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备用停堆系统 reserve shutdown system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-05 00:34:25


备用停堆系统 reserve shutdown system英语短句 例句大全

备用停堆系统,reserve shutdown system

1)reserve shutdown system备用停堆系统


1.Preliminary Study on Electromagnet Drive Mechanism in Reserve Shutdown System of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor高温气冷堆备用停堆系统电磁铁驱动机构初步研究

2.Design and Analysis of the Magnetic Joint Assemblies for the Passive Shutdown System in a Fast Reactor用于快堆非能动停堆系统的磁性连接对的设计与分析

3.Application of Backup System Based on SAN Technique in Jinduicheng Molybdenum Group;SAN技术在金堆城钼业集团备份系统中的应用

4.Analysis and Experiment of New Style Discharge Vessel in Reserve Shutdown System of High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor高温气冷堆备用停堆装置新型供料器分析与试验

5.The deactivation of a device, program, or system.使一个设备、程序或系统停止工作。

6.Research & Application of the Control Strategy on Stacker Crane Hoist System;堆垛机提升系统控制策略研究与应用

7.Analysis Crosstalk the Interface between Water Electric Equipment and DCS System研究堆水系统电气设备与过程控制(DCS)系统接口串扰现象的分析

8.A large stack of hay for winter storage in the open.(户外)干草堆放于户外备冬用的干草堆

9.Development of Non-stop Electronic Toll Collection System Based on GPS基于GPS的电子不停车收费车载设备系统开发

10.Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator.任务管理器已被系统管理员停用。

11.Development of Urban Intelligent Parking Guidance System大城市商业区停车诱导系统应用开发

12.Nuclear reactor use of the protection system for non-safety purposeGB/T13628-1992核反应堆保护系统用于非安全目的准则

13.Application of Plate Heat Exchanger in Heavy Water System of Research Reactor板式换热器在研究堆重水系统中的应用

14.Validation of Coupled RELAP5-TDNK Code Using OECD/NEA Core Transient Benchmark用OECD/NEA堆芯瞬态基准题验证RELAP5-TDNK程序系统

15.The Application of Inverter in the Walking Controll System of Cantilever Wheel Gyral Machine for Heaping and Taking the Material变频器在斗轮堆取料机行走控制系统中的应用

16.Application of PLC-inverter in the roadway stacker enhancing systemPLC-变频器在巷道堆垛机提升系统中的应用

17.Application of Optimization System of Draglines Stripping Technology in Surface Coal Mine拉铲倒堆开采工艺优化系统在露天煤矿的应用

18.The Development and Application in the Wireless Communication System for Composite Materials Market Stacker and Feeder综合料场堆取料机无线通讯系统的开发与应用


backup shutdown备用停堆

3)shutdown system停堆系统

1.This article introduce Programmer Digital Comparator (PDC) hardware and software, PDC calculation and logic control forshutdown system, software self- check, PDC commissioning experience, Maintenance and Diagnosis (MAD)System application.介绍重水堆停堆系统上可编程数字比较器(PDC)的软硬件的组成,PDC对停堆参数的运算、逻辑控制、自检和PDC调试经验等,及其PDC故障诊断系统的具体应用。

4)HSS (hot shutdown system)热停堆系统

5)primary shutdown system主停堆系统

6)reactor shut-down system反应堆停堆系统


