,因为新知识分子起来了。

15.Through the special economic zones we can import foreign technology, obtain knowledge and learn management, which is also a kind of knowledge.从特区可以引进技术,获得知识,学到管理,管理也是知识。

16.Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge and Development of Students Abilities;程序性知识的获得与学生能力的发展

17.The Training of Exercises Without Targets and the Acquirement of Procedural Knowledge;无目标习题训练与程序性知识的获得

18.Formation and Acquirement of Curriculum Resources of Student"s Tacit Knowledge学生隐性知识课程资源的生成与获得


access of knowledge知识可获得性

3)sound rnowledge可靠性知识

4)score of knowledge知识得分

5)the expansibility of knowledge-base知识库可扩充性

6)fallibility of knowledge知识的可错性


