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井岗霉素 jinggangmycin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-20 16:22:49


井岗霉素 jinggangmycin英语短句 例句大全



1.Sensitivity of Rhizoctonia Cerealis and R.solani to Jinggangmycin and Some Factors Influencing the Sensitivity;稻、麦纹枯病菌对井岗霉素的敏感性及其影响因素的研究

2.The field tests of 6 compounded bio-pesticides showed that 1 350 g/hm2 85% Bt·15% Abamectin and 75% Bt·25% Jinggangmycin had the best insecticidal effect.25%井岗霉素处理杀虫效果最高。


1.Quantitative Study on the Controlling Effect of Jinggangmeisu on Rice Sheath Blight井岗霉素对稻纹枯病控病效果的定量研究

2.Sensitivity of Rhizoctonia Cerealis and R.solani to Jinggangmycin and Some Factors Influencing the Sensitivity;稻、麦纹枯病菌对井岗霉素的敏感性及其影响因素的研究

3.The Preliminary Study of Resistance Induced and Fresh-Keeping by Jinggangmycin-A on Grape;井岗霉素A对葡萄诱导抗性和保鲜作用的初步研究

4.Jinggangmeisu aqueous solutionGB/T9553-1993井冈霉素水剂

5.Screening and characterization of a validamine-producing bacterium一株转化井冈霉素产生井冈霉胺细菌的筛选与鉴定

6.Functional Characterization of Validamycin and Candicidin Biosynthetic Genes井冈霉素与杀念菌素生物合成基因的功能研究

7.Studies on the Natural Screen of Validamycin Strain and its Producing Capability井冈霉素菌种自然选育及产素能力研究

8.Production of Enzyme Inhibitors by Microbial Transformation of Validamycins;微生物转化法分解井冈霉素生产酶抑制剂

9.Breeding of a Jinggangmycin Producing Strain and Optimization on Fermentation Conditions;井冈霉素产生菌的诱变选育及发酵条件优化

10.Action Mechanisms of Validamycin a Controlling Rice Sheath Blight;井冈霉素防治水稻纹枯病作用机理研究

11.Effects of Jinggangmycin on 3 Species of Bacillus井冈霉素对3种生防芽孢杆菌的生长抑制活性

12.Study on Synthesis and Bioactivity of Avermectin B1 and Jinggangmycins Derivatives;阿维菌素B1和井冈霉素衍生物的合成及其生物活性研究

13.Studies on Biology and Physiology Characters of the Rhizoctonia Solani Resistant to Jinggangmycin;抗井冈霉素的水稻纹枯病菌生物学与生理学研究

14.The Resistance Monitoring of Rhizoctonia Solani to Jinggangmycin and Its Resistance Risk Assessment;水稻纹枯病菌对井冈霉素的抗性监测及其风险评估

15.Mechanisms of Resistance Induced by Jinggangmycin-A on Rice Sheath Blight;井冈霉素A诱导水稻防御纹枯病的生理生化机理研究

16.Study on the Breeding of High-Jinggangmycin-Producing Mutant and Fermentation Conditions井冈霉素高产菌株的诱变育种与发酵条件的研究

17.Studies on the synergistic effects of chloramine phosphorus and jinggangmycin on Rhizoctonia solani氯胺磷与井冈霉素对水稻纹枯病菌的混配增效作用研究

18.Preparation of Low Filtrate Loss Well Killing Fluid for Use in Honggang Gas Field吉林红岗区块低滤失气井压井液研制


Validamycin A井冈霉素

1.Determination ofValidamycin A Residues in Soil by Precolumn Derivatization and Capillary Gas Chromatography;柱前衍生化毛细管气相色谱法测定土壤中井冈霉素A残留

2.The active components,buprofezin,Shachongdan and validamycin A in the wettable powder were determined by RP-HPLC.采用C18色谱柱和紫外检测器,对病虫清可湿性粉剂中的三种活性成分噻嗪酮、杀虫单和井冈霉素的含量进行反相高效液相色谱测定,以外标法面积定量。

3.But validamycin A is hardly effective ((EC50=66.绿亨一号和多菌灵在室内条件下对白绢菌的菌丝有很强的抑制作用,其EC50分别为5 49mg L和8 84mg L,而井冈霉素为66 07mg L。


1.Optimization of Production Processes of Agricultural AntibioticsJinggangmeisu;井冈霉素生产工艺优化研究

2.Synthesis of Polyacrylic Acid Resin and Its Application inJinggangmeisu Extraction;新型聚丙烯酸树脂的合成及其在井冈霉素纯化中的应用

3.Controling of Bacterial-infection in the Fermentation Process ofJinggangmeisu;井冈霉素发酵工艺中染菌的控制

4)jinggangmycin A井冈霉素A

1.Studies on the Toxicity and Mechanism of Jinggangmycin A onRhizoctonia solaniAG-1 IA[ in vitro(on PDA) andin vivo(in rice plant)];井冈霉素A对水稻纹枯病菌的毒力和作用机理研究

2.Based upon the analysis of the physicochemica properties of soil,Influence of bacillus thuringiensis andjinggangmycin A on soil invertase activitiy in different concentration and PH were measured in simulated conditions with 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic Acid Colorimeitry.研究了不同模拟条件下苏云金杆菌、井冈霉素A对土壤蔗糖酶活性的影响。

3.jinggangensis Yen was treated by UV,60Coγ Radial and UV with HNO2 respectively, a high-yield Jinggangmycins A strain F-101 was obtained, the Jinggangmycin A yield was 33.jinggangensis Yen)KN-16经紫外线、60Coγ射线、亚硝酸-紫外线复合诱变处理,摇瓶发酵筛选得到一株井冈霉素A高产菌株F-101,该菌株产井冈霉素A含量较出发菌株提高了33。


1.Selection of Nitrogen Sources and Proportion of Carbon and Nitrogen ofJinggangmycin ofStreptomyces hygroscupicus;吸水链霉菌井冈霉素发酵中氮源及碳氮比的优选

2.Study on the Streptomycin Resistance Screening of High-yield Strain ofJinggangmycin;链霉素抗性筛选井冈霉素高产菌株的研究

3.Biological characters of the resistant mutant of Rhizoctonia solani toJinggangmycin;水稻纹枯病菌抗井冈霉素突变体的生物学特性


1.Exploring and Methods of Control Bacterial-Infection ofValidamycin-Ferntation;井冈霉素发酵染菌的研究和制服方法

2.Enhancements of the Mixtures of Carbendazim andValidamycin to Rhizoctonia solani;多菌灵、井冈霉素及其复配剂对水稻纹枯病菌的增效作用

3.The mutagenic effect of the validamycin producing strain implanted by titianmium (Ⅰ) ion;钛离子注入井冈霉素生产菌株的诱变效应


圣井岗古建群圣井岗古建群位于邯郸市西北10公里,邯武公路北侧,占地面积13亩。因位居丘丘陵岗地,故称圣井岗。其主体建筑由南至北,在中轴线上,有戏楼,山门,前殿, 后殿中轴线东侧有钟楼,东道房,东配殿,送子奶奶庙。西侧有鼓楼,西道房,配殿,眼光奶奶庙。其整体布局,以中轴线为主,东西两侧对称统一。戏楼位于古建群南端,北距山门墙28米,台基略方形,南北长9,8米东西宽9米,为卷棚式悬山式灰瓦顶,侧面的结构以前后两个单体叠压在一起,而顶部南北面坡又形成一体。专家认为这种地方性结构形成比较特殊,为它处所罕见。前殿(九龙圣母殿)面宽五间,进深三间,前后廊悬山灰瓦顶。殿内神像前有一古井深丈余,碑载"雨不溢,旱不涸",故名圣井。旧时附近省县每逢年纷纷前来请牌求雨,应验后即来还牌。近年维修,井内出土百余块银,铜,铁牌。据载,清同治六年京都大旱,帝令礼部尚书前来求雨,应验后金牌还之。后殿,面宽五间,进深三间,前后廊悬山式灰瓦顶,殿前原有殿,现仅有遗址。碑载,其建筑始于元代仁宗仁延佑三年(公元13),称"尤王庙"。后经维修扩建,现存规模属明清时代形成。该建筑规模宏伟,是一处可与黄梁梦吕仙祠媲美的古代建筑群,为市郊游览胜地。
