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转换路径 Transition Path英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-06 07:39:21


转换路径 Transition Path英语短句 例句大全

转换路径,Transition Path

1)Transition Path转换路径

1.An Logistic Empirical Analysis of Renminbi Exchange Rate RegineTransition Path;人民币汇率制度渐进性转换路径的Logistic回归分析


1.There was an error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.应用转换时的错误。请验证指定的转换路径是否有效。

2.An Logistic Empirical Analysis of Renminbi Exchange Rate Regine Transition Path;人民币汇率制度渐进性转换路径的Logistic回归分析

3.The Shortage of Labor-division Pattern of China"s High-tech Industrial Parks and Its Transformation Ways中国高新区分工模式的缺陷与转换路径分析

4.Too many transforms specified in settings file (maximum combined length of all transform paths cannot exceed 1024 characters).设置文件中指定的转换过多(所有转换路径合并后的长度不得超过 1024 个字符)。

5.Too many transforms specified in settings file (maximum combined length of all transform paths cannot exceed 260 characters).设置文件中指定的转换过多(所有转换路径合并后的长度不得超过 260 个字符)。

6."Unable to convert pathname "%1" to format name."无法将路径名 "%1" 转换成格式名称

7.Research on Measurement for Aperture Jitter of ADC;模数转换电路中孔径抖动的测量研究

8.Water rights transfer and establishment of China s water rights system;水权转换与我国水权制度建设的路径

9.Industry Melting:the Path Choice of the Forestry Industrialization in Transformation;产业融合:林业产业化转换的路径选择

10.On Path Conversion of the Development of Chinese Western Regions in the 21st Century;论21世纪初中国西部开发的路径转换

11.The Basic Approaches of the Informatics Research Paradigm Shift in the Simulacrum Era拟像时代情报学范式转换的基本路径

12.The Road of Rural Construction in China: A Century’s Seeking中国农村建设:百年探索及路径转换

13.The output path "%1" doesn"t have write permissions and the conversion process will not be started.输出路径“%1”没有写权限,转换进程将不会启动。

14.Study on the Path of Industry Technological Progress Based on the ETSI Mode;基于ETSI模型的产业技术进步路径转换问题研究

15.The Cultural Path And Its Mode conversions The Socialism Honor Versus Dishonor View;社会主义荣辱观的文化路径及其模式转换

16.The Development of Guangzhou s Hi-tech Industral and Path Dependence Conversion;广州高新技术产业发展与“路径依赖”的转换

17.Evolution, Conversion and Path Choice of Regional Opening Strategy in China;中国区域开放战略的递进与转换及其路径选择

18.Path Transformation in Agricultural Industrialization: Industrial Convergence and Industrial Clustering;农业产业化的路径转换:产业融合与产业集聚


Path Transformation路径转换

1.China s agricultural industrialization faced an important path transformation era.我国农业产业化的进程正面临着重大的路径转换。

3)ray path of converted wave转换波射线路径

4)unexpected state transition path非预期状态转换路径

1.Identifyingunexpected state transition paths in synthesized statecharts;合成状态图中非预期状态转换路径的确认

5)path exchanging路径交换

1.Hybrid ant colony algorithm for solving TSP based onpath exchanging;基于路径交换的求解TSP混合蚁群算法

6)switching path切换路径


可转换证券的转换价值 可转换证券的转换价值——如果一种可转换证券可以立即转让,它可转换的普通股票的市场价格与转换比率的乘积就是可转换证券的转换价值,即转换价值等于普通股票的市价乘以转换比率。
